Need better Results? Change your view about traffic and I.M in general

25 replies
It is said that over 90% of those who start Internet marketing fail and quit even before they get results.

I discovered that this is true and everyday, I keep seeing various reasons why this happen and will continue to happen. And one of the major reasons behind this is that they have the wrong view about internet marketing.

They see everything wrongly and keep doing the wrong things and as a result, they can't help but fail miserably.

Here's Real Deal.

You are into internet marketing because you want to make money. But money comes only from People.

One Major misconceptions some people have about Internet marketing is that they think money comes from thin air, Bots or clicks.

And this is why they waste a considerable amount of time focusing on the latest search engine algorithm, Ranking strategies, FFAs, link farms, cheap clicks etc.

But in truth, money doesn't come from traffic or from bot clicks, or search engine crawling your sites...

The reality is that only people can give you money.

Until you understand this and change your perception about how you view your internet marketing business, traffic, and advertorials that is when your approach will change and you will start recording real results.

When you see clicks, you should bear in mind that all the clicks are from real people.

Now... Let me make this clearer.

Just imagine that you were standing on a road(internet) and holding your product(landing page), anyone who clicks is like someone standing or waiting or listening to you and to whatever you are saying.

Now if this is the case, what would you do?

Would you bore them with hypes or would you be direct in what you are saying? How will you present it to them?

When you see traffic from this perspective, you will definitely switch your focus from getting cheap clicks and "free" traffic to creating a better relationship with your prospects.

When you know that the internet is simply a tool of trade not the trade itself that is when you will utilize it to its fullest potential.

The Internet simply helps to bring your product before your audience in their respective locations... Some in their homes with kids running around, others in offices, playground, gym etc.

The question is, How do i connect with these people and make them listen to me and do whatever i want them to do or simply pull their cards and give me their money?

To answer this question correctly... there are some things you must do...

1. Know your buyers

Who are your target audience? Who will most likely buy your product?

These two questions are very different. You may have heard it before but you may not have put it into consideration. Let's take an example here...

If you were selling a work from home program that sells within the range of $197 - $1000 then you will agree with me that anyone looking to work from home, or make more money in their spare time is your target audience. But... Will all of them buy?

Of course not.

You must know those who will likely buy. People who are within age 35 - 50 who have a job and are interested in working from home will definitely be your potential customers. If you target anyone, teens, students and young people who have no jobs or who have low paying part time jobs you will not make money.

They may definitely want to buy, but don't have enough money.

The earlier you understand that not everyone is going to be your customers and not everyone will buy your product; that is when you will stop looking to please everyone and start making your message relevant only to those who are more likely to buy your product.

That is also when you stop looking for cheap clicks and free traffic and focus on traffic sources where your buyers will be.

2. What is you USP?

"Without a solid USP, your business isn't going to get any traction." - (Can't remember who said it

Your Unique Selling point is what makes you stand out from the rest. Without a unique selling point, your marketing is dead.

What will make that Stay at home mom click your ad? Remember she is busy and she is trying to take care of the kids but takes a minute to stare at her phone only to see your ad; what message will make her pause what she is doing to listen to you by clicking your ad?

That is what your unique selling point will do for you. Your unique selling point will communicate with your potential customers and help you connect to them.

So ask Yourself?

What benefits will the customer get? What new thing will happen to him or her because of your product? How fast or how soon will they see this results?

These questions will help get started with defining your unique selling point.

3. Finally Your Approach...

"Attitude is everything" - Keith Harell

Your attitude will determine your approach. Your Approach will define your message and your message is what will attract customers get the money you seek.

For your traffic to convert more, assume that you are before your audience. And think like them.

Now if you were before them...

What will you say in few words to get their attention? How will you approach them a whole lot of them?

Let's assume you were standing before them and telling them your marketing message, What will you say to that Office Man or lady who is quite busy but suddenly stares up from his/her desk and sees you? What will you say to make him invite you to sit down with him/her over a cup of coffee and then listen to you.

What will you say to that Stay at Home Mom who is trying to get the kids under control and took a moment to glance at her phone and suddenly sees you standing there....?
What will you say to that tired husband who is about to go to bed but decide to spend five minutes online and suddenly sees you standing in his bedroom?

When you start seeing traffic and your marketing in general from this perspective, that is when you will begin to create and communicate the right message and start getting the result you deserve.

You've got what it takes
Godwin Joe
#change #general #results #traffic #view
  • Profile picture of the author aborsuk2
    I really dig this post, thank you. It really shows the real prospective people should have about IM, and how it's not so far off from a brick and mortar where people skills rule above all else.
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    • Profile picture of the author gibsonjoe
      Glad you found it useful...

      Yes! And I must say that I agree with you, when you say "people skills rule above all else."

      Practice like you've never won before, perform like you have never lost. I create, I take Risks, I Live My Passion. I AM AN ENTREPRENUER.
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  • Profile picture of the author rprieto60
    Awesome article! It's really refreshing to see something that reminds us of what the real deal is when it comes to IM. It's all about people. People will only buy from someone the know, like, and trust. You need to establish those first, otherwise it's like asking someone to marry you on the first date.

    Want to know the fastest way to $10k per month? Free webinar shows how-

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    • Profile picture of the author gibsonjoe
      "asking someone to marry you on the first date."

      LOL! That's scary...

      It's such a pity that it's what a whole lot of people do when it comes to I.M
      Practice like you've never won before, perform like you have never lost. I create, I take Risks, I Live My Passion. I AM AN ENTREPRENUER.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11041742].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
        GJ, true true. Fear causes folks to do this. Most dive into IM because they are terrified to lose money, or are disgusted with their job. Fear and desperation drive them, until they scare off all those first date marriage prospects over years Then they learn to do things from a space of love, fun, persistent planning, work and patience...or quit....
        Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11114042].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author celente
        Originally Posted by gibsonjoe View Post

        "asking someone to marry you on the first date."

        LOL! That's scary...

        It's such a pity that it's what a whole lot of people do when it comes to I.M
        yup as an advanced marketer.... i can say this.

        People do not trust marketers as much these days.

        It usually takes up to 18 contacts for me to get a sale.

        But they say, MILLIONAIRE marketers like DAN KENNEDY whom i adore say.

        The real fortune is in the FOLLOW UP. yup!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Great points, OP.

    If I may add something:

    One of the main reasons many IM'ers FAIL right out of the gate is because they assume they will make money either instantly or within a few months of doing IM.

    Instead of measuring success based on where they are in the IM process, they zero in on the ULTIMATE REWARD-money. They then get discouraged. And they quit. Then they hear about another "can't fail" method and off they go again.

    Failing to understand the lesson above PLUS the "Shiny Object Syndrome" EQUALS failure.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11041752].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gibsonjoe
      Oh Dear! You nailed it... "The Shiny Object syndrome" maybe i might do an article on that someday.

      Practice like you've never won before, perform like you have never lost. I create, I take Risks, I Live My Passion. I AM AN ENTREPRENUER.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11041754].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Andrew Hurst
        I'm a full member of Shiny Objects syndrome anonymous. Pressing myself to focus on what's in my hands now
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        • Profile picture of the author gibsonjoe
          Hello Andrew Hurst. If you need to get rid of shiny object syndrome. I created an in depth post on Shiny Object Sydrome Read it and get rid of it asap
          Practice like you've never won before, perform like you have never lost. I create, I take Risks, I Live My Passion. I AM AN ENTREPRENUER.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11113694].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Eric Strong
    Great perspective, awesome advice! thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Pat H
    I liked your article: practical and clearly written. It's good to remember folks often have a limited amount of time to spend viewing our offerings. How can we offer something unique that will either be something they really want or will improve their life in some way.
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    • Profile picture of the author gibsonjoe
      "How can we offer something unique that....

      1. Will either be something they really want or
      2. Will improve their life in some way.

      Hi Pat H. I am glad you like the article...

      Okay... as regards your question on what to offer, the answer is simple... You offer anything that solves a problem or fulfill a need or purpose. (In a particular niche )

      For the 1st part of your question: will it be something they really want?

      This is where your USP comes in and make them know why they can't do without your product. People will always want all manner of things and if you want to take a step further, all you need to do is know what they want and how they want it.

      For the 2nd part of your question: How do you know if it will improve their life in some way..

      This is why you are in business. To provide a valuable service. So know what your product does and then know those who need it (target audience)

      "The Key here, is simply bringing it before the right audience that can buy it"

      Practice like you've never won before, perform like you have never lost. I create, I take Risks, I Live My Passion. I AM AN ENTREPRENUER.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11042514].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Paulk59
    Thank you! Glad i read this post, makes perfect sense with solid sound advice.
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    • Profile picture of the author gibsonjoe
      Thanks. I'm glad you like it and found it useful.
      Practice like you've never won before, perform like you have never lost. I create, I take Risks, I Live My Passion. I AM AN ENTREPRENUER.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11043151].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MortonHill
    Great article. Clearly written. Thought-provoking.
    And yes: Do an article on the "Shiny Object Syndrome"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11043383].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gibsonjoe
      Hi! MortonHill,

      Thanks so much and I' glad you found it useful... Will definitely write on the shiny object syndrome soon
      Practice like you've never won before, perform like you have never lost. I create, I take Risks, I Live My Passion. I AM AN ENTREPRENUER.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11043459].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gibsonjoe
      Hy MotonHill,

      Hope you have been well. I have finally taken the time out to create a post on Shiny object Syndrome. It is quite in-depth too
      Practice like you've never won before, perform like you have never lost. I create, I take Risks, I Live My Passion. I AM AN ENTREPRENUER.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11113696].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by MortonHill View Post

      Great article. Clearly written. Thought-provoking.
      And yes: Do an article on the "Shiny Object Syndrome"
      yup i did a case study with $10,000, I will find the post.

      it was this.

      $1000 on one business, list build 2 months later $3211 profits.

      then i did the shiney obect thing. with another $1000 [actually it ended up being $1109 from an error]

      I tried to advertise 5 buisnesses with that $1000.....

      end results..... $1375.34 Profit.

      These are real numbers, that you need to focus on 1 business...... once that is earning $5000 per month, move to the next one.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11114294].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
        Originally Posted by celente View Post

        yup i did a case study with $10,000, I will find the post.

        it was this.

        $1000 on one business, list build 2 months later $3211 profits.

        then i did the shiney obect thing. with another $1000 [actually it ended up being $1109 from an error]

        I tried to advertise 5 buisnesses with that $1000.....

        end results..... $1375.34 Profit.

        These are real numbers, that you need to focus on 1 business...... once that is earning $5000 per month, move to the next one.
        This is rather confusing.

        The success of a business involves many, many factors.

        'Shiny object' is not a specific, defined business, nor a strategy.

        Anyone could easily have 5 businesses running effectively. It depends how each is operated and the demand of intervention of each and thus, there's no stable metric for a case study.

        'List building' isn't a defined factor. It depends upon the quality, source and strategy to obtain those leads.

        Real numbers are no good, unless you are specifically defining every single aspect of a specific business.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11115752].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cpalegendrk
    Awesome article,
    One of the main reasons many Internet Marketer fail is because they assume they will make money either instantly or within a few months of doing Internet Marketing. Once tried failed and quite again they heard someone's success they come up with same concept.
    what is my point is know yourself, what you have and what you can do with your limited stuff.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11060691].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    This is very good Godwin. #3 was the difference maker for me. Changing my energy changed my vibe, and perspective.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11114038].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Adrianne_
    Looks like the general census is that people get started with IM then
    cave in and quit when they don't make any money in 2 weeks. I asked
    myself "why do they think they're going to make money so fast ?".

    Lack of training? Lack of experience? Or is it the sales copy and
    promotional videos that makes them think they will make $10k in
    90 days if they do ab&c?

    And the trend continues. Hopefully they will make their way to
    the warrior forum and find this thread because you checked
    all the boxes about changing their viewpoint about IM. Great
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11114216].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gibsonjoe
      Thanks. Glad you like it.

      Practice like you've never won before, perform like you have never lost. I create, I take Risks, I Live My Passion. I AM AN ENTREPRENUER.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11114813].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kendran
    Thank you for the info it is very helpful and true
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