Why 95% of the people never will be successful or get rich!
Most people dream about a wealthier life, of achieving success and being a millionaire who travels around the world. Many people have ideas and plans to start a business, still most of them never become successful and when they get older, they look back on their lives and don't understand why they are not successful, why they failed where others succeeded.
Well, the answer is very simple, it's because they never started!
Yes, this is true, most people just have plans, ideas and a dream to be successful, but they never move their ass to actually start their voyage to success. You have to understand that success is a choice, but it comes with hard work and leaving your comfort zone and safety of a secure job at a firm where you only make your boss's dreams come true.
So if you want to be successful, you have to start now, this hour or maximum today with your road to success. Don't say to yourself that you will start tomorrow, next week or later this year. Don't come up with excuses that you have no money, no equipment or no support from your family. You choose your road and every day you wait means you will be successful 2 days later.
Still many of you blame the lack of funds to start. Well this is a lot of BS. Even with no money, you can make money, you can start and you can become successful. Children from poor families can become presidents, can become successful and can conquer the world. So stop making excuses for yourself. Get out of your chair, put that bag of chips away and start now!
The fact that you can read this means you have a PC and an internet connection. That means you can go online, you can start a free blog, website or Facebook page and write about your passion.
Oh you don't have a PC, and this is the PC from a friend, and you really don't have any money to buy a phone, PC or other device that connects to the internet. Well, if that is so, get a JOB at McDonalds, Walmart or a carwash for 6 months. Save some cash and buy that laptop! Or cut your neighbors' lawns or clean their windows. And don't cry, just start doing!
So we can say that there is NO reason whatsoever that you will not become successful. Even if you fail once, twice or three times, your future is in your hands. Never forget that and don't become one of the 95% that never become successful because they never started to put their ideas into action!!
Good luck to all of you!
Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources
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