Why 95% of the people never will be successful or get rich!

38 replies
Why 95% of the people never will be successful or get rich!

Most people dream about a wealthier life, of achieving success and being a millionaire who travels around the world. Many people have ideas and plans to start a business, still most of them never become successful and when they get older, they look back on their lives and don't understand why they are not successful, why they failed where others succeeded.
Well, the answer is very simple, it's because they never started!

Yes, this is true, most people just have plans, ideas and a dream to be successful, but they never move their ass to actually start their voyage to success. You have to understand that success is a choice, but it comes with hard work and leaving your comfort zone and safety of a secure job at a firm where you only make your boss's dreams come true.

So if you want to be successful, you have to start now, this hour or maximum today with your road to success. Don't say to yourself that you will start tomorrow, next week or later this year. Don't come up with excuses that you have no money, no equipment or no support from your family. You choose your road and every day you wait means you will be successful 2 days later.

Still many of you blame the lack of funds to start. Well this is a lot of BS. Even with no money, you can make money, you can start and you can become successful. Children from poor families can become presidents, can become successful and can conquer the world. So stop making excuses for yourself. Get out of your chair, put that bag of chips away and start now!
The fact that you can read this means you have a PC and an internet connection. That means you can go online, you can start a free blog, website or Facebook page and write about your passion.

Oh you don't have a PC, and this is the PC from a friend, and you really don't have any money to buy a phone, PC or other device that connects to the internet. Well, if that is so, get a JOB at McDonalds, Walmart or a carwash for 6 months. Save some cash and buy that laptop! Or cut your neighbors' lawns or clean their windows. And don't cry, just start doing!

So we can say that there is NO reason whatsoever that you will not become successful. Even if you fail once, twice or three times, your future is in your hands. Never forget that and don't become one of the 95% that never become successful because they never started to put their ideas into action!!

Good luck to all of you!
#95% #people #rich #successful
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    Why 95% of the people never be successful or get rich!
    I talk about this on my blog sometimes.. can ANYONE show me solid data to support this mantra?

    While I don't doubt the percentage of people who give up is high, it seems to me that someone made up this figure a long time ago, and lots of people have regurgitated it ever since.

    Why this bugs me so much; we rightly let the facts and figures dictate our actions - we follow the data.. A/B split tests, for example.

    ...I've been asking for years and nobody can show me where to find stats to support the claim that 95% of the people who try to succeed don't.

    I genuinely want to see it, it might convince me that we don't live in a society where people blindly repeat things without doing their own research.
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      95% Fail, because they NEVER start!

      That is the biggest problem of all humans, they just keep dreaming and pushing their starting moment forward. And that is why they fail.


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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

        95% Fail, because they NEVER start!

        That is the biggest problem of all humans, they just keep dreaming and pushing their starting moment forward. And that is why they fail.
        I think most start but almost immediately STOP once they realize it takes long term commitment with NO "Push Button" mechanisms involved

        - Robert Andrew
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      A link to an article that talks about this (relies on US Census Bureau and SBA studies for their conclusions (have nothing to do with 5%): What Percentage of Businesses Fail - The Real Number

      Seems 50% of businesses fail within the first 5 years and 66% fail by the end of year 10, which, I guess, for some people, is close enough to 95% that they feel they can say 95%.

      There is a study about 95% of dieters regaining lost weight (page 4 of THE 95%: WHY WOMEN EMBRACE DIETS THAT DONT WORK
      by Cora J. Wilen, a study out of the University of North Carolina: globalstudies.unc.edu/files/2013/11/Wilen-Cora-The-95.pdf , the link downloads a PDF of the study.

      The findings seems to be disputed.

      Still, this might be the source of the 95% fail.

      Or, maybe, someone did a study where they asked a handful of friends and relatives a couple of questions, then drew significant conclusions that supported/enhanced their position.

      Originally Posted by Michael Meaney View Post

      I talk about this on my blog sometimes.. can ANYONE show me solid data to support this mantra?

      While I don't doubt the percentage of people who give up is high, it seems to me that someone made up this figure a long time ago, and lots of people have regurgitated it ever since.

      Why this bugs me so much; we rightly let the facts and figures dictate our actions - we follow the data.. A/B split tests, for example.

      ...I've been asking for years and nobody can show me where to find stats to support the claim that 95% of the people who try to succeed don't.

      I genuinely want to see it, it might convince me that we don't live in a society where people blindly repeat things without doing their own research.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Originally Posted by Michael Meaney View Post

      .. can ANYONE show me solid data to support this mantra?

      This may help some, but as Frank has stated, it is not going to impact people that are going to be successful - in spite of what the numbers might say:

      For 35+ years I worked in economic development with small businesses in my local region (600,000 population). It was an eye-opener because the great majority of those who actually started a business (registered with the State to do business) never renewed their registration after the first year. I followed the U.S. census religiously and here's what the national numbers showed:

      - after 1 year, only one in five small businesses (filing income tax) was still in operation - that's 20%.

      -after 5 years, looking at those same businesses, only one in five of that 20% was still in business filing income taxes - one in five of 20% is 4% of the original businesses tracked.

      - going by these numbers, it suggests that only 4 businesses in 100 that started only made it 5 years.

      These are national numbers and they are not limited to online businesses - it's any business that filed with a state (in the U.S.) to do business.

      Obviously, the numbers are pretty ugly, and my own opinion is they don't really matter. So do 96% of all small businesses (online and offline) fail to get to 5 years? That's what the Census stated - but admittedly, it's been a number of years since I last checked the numbers.

      I think the real numbers, if they were known somehow, would actually be worse because how many "casual" entrepreneurs even go to the trouble of registering with their local governments to do business prior to quitting their business effort? A lot, I would guess.

      It's really useless to worry about what the actual numbers are because their is no way to track how many people start a web site and "open" for business and then quit after weeks, months, or years because they never realized the money they thought they could make.

      Anyway, this may be at least part of the explanation for the 95% failure rate that gets carelessly thrown around online.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author iwantbreak
    Thanks for the motivational article... just want to add it is always about trying... no matter you succeed or fail, you won't have any regrets of not trying!
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  • Profile picture of the author quadagon
    Can you fail if you don't start?

    That aside there is an underlying mistruth that trying is enough. Reports suggest anywhere between 40% - 80% of new businesses fail in the first five years*.

    These started, these tried why aren't they a success? Could it be that there is more than 'happy thoughts' to being a success in business?

    * I imagine that if you took online businesses into consideration that failures would be well over 90%.
    I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Yes, you can fail, if it is your dream to be succesfull, but you never start or take action. I see that as failing in that part of your life.


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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Ironically I recently read an article/post of someone who has spent thousands on training and spend thousands of hours on training, and wondering why now they have made no money. All they did was spend the money on trying to learn but never took ANY action..
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Exactly! Like learning how to swim, but never dive in the water.


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    • Profile picture of the author avscomm
      Obstacles are there to weed out those who shouldn't be there.

      This business requires a lot of work, but so does anything worth while. I don't know the numbers, but I've gotten to points in the funnel-building process where I can imagine others give up because they were disillusioned into thinking having a home-based or online business didn't involve actual time, effort and yes, some financial investment.

      In my new and limited understanding of this business, successful affiliate marketing seems to hinge on successful and on-going email marketing, so if that infrastructure isn't fully set up before someone throws in the towel (maybe thinking they'd get rich only posting links with no follow-up), I could see that as an example of quitting before really, fully getting started. Just my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    95% Fail, because they NEVER start!
    It's a made up percentage - and it's true some never start - and some never finish. Also true some get bogged down in the "learning/buying/mindset explanations/excuses/rationalization" phase - and never get more than a few yards out of the starting gate.

    When I see threads here explaining "why people fail" or "fear of success"...or going on about the mindset and motivational quotes....

    ...and I wonder....

    How many of those explaining about failure and fear and percentages - are successful in their own business online.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author wifiboos
    My Motto...

    1) Get Your Mind-set Right
    2) Take Consistent Action
    3) Connect with the right people

    Get Your Mind-set Right - Take Consistent Action
    Connect with the right people

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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    I'm 98% certain that 100% of successful businesses barely give a monkey's about what percentage do or don't succeed.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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  • Profile picture of the author J50
    Most people struggle in this business because they have no authority. Being a consultant, your reputation and network is your net worth. Without it you're another nobody Internet salesperson trying to peddle your wares.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    ...I've been asking for years and nobody can show me where to find stats to support the claim that 95% of the people who try to succeed don't.
    I know 20 people who want to make fast, easy money online in 2 hrs per day with no investment and 19 of them are not making money online....


    95% failure rate...

    Probably about as scientific as you will get....

    If I knew only 10 people and 9 not making money...we could improve the odds to 90%.

    I've seen 95% and 97% and 98% used as "failure rates in IM" - since 2001...and yet to see a source.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author MyVoice1
    Thank you for such nice article
    My Motto is, To stay work to maintain joyful life, Not more Not less.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    This is why it's important to find that elusive "5%" and focus on what they're doing.

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  • Most people think of internet marketing as an easy way to make money when they start. Soon they realize that making money online requires the same amount of skills, dedication and investment of time and/or money as any offline business.
    That is the reason most people quit. The people who are committed and keep following their goals with proper planning will more or less find success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tahreem Saeed
    The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. Vince Lombardi

    Creative Designer and Developer !

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  • Profile picture of the author Joyce Birmingham
    Many people do start but sometimes fail then give up. It depends on your determination to overcome obstacles and discouragement.
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  • Profile picture of the author speedjohn
    Thanks for this motivational post.
    Daily habits dictate how successful or unsuccessful you will be in life.
    Long-term success is only possible when you have a positive mental outlook.Another thing is procrastination.procrastination,prevents even the most talented individuals from realizing success in life.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    can ANYONE show me solid data to support this mantra?
    These guys keep stats.


    I'll just go with my 30+ years of experience dealing with "home" business startups.

    Somebody show me some stats to the contrary.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11054659].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    Why 95% of the people never will be successful or get rich!

    Most people dream about a wealthier life, of achieving success and being a millionaire who travels around the world. Many people have ideas and plans to start a business, still most of them never become successful and when they get older, they look back on their lives and don't understand why they are not successful, why they failed where others succeeded.
    Well, the answer is very simple, it's because they never started!

    Yes, this is true, most people just have plans, ideas and a dream to be successful, but they never move their ass to actually start their voyage to success. You have to understand that success is a choice, but it comes with hard work and leaving your comfort zone and safety of a secure job at a firm where you only make your boss's dreams come true.

    So if you want to be successful, you have to start now, this hour or maximum today with your road to success. Don't say to yourself that you will start tomorrow, next week or later this year. Don't come up with excuses that you have no money, no equipment or no support from your family. You choose your road and every day you wait means you will be successful 2 days later.

    Still many of you blame the lack of funds to start. Well this is a lot of BS. Even with no money, you can make money, you can start and you can become successful. Children from poor families can become presidents, can become successful and can conquer the world. So stop making excuses for yourself. Get out of your chair, put that bag of chips away and start now!
    The fact that you can read this means you have a PC and an internet connection. That means you can go online, you can start a free blog, website or Facebook page and write about your passion.

    Oh you don't have a PC, and this is the PC from a friend, and you really don't have any money to buy a phone, PC or other device that connects to the internet. Well, if that is so, get a JOB at McDonalds, Walmart or a carwash for 6 months. Save some cash and buy that laptop! Or cut your neighbors' lawns or clean their windows. And don't cry, just start doing!

    So we can say that there is NO reason whatsoever that you will not become successful. Even if you fail once, twice or three times, your future is in your hands. Never forget that and don't become one of the 95% that never become successful because they never started to put their ideas into action!!

    Good luck to all of you!
    There can only be anecdotal numbers until the biz or money maker is defined. Talking about legit registered businesses, you can have some data. As in SBA numbers, etc.

    But consider MLM, Network Marketing, IM, Biz-OP, spare time and the failure rate is way over 99%.

    And not because they didn't START, because they did. They let a friend drag them to a biz-op meeting to see circles drawn on a board. They buy a WSO or a course from a guru, that is taking action; STARTING.

    I disagree with the lack of action premise. I think failure comes from WRONG action, from trying to fit in, to follow the plan, blueprint, or believe the very absurd mantra; do what I did, get my results.

    Failure becomes success as often as not when the person takes the action which suits them, which is right for them, and that often comes from a lot of discovery about self.

    Those that begin with an idea of THEIR success and what it looks like to them will be in that % who really don't care what the other guy does with his time...he may offer advice, but doesn't become alarmed when it isn't taken.

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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

      I disagree with the lack of action premise. I think failure comes from WRONG action, from trying to fit in, to follow the plan, blueprint, or believe the very absurd mantra; do what I did, get my results.

      Yep, and I think it is the mantra itself that is causing much of this problem. i.e.just take action, take action, take action. Until people are almost blue in the face.

      Of course you need to take action. But as you say it has to be the right action and consistent action.

      Newbies are told to "just take action" and that is all there is to it. It has to be more, though.

      To much of this incessant rambling of "just take action", imho

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author jaco
    I'm not an expert, but I think the following things are important for building a business:
    1. Do what you already know to do. If you know how to write a blog post, then write one. If you know how to build a simple site in WordPress, then do it. If you know how to research keywords, then do it.
    2. Consistency is key. You have to at least do something every day to push you forward, and try not to skip a day.
    3. Keep learning. In my experience, one book about making money online didn't do it. I have to continue to learn from different sources...books, YouTube, online courses, Udemy. As you learn more, the picture get's brighter about what you need to do to make it work.
    4. Commit. You can't decide one day that you will do it, but if you don't see results, you give up.
    5. If you are really serious, then start giving up things that steal your time. Stop checking Facebook all the time. Stop chatting with your friends on WhatsApp. Stop checking Twitter. Stop watching YouTube videos of funny fails. Rather use these platforms to build your business.
    6. If you don't have money, look for alternative solutions. There are lots of free tools available on the web that you can use.
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  • Profile picture of the author anand363
    If all are rich, then the term "rich" will not have any meaning. People are called as rich, because, they have wealth which others don't, If all do have same quantity of wealth then we can't segregate people as rich or poor.
    Intenet Marketer since 2012, Contact me if you have any doubts, i believe i can help you
    SkypeId: live:m.anandnataraj | FaceBook: facebook.com/anandnataraj.m
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Okay. So?

      Originally Posted by anand363 View Post

      If all are rich, then the term "rich" will not have any meaning. People are called as rich, because, they have wealth which others don't, If all do have same quantity of wealth then we can't segregate people as rich or poor.
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  • Profile picture of the author baronetta
    Some people will become successful because no matter what their circumstances because they focus on what they CAN do and then they go out and start DOING it.

    Then there are others, unfortunately the majority it seems, who spend their time obsessing about perceived obstacles and find every excuse they can NOT to take action.

    It all boils down to FOCUS, CHOICE, and ACTION.
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  • Profile picture of the author Splatterfox
    At some point its not enough to just DO something, but do it BETTER.

    When I hear people saying "just believe in yourself", "just imagine your success", "start and you will win" this all sounds nice in theory, but you also need some skills and ideas on what to do.

    Thousands and thousands of people are seeking their fortune on the internet every single day and there has never been a more competitive space. Just "doing it" often involves doing the wrong stuff. Be creative, go through a shit ton of trial and error and STICK to a certain business model or idea until its proven to be a waste of time. I think most people are switching their industries and focus twice a week, barely scratching the surface of any.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    Why 95% of the people never will be successful or get rich! So we can say that there is NO reason whatsoever that you will not become successful. Even if you fail once, twice or three times, your future is in your hands. Never forget that and don't become one of the 95% that never become successful because they never started to put their ideas into action!!
    I read a similar post on another forum this morning, and it supports your core argument:

    Originally Posted by Brain Surgery Enthusiast Board

    Why 98.437% of brain surgery enthusiasts will never be successful or get rich!

    Time for a wake up call, friends and neighbors. Do you dream of cutting craniums? Does the thought of a juicy subdural haematoma get you more PUMPED than a rerun of House? Has your orbitoclast grown blunt after handing out, willy-nilly, free lobotomies to neighborhood pets, and now you JUST GOTTA move up to the big leagues?

    Then listen up!

    Look, I get it, I get it. Few days back? I was just like you. I had the dream, I had the passion. I couldn't even look at a skull without thinking: extended bifrontal craniotomy, neuroendoscopy, MRI-guided laser ablation, endonasal endoscopy, you know how it is. But here's the thing:


    And you know what I did then?


    People said I'd never make it:

    "Randy . . . dude . . . bro . . . come on, man, you gots an IQ of 24."

    "Randolph! Randolph! Randolph, you get down here right this second! Randolph! Down! Now look at that. Look! LOOK what you did. Is that ANY WAY to treat grampa Mortimer? Is it? Any way? What have I told you about playing LIKE THAT with grampy Mort? Look at him, the poor thing. Look what you've done! I mean, he's always loved Queen Fluffy Tinklebottom III, but he's never done THAT to her before!"

    "Randolph, no I will NOT PLAY. Have you been a good boy? Have you? Good boy? No, I don't think you fluffy pinkleteets glubby-glubby buttock pizza."

    Not one person supported me. Well, aside from Grampy Mort.

    Point is:

    I . . . Took . . . Action.

    If you want to become successful at something? As long as you dive in, head and orbitoclast first, there is NO REASON you will not be successful. I say again - NO REASON. You just GOTTA take action. Apply to your local medical school. DIG IN, HAVE FUN!


    Randy B

    Randy Bottombrain has been a brain surgery enthusiast for as long as 14 weeks. Learn the secret to his success and join his BRAINilliant newsletter! Here ya go, kids! BRAIN SURGERY ATM CASH MACHINE SECRET MASTERMIND SYSTEM FORUMLA - Free Signup!
    You and Randy?

    First word that springs to mind?


    Yes, I said it.


    Love & Kisses,


    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    Man, when I started my online biz in 2008, I wanted it so damn bad I could taste it.

    I moved out to Arizona in 2007 after I had lost everything when the economy crashed. I mean EVERYTHING. My home, car, girl, computer - EVERYTHING!

    I moved out to Arizona almost 10 years ago at 33 years old and had to live with my parents. EMBARRASSING!

    I got a menial job cooking at a resort and quickly worked my way up to supervisor.

    Then, after almost a year working there, they "downsized" and I was out of a job again. Lost almost EVERYTHING again. Not that I had gained that much in a year's time, but still. I came to the realization that I was never going to get anywhere working for others and helping them achieve their dreams. Well, what about MY dreams?

    So, I decided NEVER to work for anyone else again.

    I decided to become an affiliate marketer.

    I had to sell my laptop to make my car payment and so I went to the public library EVERY DAY and used their computer for almost an ENTIRE YEAR and I worked my butt off. After my allotted 6 hours per day of computer time was gone, I stayed for another hour or two and created my action plan for the next day, or wrote an article. Writing articles became pretty easy. After all, I did have access to tens of thousands of books!

    But you know what?

    I MADE IT.

    And so can you. But you need to have the drive and determination and a "never say die" attitude.

    Do you have what it takes?

    YOU are the only one who has the ability to find out the answer to that.

    So what the hell are you waiting for? Get working!
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  • Profile picture of the author vour1995
    If we talk about people being successful, it is subjective, your definition of success can vary from mine. Mine own concept of living a good, rich life might not be a 5-star trip to the Bahamas every month and luxury living. But when it comes to getting money, I believe
    1. Businesses fail because they don't have a clearly set practicable plan.
    2. People fail because they don't have clear set goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author hynds
    I think there're just 2 reasons: they give up too soon and they've never start with their passion
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  • Profile picture of the author dignesh solanki
    Sometimes it also depends on luck of the person because if there is a hardwork and no good luck success will never come to his door and also many people dont look up to the heights and think positive in their life thats why.
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  • Profile picture of the author hireme0909
    Main reason is they dont have patience to stay in market .Even the 5% which are on top not reached there in one day after so many ups and down they able to reach that point.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randy McLean
    For me, it's about the ability to recognize opportunity and take advantage of it.

    This is one of the few businesses you can run from anywhere with very little capital. Imagine this 30 years ago?

    I also hate to say it, but not everyone is cut out for this. You need to have the right qualities like discipline, patience, and you need to be somewhat intelligent.

    It's also how bad you want it. Sometimes your desire can be so strong you can overcome your shortcomings or misfortune.

    At the end of the day, it's you that ultimately has to look in the mirror and face yourself. Can you at least say you tried?

    I can live with that.
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