The #1 Thing Keeping Online Marketers Stuck, Not Making Money...
what the #1 thing is that keeps most people from seeing any success or making
any real money.
It's because at one time or another, most of us THINK that we
need to know more information than we have now.
We think there's yet ANOTHER secret piece of knowledge
we need to find, learn, and use... and THEN we will finally make
But do you notice something about that?
It's a never-ending cycle.
It keeps you stuck.
Because once you buy into a new program and learn
the information... your mind starts to think "okay, now I gotta learn
THIS one more last piece of information, and THEN I'll see progress".
Again, it's a never ending cycle. You keep spinning, and never get
This constant THINKING that you need more information
is what keeps you stuck.
I remember back in 2001, when I first started online...
I went to several seminars.
But when I got home, I was looking for the next thing
I thought I needed to know.
Because of that, I never really saw much progress right
Sure, over time I've learned that knowledge only helps you
when it's successfully applied.
Knowing without doing is pretty much the same thing as not knowing
it at all.
So, if you want to double your productivity online, and dramatically
boost your performance... start telling yourself that you know,
right now, all you need to know.
Sure, if you're just starting out, there's a certain level of skill
and knowledge you gotta get first.
But for the most part, many of us have all the knowledge and
skill we need, to get at least close to the success we want.
It doesn't mean we will use it, which is why it doesn't come down
to more knowledge.
It comes down to just taking action, using the knowledge, and DOING.
Because if you keep believing that you can't get where you want
unless you have the right information... you'll keep searching and searching
for more and more information.
There will always be another secret you gotta learn, always another
new program or course.
And because we THINK we need more information... we keep chasing
after it.
When we chase information, we fail to apply it and put it into action.
So, if there's one thing I can suggest that has helped me over the
last 17 years... it's this:
Success comes down to doing, implementing, and taking action.
It's not about more information. It's about USING the info you
already have.
Just because you KNOW something, doesn't mean you'll use it,
and the results come from the application of it.
So, if you can focus on taking more and more action over the
next few weeks, and less buying/reading/learning new information...
I'm willing to bet you'll see more progress and results online.
You don't need more info, we have more than enough now.
We're swamped with information... and learning more and more
just slows us down.
So just know that you're not missing any information, you're
probably missing application and using that info.
I promise, switch your focus from acquiring info, and instead,
start using the info... and taking action... you'll see more results.
The fastest way to boost your performance and productivity
is making a list of action steps you can take each day... and
do that instead of always seeking more and more information.
Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise
SkypeId: live:m.anandnataraj | FaceBook: facebook.com/anandnataraj.m
All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!