What is a good open rate?

9 replies
Can anyone give me an idea what your open rate is when you send to your subscribers? Or, if you don't want to get personal, what have you heard is a good open rate.

Also a good click through rate on your emails, I'm just curious where I stand.

My open rate seems to be in the high 20% I think that's low.
#good #open #rate
  • Profile picture of the author David Chamberlain
    I have had openrates ranging from 15% upto 50%

    I am averaging about 27%, so I think is pretty good!

    What clickthroughs are you getting with the open rates?
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    • Profile picture of the author FriendlyRob
      Originally Posted by David Chamberlain View Post

      What clickthroughs are you getting with the open rates?
      It looks like about half of my opens result in clicks.

      See What I'm up to Now The New Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author waihon
    My recent email broadcasts have open rates ranging from 20% to 36%.

    I think one of the main factors is the subject line. That's why in my latest broadcast, I split tested the subject line to see how it would affect the open rate. One subject line is slightly better than the other in terms of the open rate.

    If your autoresponder service provider does support split testing, I highly recommend that you use that function.

    By the way, I use AWeber.
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    • Profile picture of the author FriendlyRob
      Originally Posted by waihon View Post

      I think one of the main factors is the subject line. That's why in my latest broadcast, I split tested the subject line to see how it would affect the open rate. One subject line is slightly better than the other in terms of the open rate.

      If your autoresponder service provider does support split testing, I highly recommend that you use that function.
      I will try that, thank you

      See What I'm up to Now The New Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Chua
    Open rates would greatly affect a certain business. In order to improve email open rates addresses should be acquired sensibly and avoid using mailing methods. An open rate of 20% above is but acceptable.
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    • Profile picture of the author brandondrury
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      • Profile picture of the author jamawebinc
        When you send to subscribers, the time they have been on your list will influence the open rate.

        When someone is new to your list they do not know about you yet and are still getting a feel for who you are and what you are about.

        This is why if you check open rates for followup messages, you will see that open rates will be much higher for the first few followup messages.

        With people who have been on your list awhile, they feel like they know what you are about and do not need to open all your emails.

        Some people do not open any of them anymore, but don't unsubscribe either.

        Some numbers from a couple of years back:

        according to Jupiter Research

        - 88% of delivery rate
        - 20% open rate

        are the average rates

        As far as stats quoted by internet marketers:

        In a piece of material, Andy Jenkins stated a real good open rate for him is 28%
        He says Frank Kern averages around 25-30% open rate and around 20% is average for him and most others

        So, for some real well known internet marketers...people who are at the top in this field...people who teach others what to do...

        If they get 3 out of 10 people opening their email, it's a good one - according to them.

        I had a couple of email broadcasts using aweber that got over 100% open rate - skewed numbers because people opened the email more than once.

        However, the email open rate was that high because I was building a relationship with the people on the list and the emails were part of an ongoing conversation I was having with them.

        Just like you do with your friends or family.
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  • Profile picture of the author Maria Gudelis
    Thanks for sharing this - and for me - i find it depends on which list...

    my 'nonbuyer lists' vs my loyal buyers list - it varies from the SAME email open rate from 5% or less for the non buyer list - to 25% to 30% for my loyal buyers!

    And i do find the subject line does make a big difference.

    That is why I often 'resend' the same email to the non-open segment and give it a different title in the subject line.

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