Article Spinner for mac

by mary53
10 replies

I have bought a iMac and used a software on my old PC with Windows. Sadly the software is not available for mac. So I need something new. I like to have an article spinner software and not some website or online spinner. Most important for me is syntax highlighting and a thesaurus.
I use the articles for small side projects and article directories, so they dont have to be the highest quality.

A one time price would also be better, I just dont like subscription payments.


I looked for many possibilities for Article Spinners on mac, but in the end only found 2 suitable solutions for me. Most of the not web based software is for windows. I guess there are just not enough Mac users out there.

First there is Article Spinner 2 [available in the Mac Appstore: ] (btw this are not affiliate links, the links to the mac appstore are just a little bit strange)
It costs 7.99$ once and is very basic. It has a thesaurus with many english words, but the interface is a little bit complicated and the last update was 2013.

The second option is Content Generator [also available in the Mac Appstore: ]
The UI is okay and the adding of new synonyms (select words you want to replace; quicker with a double click). It also supports variables which is a really cool feature and is very useful for me. It costs 29.99$ and worth the money if you regularly do some text spinning. It was just released, so I hope there will be new features in the future. I wrote a mail to the developer and he answered quickly and said he will implement some of my ideas.

So if you want a article spinner for mac I recommend the Content Generator. If you also okay with some web based spinner, there are many more options.
#article #mac #spinner
  • Profile picture of the author Ben Friedman
    Why not try writing your own content?

    Article spinners are just a way of plagiarising someone elses work.

    Ben Friedman - Affiliate Marketing Manager - Skype: benfconvergys

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    • Profile picture of the author mary53
      I write my articles on my own. But if i use a article spinner I can use the same text many times. Ofc it takes longer to write it, but if you do it correctly its worth it.
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      • Profile picture of the author Steve B
        Originally Posted by mary53 View Post

        I write my articles on my own. But if i use a article spinner I can use the same text many times. Ofc it takes longer to write it, but if you do it correctly its worth it.


        As a customer in various niches, I don't want to read spun articles - what value is there for me beyond the original? The search engines don't want to serve up spun articles - they only want the original, relevant version - not a lot of close copies. First time prospects in the niche don't want spun articles - they want information of value to help them solve their problems.

        You are certainly right when you say spun articles aren't the highest quality ... in fact, most of what comes out of "spinners" is downright awful, unreadable, or barely so. Is that what you want displayed on your web sites? Is that what you want associated with your business?


        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author rjd1265
    people still write articles?
    You Are A Snowflake
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    • Profile picture of the author mary53
      In my experience it still works for small niche sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author spindoc
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    • Profile picture of the author mary53
      Looks promising, do you know if there is any way I can try apps from the mac app store or do I have to buy it before I can use it? I like the variable feature could be useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    Beware of an article spinner recommendation from a first-time poster with the username spindoc!
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by Janice Sperry View Post

      Beware of an article spinner recommendation from a first-time poster with the username spindoc!
      Especially when they use a [prohibited] affiliate link.

      When I saw the topic, and that the poster was serious, I thought maybe the flux capacitor was acting wonky again and it 2002 all over again...
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  • Profile picture of the author BKenn01
    Why do people bash article spinners from an earnings standpoint. During the election the fake news outlets made mega $ off them, some of them respun content to cater to both sides....the future is on the way and software is already being used by the major news outlets....
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  • Profile picture of the author mary53
    Okay so I found 2 native apps for mac. One is really simple and the other one looks good. It's just a 1.0 so maybe it will be improved over time. Both are a one time payment. I will try to find some other alternatives and then maybe write a quick summary for other mac users.

    If you still have recommendations please post them.
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