Recommendation required - Best Multi Niche Wordpress Theme

3 replies
Hello fellow warriors,

In your opinion/from experience, what Wordpress theme would you recommend for multi Niche blogging?

Recommendations appreciated in advance.

#blogging #blogging theme #multi #niche #niche theme #recommendation #required #theme #wordpress #wordpress theme
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Virtue from Kadence Themes is a good one.

    There are also a lot of threads asking this question. If you search the forum, you are sure to come up with a lot of options.

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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    Originally Posted by bianworld View Post

    Hello fellow warriors,

    In your opinion/from experience, what Wordpress theme would you recommend for multi Niche blogging?

    Recommendations appreciated in advance.

    I will recommend Ink Themes.

    Though there are many others and other marketers may feel differently based on their experiences.

    Reason is because they provide both free and premium ones for blogs, e-commerce and company websites.

    And also I am good friends with the Indian owner having been his regular customer.

    You can buy them individually from $49-60 USD.

    Or you can get them all at an annual membership of $197 USD.

    So far I got Compass, Sales Junction Pro and Slicer for my blog and e-commerce websites.

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    The Wordpress default themes are pretty good if you take a little time to customize them. You know they'll be maintained. You know they've been vetted for things like responsiveness and security. And they're free.

    Just don't buy a "niche" theme because of the images. If you do, you'll end up with a site that looks like every other site in that niche.

    Better to source/buy/commission images on your own.
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