Starting an Online Consulting Business

by bm2
8 replies

Is making a few UDEMY courses and having over 10k students. Enough to start your own consulting business on marketing. Even if you don`t have a portfolio just testimonials? Is that enough? Or do you require working with a couple of small business and maybe some million dollar companies?
Thank you
#business #consulting #online #starting
  • Profile picture of the author Peter Lessard
    Enough for who?
    There are two parties involved.
    You and the business owner.

    The business owner doesn't care about you, they care about their problems and if you can solve them.

    To be honest the biggest issue about qualifications rears its head during sales. If you don't believe in yourself and what you offer, your sales will suffer.

    The questions you should ask are if you can figure out some problems business owners have that they would be willing to pay money to solve and are you capable of solving them.
    Ready to generate the next million in sales? The Next Million Agency
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    • Profile picture of the author bm2
      I`ve got that covered i know i can help them and how. But social proof me presenting myself as an expert that`s the problem. Will beeing a 10k student instructor on UDEMY solve that problem?
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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Originally Posted by bm2 View Post

        I`ve got that covered i know i can help them and how. But social proof me presenting myself as an expert that`s the problem. Will beeing a 10k student instructor on UDEMY solve that problem?
        Read Peter's reply again. If you know you can help them, but can't market yourself, why should anyone hire you as a marketing consultant?

        Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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        • Profile picture of the author bm2
          Yeah it`s stupid situation to be in. I don`t know how show that i am expert. What if someone asks me about my past work. I don`t know how to go over this objection. If anyone would be so kind as to help me with this
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          • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
            Originally Posted by bm2 View Post

            Yeah it`s stupid situation to be in. I don`t know how show that i am expert. What if someone asks me about my past work. I don`t know how to go over this objection. If anyone would be so kind as to help me with this

            Choose a product to be an affiliate for from Clickbank or JVZoo type marketplaces. Or, write a short report on something you know about - not about how to make money.

            Then see if you can sell any consistently. If you can, you can help other people. If you can't, you are just full of hot air.

            Based on some of your questions, all you have is book knowledge. A smart business person will smell that a mile away.

            Some with book knowledge only can hide it well. They know how to talk the talk. You don't, based on your questions, in my opinion. You are lost but have a dream. A dream is a good start but, in my opinion, you need to show you can sell something first.

            So pick a product or make a simple one. And see if you can help anyone. You won't be wasting time you will be learning and preparing for the future.

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      • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
        No need for social proof B Because you need no validation to people who just want what you can offer them in terms of your products or services. You are good enough as is. Few people care about 10K students. I don't want to see the possible appearance of an expert; I want a gal or guy who knows how to help me, and I know this by reading their blog posts, their Warrior posts, their Quora posts.

        That is just me, yet many other potential clients think the same way.

        You are good enough, as is. Really Be generous with your skills, offering them for free, but of course set up your consulting page too, and the free help you offer will help you attract more premium help....aka....clients.

        Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    B, you can grow a successful consulting business by helping people one to one. One person at a time. You make a client happy. Then they may refer you to other clients. Or the good vibes you spread simply go out into the Universe, and attract more clients to you.

    But while these vibes are spreading, you are helping folks for free on Warrior, on Quora, through your self-hosted Wordpress blog and through social media. Also, you want to build a services page on your blog to help folks see how you can help, or benefit them.

    Do a really really really good job with each client. Keep helping folks both for free and for money. Keep showing up all over by making an impact in each spot where you show up and in each spot you help folks.

    The courses on any site can help build authority but clients tend to flow my way if they simply saw I could help them with their struggles. It is that simple. Because some more scared folks - being burdened by fear - check the testimonials and endorsements and really need that extra validation to go forward and hire you. Other folks see you know what you are talking about. Book a session. Hire you. After 5 seconds of deliberation. Because they care not about what folks say about you; they just want to know that what you know will benefit them.

    Help as many people as possible in a thorough, generous way. Like....instead of posting a 2 or 3 sentence Warrior response, write 5 or 10 paragraphs. Be a coach. Be a consultant. Even if you are not getting paid in the moment for the consulting or coaching, your presence will expand, people will know what you do and that you know your stuff, and clients will flock to you in larger numbers as your generosity expands.

    Sure you'll nab clients through digital storefronts too if you have courses and students and the like but it comes down to helping people generously for free - as you offer premium consulting services - and of course, in the right spots, where prying eyes are spying you, and your business will grow over time.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by Peter Lessard View Post

    The questions you should ask are if you can figure out some problems business owners have that they would be willing to pay money to solve and are you capable of solving them.
    10K Udemy "students" doesn't impress. Especially so if someone is familiar with Udemy's constant discounting.

    Peter's questions tie in nicely to Ryan's answer.

    I would add that one oft neglected opportunity is charity work. Just about every worthy cause, from local food banks and shelters to the giant monoliths like the Red Cross, wants more donations.

    If you're looking to work with local businesses, choose a local charity. If you want to work purely online, with no location preference, pick a smaller online cause and run a promotion with proceeds going to the charity.

    As a side benefit, you tend to get access to leaders that you may not otherwise get the attention of.

    The way you prove you can provide solutions people will pay for, and are capable of solving those problems is by doing it, even if you aren't getting paid.

    One of the things that gets my shorts in a twist is wannabe consultants whose knowledge comes from reading an ebook or taking one of those "how to get rich in consulting even if you know nothing and are lazier than Rip van Winkle" courses.

    Get some successes under your belt, with documentation to back them, and marketing your services, and yourself, will get a whole lot easier. Like they say, it ain't bragging if you can back it up.
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