Adding video to a tutorial/guide - how?

4 replies
I'm writing a guide and I want to include some videos. I don't want to use YouTube.

I've started making the videos using Cam Studio. I've converted them to swf format - but these open and play in a web browser. Is that acceptable? I could then include the videos along with the guide as a zipped package.

I could use Jing, which would mean they host the videos. I don't currently have that on my computer, so can't remember how they play.

What do others do?

#adding #tutorial or guide #video
  • Profile picture of the author Louise Green
    I use Camtasia and export for web. Very handy software but can be pricey.
    IMPORTANT MESSAGE: I'm currently on vacation & will answer all messages when I return - Happy Holidays!!
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    • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
      Thanks Lou - how do you add the videos to your written documents? Just include a link and package them with the documents in a folder?

      What does the export for web function do?
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  • Profile picture of the author arepb
    Sending them to your users might be a bit prohibitive. They will be pretty large.

    I'd recommend the following:

    Dead simple way: Upload them to your web FTP server. They will play at FILENAME dot com / or whatever. The annoying part about this for you is that it could really eat up your bandwith, but it has the benefit of letting your users download them as they want (or not).

    Slightly more advanced: Get an Amazon S3 account (very cheap). Then use a player like JW Player or go to flashden to buy a cheap player off them ($15). This is much easier for your users and looks more finished and professional. Your users can't download them directly but you could give them a link for that.
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  • Profile picture of the author smartsites
    I would upload them to for free. It's very easy and if you want to keep them private there are ways to do that as well.

    I build Facebook Messenger Chatbots and Provide Training. Feel free to check out my demo bot

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