How I Made $117 Yesterday Without Even Trying

45 replies
Hello Everyone,

Yesterday was a rather interesting experience for me in my Niche Marketing

So I was looking for some information on a new workout routine yesterday and so I asked a question in a health related forum. I only joined about a week ago

Anyhow, it turns out that the forum allows a sig...and is a PR 4, nothing to crazy but I enjoy the forum so why not build backlinks at the same time, right?

So I have a site in the health niche I am trying to give a little boost to so I just put the keyword in my sig as anchor other veribage...just "Product Name"

So I am checking my stats for that particular acct, as we all do before I went to bed.

Not sure why I even bothered because my site isn't ranking yet.

Anyhow, there was an extra $117 in there! And thats in addition to my income from my other sites.

And I wasn't even trying to make a sale. Just posting for fun and using my sig for backlinks

So how does this benefit you?

Maybe there are some forums that you enjoy visiting that you have/can find a related product to promote and can put it in your sig...


Maybe you could find some high traffic forums and outsource some posting on the cheap at places like Odesk etc

Maybe you could get a PLR ebook from someone like the Rhodes bros and hire someone to make some posts with a link in your sig back to your sales page for instant Paypal cash

When I get caught up with my current work, I think I am going to put more effort into this.

I hope you find this useful

#$117 #made #yesterday
  • Profile picture of the author opportunites
    Thank you so much for this post... I will try this.
    But I have a quick quetion: Did you made just one sale to generate the $117 or more than one?
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark-Dickenson
      Originally Posted by opportunites View Post

      Thank you so much for this post... I will try this.
      But I have a quick quetion: Did you made just one sale to generate the $117 or more than one?

      Sorry about that...I left that part out...I actually made 3 I was really impressed with that...especially since I was just trying to backlink

      So I guess my addiciton to checking my stats is starting to pay off
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  • Profile picture of the author Sean Ski
    That's probably how you got the money... You were just posting for fun. When you come off like a desperate sales man no one wants to work with you but when you're laid back and come off as an expert people seem to trust you much more...
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  • Profile picture of the author ralphalt
    Thanks for the idea Mark--this is a fundamental technique I learned in Dean Holland's Starting With Marketing Academy and would echo Sean's post that pushy salesman don't get as far as the helpful forum poster. Congrats on your success!

    Supercharge your website with Google AdWords, Bing, Yahoo and SEO

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  • Profile picture of the author Amenda Jessera
    Yes, that is the power of niche related forums.
    When I had participated in niche related forums, I have noticed that, My serp grows from 3rd page to TOP#5 within 48 hours. That is a really good news.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark-Dickenson
      I totally agree with Sean about the pushy salesman thing

      I didn't even have any verbiage about trying my product or anything...just the name of the product...which is what really struck me about the power of this

      I know that forum marketing is nothing new, but it is to me and I really hope this helps someone make a little money...or a lot of money

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  • Profile picture of the author chandan_dutta
    Congrats Mark! It's great to make 3 sell from a forum signature. But I have a question in my mind. May be it's a dumb question but I want to know the process. Could you tell me how you came to know that your sell came from your signature link? Do you track your each forum signature? Just curious !
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark-Dickenson
      Originally Posted by chandan_dutta View Post

      Congrats Mark! It's great to make 3 sell from a forum signature. But I have a question in my mind. May be it's a dumb question but I want to know the process. Could you tell me how you came to know that your sell came from your signature link? Do you track your each forum signature? Just curious !
      Thats a great question

      I didn't have any tracking code or anything but that site isn't anywhere in the serps quite yet so it had to have come from the forum

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  • Profile picture of the author MisterMunch
    So.... What was the name of the Forum??????????
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Howard
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark-Dickenson
      Originally Posted by ccmusicman View Post

      That is great mark! The hard part is going to be FINDING forums that allow posting links into a sig file.

      How long have you had the sig up?

      Not to be negative - but I wouldn't be surprised if gets removed, just because a lot of these large niche forums have been burned, hard, due to spam.

      If it stays up and you can keep posting just fine, then congratulations! You've found a winner forum!

      Hello Rob,

      I think I put it up about 10 days ago when I made my first post. I hear what you are saying...its possible. I have a pretty good feeling about this one as I was actually posting good content and read through the forum rules and abided by them

      THat said, it is possible to get it biggie if thats the case
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    • Profile picture of the author Courage
      Originally Posted by ccmusicman View Post

      That is great mark! The hard part is going to be FINDING forums that allow posting links into a sig file.

      How long have you had the sig up?

      Not to be negative - but I wouldn't be surprised if gets removed, just because a lot of these large niche forums have been burned, hard, due to spam.

      If it stays up and you can keep posting just fine, then congratulations! You've found a winner forum!

      my thoughts exactly - you will most probably get banned or have your link removed very soon. This has happened to me many times
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      • Profile picture of the author Mark-Dickenson
        Originally Posted by Courage View Post

        my thoughts exactly - you will most probably get banned or have your link removed very soon. This has happened to me many times
        I doubt it..not in this forum. I am actually posting and contributing because I like the forum...and they haven't said a peep to me yet

        In regards to linkbuilding thru forums, or even for traffic, it is inevitable that links will get removed...just like if you play football, you will get probably get banged up a just move on to the biggie

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  • Profile picture of the author catzilla
    Great reminder MArk that forums still work extremely well for traffic and links. I think a lot of people have stopped using forums probably because they're not being touted on the "latest and greatest must have" marketing tools.

    Nice to be reminded thatit's still a good process that works.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randy J
    Im new to the forum but love what im is giving me awesome ideas in my marketing plan...and from all the big gurus that I now are not following say Forum Marketing is alive and well...

    or at least its a heavy hitter in your marking plan...if you do it right...

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  • Profile picture of the author 914454
    Well done Mark, and thanks for sharing.

    This goes very well with the recent WSO you reported about, with all the quality forum addresses to use.

    As you said, this is nothing new, but it just proves that it is worth the time and effort doing this, and the rewards are certainly there - specially when the intention is a natural comment or question and not blatant advertising.


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  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Would this work with article marketing, and redirects? (as in affiliate work?) Or not so much?

    The Wait Is Almost Over...

    Do You SUCK At Writing & Marketing Articles? Just Wait Till You Get Your Hands On My Book! (Coming Soon!)
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark-Dickenson
      Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

      Would this work with article marketing, and redirects? (as in affiliate work?) Or not so much?

      I would think it would...My link was pointing to my website which had affiliate links to the as long as your article points to the merchant, I think that would be fine

      I wouldn't do it if your article is pointing to your that case, I would just point the link to your website or to the merchant

      Hope this helps

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  • Profile picture of the author Marcel Hartmann
    Good stuff, Mark. Establishing yourself on relevant forums is a great way to get backlinks AND sales. I was doing it for the sales factor 2-3 years before I ever joined up for the Warrior Forum, not knowing about backlinks, SEO, or the IM community at all. I was just simply trying to make some money selling digital products I made myself, and it did work. My first IM profits ever! A shame I thought the money was crap; in the years missed I could have learned so much, had I only stumbled across this website to keep me from studying and getting a lame job.

    PS: I did buy the forum WSO you mentioned in BLB as well, and I like how he lays out his signature link. Yours is even simpler. (But is it riskier?)
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark-Dickenson
      Originally Posted by mhartmann View Post

      Good stuff, Mark. Establishing yourself on relevant forums is a great way to get backlinks AND sales. I was doing it for the sales factor 2-3 years before I ever joined up for the Warrior Forum, not knowing about backlinks, SEO, or the IM community at all. I was just simply trying to make some money selling digital products I made myself, and it did work. My first IM profits ever! A shame I thought the money was crap; in the years missed I could have learned so much, had I only stumbled across this website to keep me from studying and getting a lame job.

      PS: I did buy the forum WSO you mentioned in BLB as well, and I like how he lays out his signature link. Yours is even simpler. (But is it riskier?)

      Actually, there really isn't a difference in the methods. The only difference is that I am going to be posting to this forum as I actually enjoy it

      So I guess the moral of the story is that most of us are interested in something that can be monetized and there are forums these niches so I recommend just getting involved in one of these and adding a sig to something that converts well

      Then you can maybe find more forums, then outsource. I am actually going to do just that when I get a chance

      I didn't post in my forum today...didn't feel like it...and doing something I don't feel like doing is like having a job to me...

      Some would probably say that I have rocks in my head...they are probably right lol
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      • Profile picture of the author onpurpose
        Originally Posted by Mark-Dickenson View Post

        I didn't post in my forum today...didn't feel like it...and doing something I don't feel like doing is like having a job to me...

        Some would probably say that I have rocks in my head...they are probably right lol
        Actually, doing something under duress or by force is counter-productive from an energy standpoint. So, I would say you are brilliant to pay attention to that!

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        • Profile picture of the author patje72
          Same here. I was only joining a (women)forum to place a backlink in my sign.
          Then I noticed a section which was "Ask a Man"

          I saw a nice topic and gave a replay. A few hours later.....2 clickbank sales
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyV
    Way to go Mark,

    Keep on takin' that milk money!
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  • Profile picture of the author jojobusiness

    I always search keywords using google adwords tool. I've tested a health niche once and it isn't ranked on top page, but I still generated some income!
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  • Profile picture of the author bbenson19
    Hi, guys, its nice to be back. And I would like to congratulate Mark for a job well done. Actually, I would like to call that Blitzkrieg marketing. It's basically making money without having to wait for days,weeks or months to have traffic to your site. I have been teaching this all along in my course. There are actually many ways to do this type of marketing, like article directories. but most don't allow you to use an affiliate site anymore. So it requires a little bit of tweaking. But there are many white hat and legal ways to make money that fast. I made $241 in 3 days just by using this tactics. Mark's tactic is one of those.
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  • Profile picture of the author jiminic2
    That's great, Mark. Posting in forums is a great way to get backlinks. Also you got a bonus in a few sales without much effort. I enjoy reading posts in forums like this and in niche forums. You get great ideas and suggestions from regular people, not just the hype from gurus. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author steveniam
    Congratulations and thank you for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe118
    On the issue of finding forums that allow link signatures, Steven Heron is running a very nice WSO that provides the names and addresses of many high PR forums that do allow such signatures.

    Here's the WSO link:
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  • Profile picture of the author James Pateman
    Hi Mark,

    I'm encouraging to hear of someone else making money without even trying.

    James Pateman
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  • Profile picture of the author fypnlp
    brilliant. well done.
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  • Profile picture of the author kenneth ifeanyi
    Sweet Success Story
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  • Profile picture of the author willster74

    That's awesome and thanks for sharing the experience.


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    • Profile picture of the author Web Traffic
      Congratulation Mark! Looks like you posted at the right forum the right time. Reminds everyone that we must consistent look for opportunities and take ACTION in order to succeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ashley Wright
    The best way to making sales is not actually to sell! You showed it there Mark,
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  • Profile picture of the author JodyRossDeane
    Hi Mark,

    Nice post. I actually found out the hard way about forums not liking your affiliate link, as I just copied other people that I saw on the WF, but I didn't check if the sig links went to affiliate sites or their own - so guess what? I went and got some nice affiliate product links that I thought would be interesting to warriors and put them in my sig file. Weeks after, when I checked my sig file, I found that the WF moderators had removed them and was indicated the reasons why.
    Then I realised! Oh yeah! Every one is pointing to their own sites or articles or WSO's.
    So the moral of the story is: don't leave affiliate links as your sig file if you don't want your sig files removed as fast as you can say "Jackaffiliate Robinson"!

    Get Hyper-Targeted Instagram Followers and Start Banking Big!:-
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    • Profile picture of the author bobsstuff
      Originally Posted by JodyRossDeane View Post

      Hi Mark,

      So the moral of the story is: don't leave affiliate links as your sig file if you don't want your sig files removed as fast as you can say "Jackaffiliate Robinson"!
      Actually the moral of the story is: read the terms of service (TOS) and any signature rules in a forum before including a sig.
      Bob Hale
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      • Profile picture of the author JonathanBoettcher
        Originally Posted by bobsstuff View Post

        Actually the moral of the story is: read the terms of service (TOS) and any signature rules in a forum before including a sig.
        Good point. If you wanna be sneaky about it though, as I'm sure none of you do, you could always copy the affiliate sales page (we're talking html here) to a page hosted on your own site and then direct link to that. With your affiliate link hardwired in you're laughing.......
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  • How much did you make today without even trying? That would be interesting to know.
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  • Profile picture of the author Caragui
    Good story...just shows that sometimes when you're not really trying it's when things work out.

    It's always good to check if the forum you're posting to has a "do follow" in your signature. Another bonus if they have a high PR.
    Join Me In My Internet Marketing Journey at Nomasir Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author AnnaOlgushka

    to add my 2 cents, my biggest day came from high end offers sold from a real estate forums, where i answered some questions. One posts got tons of questions, i collected all the questions, summarized into a small report and offered it for free. Next morning i was shocked of the orders from and affiliate seo service i promoted in my sig. This launched a six figure business for the owner of the seo website.

    forums marketing work if you play by the rule and offer genuine advice, in any business you have to come as a provider, that's what you have done naturally in this forum. keep going with the good work you have done and try to expand the funnell in your offers or direct them to an optin for more long term profits

    the Seo Queen
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