Auto Web Law Pro In The UK?

10 replies
Hey guys...

I was teaching some coaching clients about putting legal docs on their squeeze pages. I use Auto Web Law Pro to generate the documents.

One guy is in the UK and he asked how this would differ for him since he;s in the UK.

Any of you guys in the UK know what legal docs. are supposed to be on your sites?

Thanks for any info!

#auto #law #pro #web
  • Profile picture of the author Neil Morgan
    Hi Liz

    Usual disclaimer. I'm not a lawyer.

    As a Scottish registered company, I have a terms of use (based on Scottish law) and a privacy policy that details my company's registration under the Data Protection Act (UK law).

    Be aware that different parts of the UK (Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland) have different legal systems and different laws.

    It's a minefield. Get a lawyer.



    Easy email marketing automation without moving your lists.

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  • Profile picture of the author LizTomey
    Hmmm... Sounds like there is a product to be had. You could niche the heck out of this.

    Web Law for each country. Geeze that would take forever.



    Hey! Fall in love with Liz's sick humor, free biz coaching, and much more >>>

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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Duxbury

      One of the most useful sites is Business support, information and advice | Business Link although as Neil mentioned different parts of the UK do have different laws.


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      • Profile picture of the author Dave Warrior
        Hi All,

        I know this thread is over 2 years old now but as I had to search Google for the exact same reason as above (UK legal docs for website) , I thought I should come back and mention Website Law
        I'm not connected in anyway whatsoever with site but thought it might prove useful to others.


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        • Profile picture of the author dezfutak
          Originally Posted by Dave Warrior View Post

          Hi All,

          I know this thread is over 2 years old now but as I had to search Google for the exact same reason as above (UK legal docs for website) , I thought I should come back and mention Website Law
          I'm not connected in anyway whatsoever with site but thought it might prove useful to others.


          Nice one Dave - for any other UK internet marketers out there, the website above also provides totally FREE legal documents that you can put on your website, and modify with your own wording, as long as certain conditions are satisfied (eg: no removal of their links in the legal docs, no republishing of the legal docs in their raw, unmodified form etc).

          You can download the legal docs & read their terms & conditions of usage here:

          Free legal notices | Website Law

          Our document licence | Website Law

          (These aren't affiliate links by the way, and I have no formal or informal personal or business relationship with - just wanting to help UK IM'ers ).


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  • Profile picture of the author Big Al
    Despite being in the UK don't you also have to cover your ass if you're marketing to (say) the US?

    A good example will be Amazon affiliates using instead of
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Big Al View Post

      Despite being in the UK don't you also have to cover your ass if you're marketing to (say) the US?
      It's not about where you're marketing to, Al.

      It's about where your domains are hosted and registered. If your hosting or your domain registrations are held in the US, it may be advisable to be fully FTC compliant, because your host's and registrar's TOS will typically require it anyway.

      It's just like needing to be Can-Spam compliant even if you're not in the US yourself, because your autoresponder's TOS may require it.

      US legal and regulatory considerations impact all of us, because people's TOS tend to be based around them.

      I'm not a lawyer but am available to play one on TV if the fee's right, but even then not a prosecutor, please.

      Originally Posted by LizTomey View Post

      I was teaching some coaching clients about putting legal docs on their squeeze pages.
      I must say this is a new one to me. I've heard of needing legal documents on affiliate sites, sales sites, and sales pages ... not so much squeeze pages. What's this all about?
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      • Profile picture of the author globalpro

        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        It's not about where you're marketing to, Al.

        It's about where your domains are hosted and registered. If your hosting or your domain registrations are held in the US, it may be advisable to be fully FTC compliant, because your host's and registrar's TOS will typically require it anyway.

        It's just like needing to be Can-Spam compliant even if you're not in the US yourself, because your autoresponder's TOS may require it.

        US legal and regulatory considerations impact all of us, because people's TOS tend to be based around them.
        Considering the new international agreements that are being forged to fight money laundering, etc., the FTC has been able to extend its' reach beyond the boundaries of the US proper. It's worth being aware of the FTC rules since you may end up marketing to US citizens.

        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        I must say this is a new one to me. I've heard of needing legal documents on affiliate sites, sales sites, and sales pages ... not so much squeeze pages. What's this all about?
        This was put out a while back where a disclaimer about follow up promotions and emails being part of signing up at a squeeze page. Was recommend to have earnings disclaimer info also.

        I figure better safe than sorry.


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  • Profile picture of the author youallnome
    Liz was right with this question (problem) of turning this in to a product - but hard legal work I'm sure!

    I'm going though the same process of putting together the right legal docs for one of my sites. The problem most of us have is serving customers (or potential customers) from more than one country.

    There are SO many different laws and rules in different countries as well as different laws in different parts of each country. An example would be California, which is a law to it's self.

    Privacy Policy.
    As far as a privacy policy is concerned, I used Free Privacy Policy (Free Privacy Policy Generator - Template)

    These guys are used by most of the bigwigs in the IM world so they know their stuff.

    There is an OTO route you go though once you generate your free privacy policy, but its simple to bypass and you don't need what they are offering.

    I hope that helps,
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  • Profile picture of the author carlstarus
    Hi guy's this may be a bit late... but I'll just add it anyway for those that may look for this information later... Here's a link where you can download a free disclaimer for UK websites Disclaimer | Free templates by SEQ Legal (You will need to add a link back to them but that shouldn't be a problem)
    Hope this helps...
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