Are Upwork Tests A Good Indicator Of Developer Skill

4 replies
I am in need of hiring a freelance developer, but I am consistently disappointed with the results I get. I have high standards, and a very valuable website. I've tried expensive developers, low cost developers, amazing reviews, and everything in between.

Now I have found the upwork tests that tells what percentile (i.e. top 10%) they did. Are these tests reflective of their skill and quality?
#developer #good #indicator #skill #tests #upwork
  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I don't ever pay anything up front. I 100% refuse!

    If that's not acceptable to them, then I don't work with them.

    That way they know if they can't deliver as promised, then they don't get paid.

    I don't use freelancers a lot, as I have a programmer. But from time to time, I do use Upwork.
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  • Profile picture of the author Yvon Boulianne
    all the test answers are on the web now so that`s useless ...
    Stop Struggling With Your Website and Marketing
    30$ / task, pay after done!
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Upwork test are a joke.

    Last I checked one of Upworks SEO test questions involved Alexa which has nothing to do with SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    I'm applying for developer jobs at the moment. I run into the same problem - tests are good at telling you if somebody is good at tests. They tell you little about whether somebody is good at software development.

    I failed a test the other day despite being a software developer for 20 years. Hardly any of the questions were related to stuff I actually do on a daily basis.

    I don't know what the answer is, but all I do know is that people are getting worse at hiring developers, not better.
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