Web design project, is it recommened to demand 100% payment up front or after delivery?

9 replies

I have contacted a company that have an old web shop and given them suggestion on new layout etc. They have contacted me back and said they want me to write a contract about it. So I'm writing this contract now. I have already created 2 suggestions for contracts... (one suggestion is that they pay me $1200 up front and $3000 when projected completed, other suggestion is where the company pays me $4200 when project is completed). Talked to my brother about this and he says I should have all payment up front. Having made this new layout I can use this company as reference to get new clients, and demanding $4200 up front I feel can be a upstacle...

However I have had a client in the past that started paying me 3 years after that project was completed, so I can understand the need to have some payment in advance. That means I completed the project and went on vacation as the company had said they would transfer the payment the next day... IBut the next say came and they didn't pay. So I see the point of having some payment up front, but feel maybe having all up front may sound too nazi as they have said they have alternative to me

In the contract I say I need $1200 in advance to buy necessary stuff I need for the project

The company that need a new wep shop is 10 years old, run by a senior citizen, he is 70 year old now and it started as a hobby project for him back then.

would you do such project and reveive payment when completed, or would you receive all payment upfront or part of it up front??
#100% #delivery #demand #design #front #payment #project #recommened #web
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Asking for a proportion of the fee upfront is reasonable, considering neither you nor your potential client know each other. You can't be expected to work for nothing but a promise, and by the same token, the client shouldn't have to risk all on an unknown service provider.

    How much you ask for is up to you, but a chunk upfront followed by another payment (or payments) when certain agreed milestones in the project have been met and approved seems a good compromise.

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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I would ask for a portion of the total fee (call it a deposit), but not the full amount
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  • Profile picture of the author sunoy14
    Once the clients get their final product, some of them are clumsy about paying.

    ask for some percentage of amount upfront. Then show the finished demo on your server and give the final product after the remaining payment.

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    When I was actively consulting, I always asked for payment upfront. Sometimes I got it.

    If they balked, I'd ask for an amount up front that I'd be okay with, even if they stiffed me for the balance.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Chapple
    I work on 50% up front, if they don't accept I don't want them as a client. can you walk into a shop and buy a loaf of bread without full payment. It was the same when I was a tradesman, why should I buy all the clients materials and install at all risk to me?

    No make sure you get at least 50% up front and secure your intellectual property by putting in a limiting function until paid in full. in other words give them a trial version of the full site.
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  • Profile picture of the author JosephC
    If you get paid something up front they take your time more seriously.

    Never do a project without some sort of deposit. Your time is valuable, make sure your getting paid for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author mavricks
    I did 50% upfront and the rest after the job was over when I was producing films.
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  • Profile picture of the author metrikhive
    You will ask some of the amount as a advance starting of project fully amount paid by after completion of project.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    As an experienced writer, I always ask for my entire fee to be paid in advance.
    However, if it's a large job, I may break it down into 2 or 3 payments but not give them the final product until 100% has been paid.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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