Amazon information for non-US affiliates?

3 replies
Hey guys when filling out some information regarding tax on Amazon as an affiliate when you are located. What should I put in the question regarding if I do business in the us when I have my hosting in the us?
#affiliates #amazon #information
  • Profile picture of the author Apratim Barua
    I believe that is for businesses which operate from the US and pay taxes to the US govt. If you're non US citizen having no business operations paying taxes to the US govt. then you shouldn't select that option or just say NO.
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  • Profile picture of the author nomore9to5
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  • Profile picture of the author falco80
    Just because you use a certain country's hosting doens´t mean youre doing business there, for tax porposes.

    When filling those forms at affiliate signups just focus on your own country's details, or where your company is located and paying taxes.

    I know a few great tools for amazon associates. Many are free.

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    There's also the new amazon adsense alternative. You can just go blogger and several product review with that new feature.
    300$ every month, for free. Just leave your computer turned on running, after installing some free software. Message me for info.
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