Should I add my website url on comment section ?

6 replies
I do a lot of commenting on other blogs (a lot!) and in the comments section you have a part where it says Website URL so I was saying why not put my site there. to be clear i am not writing a comment and somewhere in the comment I place a link to one of my pages. But in one of the 3 boxes that appear when writing a comment (name, E-mail and Website URL).I taught it was not a problem as google search console was not showing them so I assumed they did not pass any value but today I logged in and found 400 new links all coming from my comments and panicked google might think I am trying some shady thing to beat there algorithm the reason I place my link is simply so people can find me if they like my comments not for any seo benefit but do not want to lose SEO because of this. Am i paranoid for noting or should I email the sites to remove my link ? P.S the link is rel no follow
#add #comment #section #url #website
  • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
    Everything is ok as soon you just add the link inside Website URL when commenting and even if you add like regards and your URL in comment
    That's why is there
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Am i paranoid for noting or should I email the sites to remove my link ?
    You are being paranoid. You can email sites - but there's no incentive for a site owner to look up the link YOU added to his site and remove it for you. There is nothing to panic about. You can't think like Google - Google is a search engine and smarter than most marketers....

    If you don't want more of those links - stop adding them for now.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikebrin9696
    Yes, You can add your website URL in comment section. Make sure it looks relevant.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by Pineapple Deficiency View Post

    Am i paranoid for noting or should I email the sites to remove my link ?
    Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

    You are being paranoid. You can email sites - but there's no incentive for a site owner to look up the link YOU added to his site and remove it for you.
    Kay is right - you are being paranoid.

    And emailing sites asking to remove the link would likely have unintended consequences. If it was me, and I had time to mess with removing a link from a paranoid commenter, I wouldn't mess with editing the comment to remove the link, I'd just delete the comment altogether.

    Are you sure that's what you want?
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  • Profile picture of the author benelijah
    The links in the comment box on Wordpress are by default NOFOLLOW. That means NO link juice is passed over and it won't hurt your rankings. Or help it -- it only helps for traffic.

    The Google Search Console WILL show them, because they show all links, even nofollow.

    Why didn't they show before? It probably just took them some time to crawl.
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  • Cheers guys for your helpful comments guess i was panicking for noting haha
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