I feel bad for the newbies
I'm not saying i outgrew this forum, just i see things from a higher perspective now, i resonate more with what the older cats have to say, which is butt **** simple answers such as "figure it out" or "no"
If you truly understood what these old guys were telling you, you wouldnt need to feel desperate ever again, you would never need a paycheck, you would never need a boss, employees, no more books, courses, ebooks, coaching, nothing. Once you figure it out its butt **** simple how to make money online. I'm not going to give away my secret, that took me about 5 years to figure out. But the big guys know it, Grant Cardone knows, all the high earners on this forum knows it.
What i will say is this, if you really want to make money online, forget everything you know, literally forget it all, its all bullshit. Success is something you figure out on your own through trial and error, its a choice you will realize. You dont need to take it to the extremes, working 90 hours a week burning out for a small profit. Fuuuuuuccckk dat.
4 hour work week my friend, thats 48 minutes a day, I do 2-3 hours a day of exploration work just because i enjoy learning and i make more than my household combined. While theyre trading hours for dollars im trading risk and money for it and making off like a ******* bandito.
My advice, look into stocks, buy some stocks, look into real estate, put some offers in, go to some seminars, listen to what the big guys say, youll get it.
Oh and dont worry about "DONT GIVE UP" I gave up like 95 times and im still on top
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Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)
Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)
Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)
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