Need an advise for my new blog

9 replies
My blog is very new. and i have only 10 posts. i am writing on blogging, wordpress, hosting reviews with my affiliate links on there.more articles i am working to update. i just started basic SEO, social media marketing etc.

Can i run PPC along with my SEO for get some initial traffic?? As i have some affiliate links on my blog, i am afraid the product owners may ban me.

What if i carefully target keywords like "learn blogging, shared web hosting, make money blogging, learn wordpress, wordpress plugins" to get some relevant traffic to my blog?

I wont be bidding "Bluehost, Hostgator or Inmotion Hosting" keywords which i am using to review my affiliate links. Some one please help me if this works???

Am i on right track, i know ppc is temporary traffic to get some initial traffic to my blog and SEO is permanent one, i just want to make some boost to my blog as its too new.

My blog is 3 weeks old, your valuable feedback helps me a lot.
#advise #affiliate programs #blog #blogging #wordpess
  • Profile picture of the author Laksh
    Have you got on to Social Media yet? If not, I Wud suggest you to do that over PPC. With PPC, you may loose your money pretty fast if you do not have the converting copy. Also for e.g., the keywords you are targeting .. they are not buyer intent, (not sure if you have) if you don't have a lead form that can get your visitors email.... you are going to loose a good amount of money.
    Alternatively you can try PPV campaign as they are relatively cheaper & get more eyes on your to site ....
    Jst my 2 cents ...
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  • If you have the budget, go for PPC.

    I'd recommend you slow down, however, and focus on producing high quality blog posts, regularly, on schedule.

    Get active on social. While you are doing all this, give something away as a bribe and try to build your list. The minimum you should be doing is blogging on schedule, regular social media, and email (for opt-ins).

    PPC, and everything else should come in later.

    But then, it's up to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Doan Chi Tin
    Hey I think you can build your brand on some Social Network like Facebook and Youtube (wordpress content will get cool engagement in this network)
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Your blog looks solid. Focusing on those "learn blogging" keywords would help but more than onsite stuff, I'd focus getting offsite. Guest post. Blog comment. Much success flows to new bloggers who get the word out quickly - even if they lack confidence and clarity in their blogs - because many of your new readers are in other blogger's audiences.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author salauddinbappi
    Hey if you have big budget than I suggest you to do that over PPC and you should also focus on producing high quality blog posts.
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  • Profile picture of the author sabashahid
    Good question I have recently made a new site for myself too and I want to ask that question too.
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  • Also add more content in general, Google loves (quality) content
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    You'd be better of doing social media outreach and participating in blog carnivals or group blogging

    Look up resources on these

    In terms of return on effort, this is the best way to go

    It's too easy to burn out blogging so you need to maximize your return on effort
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  • Profile picture of the author pvirravi1116
    If you have budget then start ppc but first thing your blog is require attractive and unique content and user like that post.. otherwise you doing ppc as not meaning of your blog,it's wast of money or time ...
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