How do I get affiliates for my new wordpress plugin?

9 replies
I ave a new wordpress plugin that makes building mass pages super simple and also makes them much easier to rank. Im looking for experienced affiliates can anyone help.

I have an offer on for the launch where you can offer 92% off the usual price so sales should be easy.

I use the product for my own business and am 100% sure it works as I generate between 20 and 30k a month from it in the UK.

The plugin only works in the USA as I dont want the competition over here
#affiliates #plugin #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Find niche bloggers that would be interested in promoting your plugin

    You can do this yourself or you can hire a VA

    VAs cost less than $100 for a thorough job
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony Marriott
    I appreciate this is not really answering your question BUT...

    If you don't want to sell it in the UK because of the competition then surely selling (potentially) thousands of plugins in the USA will dilute it's effectiveness there as well.

    If you are making 30k a month using it in the UK why not simply use it in the USA and pull a large monthly income. Or if it is business specific then contact USA businesses with some kind of revenue share offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author dayus444
    Find affiliate marketers who are actively promoting other plugins and offer them access to your plugin. Let them test it and see if they would love to promote it.

    Most of them would be interested in promoting your plugin if you offer them a good commission and superb incentives.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeyman120
    You can do a launch and first list it on to attract affiliates to the launch. If you are selling it on warrior plus you can list it on the warrior plus launch calendar and muncheye together.
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  • Profile picture of the author fratt55
    hi there

    you can do it yourself

    there are lots of affiliate niches out there

    example.. adsense ,chitika, bidvertiser ad advertising clickbank cj just to nane a few

    just sign up with a few of them , they will send you the codes ads and complete package

    how to implement them on your blog/website

    if you do it yourself yoy will learn a lot...however you can hire people from to do the work

    talk soon

    sam f
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Make friends with niche bloggers by promoting them and commenting on their blogs. They will shout your WP plugin. Guest post on niche blogs too.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    The following is my humble two cents, and isn't a guarantee of results.

    Step # 01 - Have an affiliate contest. For best results, advertise NO minimum sales to qualify.

    Step # 02 - Make an awesome JV page, with boatloads of creative copy, banners, and a video introducing yourself.

    Step # 03 - Spend a lot of time looking at current affiliate leader boards for software and WordPress related plugins. Make a list of 25 affiliates who are proven to promote software, and wordpress related products. Find their contact information! Let them know that you have a killer product, lots of creatives, and a juicy affiliate contest.

    Of course, there are no guarantees, but this is what I would personally do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
    It's simple really.

    Google the top plugins in IM by name, name + review, name + scam etc..

    You'll find tones of affiliates selling those plugins. These are good affiliates as they have sites ranking and are likely making sales. Most affiliates do nothing.

    Contact them with your offer.
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    Yes, Any Business!
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