Passive income online if you're great at Programming but suck at Marketing and Writing?

8 replies
I've put a lot of time and effort into learning blogging and affiliate marketing over the last few years but now, I've come to a painful realization: I'm not gifted at either Marketing or Writing. However, I'm pretty good at Programming though and although it's helped me scale things up at times and to fix technical issues in my websites, it hasn't really translated to effective online income.

I know there's a huge market for freelance programmers online but I'm not interested in that. I'm wondering if there's any way to turn my programming skills into passive income without a ton of writing? I'm also willing to outsource the writing and the marketing parts.

Right now, I think my only options, given this, are either 1) Create an online course in programming or 2) Start a SaaS business, but I'm willing to consider any additional directions.
#great #income #marketing #online #passive #programming #writing
  • Profile picture of the author MValmont
    Get good at marketing.

    You will always need to do marketing.

    You could build apps and sell them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adrianne_
    You mentioned that you are not gifted at marketing or writing but you will need both of these
    skills to pull off what you want to accomplish. You will need to be able to write your course in
    a way that's easy to understand.

    Udemy is full of programming courses that are put together poorly where they leave out important
    details in the course because they assume the reader already knows the concepts. I don't think you
    should outsource this. Use your programming knowledge to come up with a killer course yourself.

    Also, you want to be careful how your course is marketed because your reputation is on the line.
    Be very selective in who you choose to outsource your hard work to. It will be great if you can sharpen
    your marketing skills as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author superowid
    Start a SaaS business. I'm just good on ideas about product creation (especially in graphic creation), but don't know programming at all. I wish I have a knowledge like you do. I want to develop my own comic strip software where I can put all of my graphic creation for people to use them in a membership site. And... yep... my big problem is not about the programming skill, it's about the money that I don't have to hire a programmer like you. As well as to hire someone who can write a very good copy or sales letter that convert. I think we just have a common problem here. LoL.

    Hard time to keep promoting business? Don't worry!
    . . . . . Let me help cutting your ad production cost! . . . . .
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I know there's a huge market for freelance programmers online but I'm not interested in that.
    Why? If you want income, and you are good at programming - freelancing would accomplish two things:

    1. income (and you could control it by how much work you take/do)

    2. gain real life experience in what people want - what programming needs you might be able to fulfill by developing SAAS that could replace a 'freelancer' for some tasks.

    That's one way to get to the 'passive' part you mention in the title, isn't it?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author anayb
    Originally Posted by ragnarkar View Post

    I've put a lot of time and effort into learning blogging and affiliate marketing over the last few years but now, I've come to a painful realization: I'm not gifted at either Marketing or Writing. However, I'm pretty good at Programming though and although it's helped me scale things up at times and to fix technical issues in my websites, it hasn't really translated to effective online income.

    I know there's a huge market for freelance programmers online but I'm not interested in that. I'm wondering if there's any way to turn my programming skills into passive income without a ton of writing? I'm also willing to outsource the writing and the marketing parts.

    Right now, I think my only options, given this, are either 1) Create an online course in programming or 2) Start a SaaS business, but I'm willing to consider any additional directions.
    SaaS is a great way to establish your tech skills, but doesn't it come with a certain conditions, such as hiring your fellow programmers, marketing your product (lots of competitions out there), and initial fund? can you handle those?

    If you want to do it alone and got good programming skills especially in video and image processing, then I would advise you to crate animated videos dynamically and upload them in your YouTube channel, people struggle to create videos fast because they use Adobe After Effects, you produce the same quality videos via a computer program fully automated, thus you can upload many videos per day. Just replicate the after effects templates found in footage sites and you'll be good. It could be your SaaS product as well. Attach a ebook for selling. If you can create some 100 videos per day then you'll be far ahead of us within six months or so.

    But, creating such programs isn't trivial, I struggled many months (2+ years) before figuring out how it should work.

    Download images and videos via stock sites via a crawler, 100% automation. If you can use parallel programming, the sky is the limit!! you can produce thousands of videos via cloud computing with hundreds of cores, and fill them in your channel and in your own sites, but before figure out whether you can replicate the most highest quality videos online or not? YouTube does't reward crappy content. If you can do it properly, its a very lucrative business out there. Hope, I was able to give you some ideas.
    Do you need an exclusive video product?
    Graphics Design - Motion Graphics - 2D & 3D Animation - Video Editing - Color Grading - Logo Animation - etc
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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    If you can develop SaaS, you're ahead of the game, in my opinion. I've recently built a SaaS brand and hired a developer to build our first product.

    If I were you, I would build SaaS products that help businesses get more brand awareness, traffic and sales. If you can do that, making sales will be relatively simple.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    in the 4 hour work week, you can see yourself becoming more of the director and deligate

    meaning....outsource as much as you can so you can WORK on your BUSINESS and not IN your business. if you know what I mean.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marketing4life
    You will always need to have some skill at marketing. Even if you would online try to sell your online course, you will still need to market it for anyone to buy. You could also build useful tools and sell them on forums like this one.
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