10 replies
Am doing affiliate marketing. Intend to build my list by sending traffic to my opt-in page using Solo Ads.

While doing my research on traffic, I was referred to a site called Global Money Line.

Where I can build my list for free or pay a one off fee of less than $100 for unlimited traffic.

Is this a reliable source?.Thank
#investment #traffic
  • If you pay the registration fee you will get the leads from "Global Money Line."but you won't get exact leads for you niche, for more information read this article
    " webtrafficlounge.com/global-moneyline-review-huge-scam-or-legit-system "
    Building a list is not important, have to build the list as per the product which you are promoting.
    " Global Money Line." is one kind of referral program.

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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Originally Posted by martinchembe View Post

    Am doing affiliate marketing. Intend to build my list by sending traffic to my opt-in page using Solo Ads.

    While doing my research on traffic, I was referred to a site called Global Money Line.

    Where I can build my list for free or pay a one off fee of less than $100 for unlimited traffic.

    Is this a reliable source?.Thank
    $100 for unlimited traffic.

    Do you really believe that?
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  • Profile picture of the author wojaar
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    • Profile picture of the author pawandave
      Don't believe in cheap things because in realty it does not exist...
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      • Profile picture of the author martinchembe
        true, am in the learning process.In this industry, you should learn to spend money either on yourself or your business,but...wisely!!
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    • Profile picture of the author martinchembe
      what is your source
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    • Profile picture of the author martinchembe
      I have seen funnels being deactivated coz of violating autoresponder policy...sending useless traffic!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    That sounds like Bullshit to me. $100 worth of unlimited useless traffic maybe.

    There are some paid traffic sources that can literally become a cash cow. But if you're new to marketing I would learn the Free traffic route for starters.

    I know I may preach a lot about being willing to pay for business expenses but there are certain things new marketers must pay for and other things you can hold off on.

    Paid traffic is a beast where you will need some experience under your belt before jumping in with both feet.

    Someone mentioned an article from web traffic lounge above...a review site.

    One of my blogs is a review site (that I haven't been too active with lately)...is one of the main blogs that the owner of web traffic lounge learned from.

    He just crossed over the $700K (total sales for the past 17 months) mark by promoting the very same affiliate system as me.

    Can you believe that one?
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