Autoresponder Flaw You Need To Know-- Can't change subscribed email address
I was going through my various IM subscriptions changing my
email address. Aweber and Getresponse allowed me to change my
email address with no problem
Other autoresponders only allowed me to cancel my subscription.
ACES had that problem. With Aces I could change my name, but not
my email address. My email address was written in stone.
The newsletters would say, "Unsubscribe or change subscriber
options" however, they only allowed me to UNSUBSCRIBE.
There are a number of newsletters that I will no longer receive.
Maybe that is a good thing as I should trim a few anyway.
I even unsubcribed to Frank Kerns newsletter because that was
the only option he offered. NO change of address for him either.
Tony Dean -
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bobsstuff -
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