I'm making $100 - $200 per month...should I celebrate?

40 replies
So I've been learning how to build/monetize websites for a few years now. After a few duds (that still made some money), I finally picked a niche that I'm very knowledgeable in...music theory!

I've created a website that is monetized through 2 eBooks, a $47 course, and a donation button (for all the free content that I offer on my site). As a result, I'm making about $100 - $200 per month from the site.

My traffic stats are:

- About 60 visitors per day
- Just over 2000 YouTube subscribers

Is this worth celebrating over? My ultimate goal is $3000/month, but I'm finding it difficult to really get the kind of traffic necessary to achieve that.
#$100 #$200 #celebrate #making #monthshould
  • Good achievement you have started earning $200 per month, But you can make decent income from online, You have to get more traffic, As you said you get 60 visitor per day, Create few quality back-links and share the website to the social media.you will get more visitor day by day.
    Keep tracking your website using "Alexa rank checker"
    However your aim is to earn $3000/month it is easy you can do it.

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    • Profile picture of the author jamie3000
      Why use Alexa ? Do you mean the position on Google or the Alexa rank?
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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    You are making progress, and I guess that's worthy of celebrating.

    As you focus on getting more traffic, analyze how you can also increase conversions from your existing traffic. Determine what they are really looking for when they come to your site, and consider focusing on providing that.

    Looking at your log files will tell you what keywords they entered in the search engines to find you as well as how they are finding your site... and a lot of other demographics... things like where they are from, etc. This will provide a clue is to what is actually working, and also perhaps suggest a different product mix.

    You also might want to survey your existing traffic, again determining what they are actually looking for, and you can even go as far as to ask what they would pay for... and how much.

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    • Profile picture of the author steve1991
      sir, what is best method to increase conversions? thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author robinaraoz
    I think you should celebrate, that is more than most of people make online.

    And it proves you one thing, this works. Just rinse and repeat and keep celebrating your victories.

    Also, how about you create a product documenting everything you've done and sell it here on the WSO section?...

    That could earn you an extra income.

    You can create a pdf with nice screenshots + some camtasia (or screen cast o matic which is free) videos and you have yourself a nice little product.

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  • Profile picture of the author SARubin
    Originally Posted by Bkelly301 View Post

    Is this worth celebrating over? My ultimate goal is $3000/month, but I'm finding it difficult to really get the kind of traffic necessary to achieve that.
    YES, absolutely... Celebrate! You're beginning to achieve success.

    Now, I don't recommend going out and buying yourself a new car, or anything extravagant, (after all, it's only a couple hundred bucks we're talking about here)

    But if you don't celebrate the little accomplishments in life, then how will your subconscious (or the universe, LOA, whatever you want to call it) know to bring you even bigger achievements?

    So celebrate your 100 to 200 a month. It's a milestone. In fact, I'm going to raise a glass in your honor right now, and celebrate your success with you!

    And when you start making 1000 a month... Celebrate that as another milestone.

    As far as more traffic... perhaps you could consider spending a percentage of your new (semi-passive) income for advertising, to bring you more traffic?

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  • Profile picture of the author cynthiaSEL
    Originally Posted by Bkelly301 View Post

    I'm making about $100 - $200 per month from the site.
    Congratulations! Yes, by all means celebrate. Then pour your revenue back into getting more people involved.
    http://howtolivebiggerdreams.com/ Risk! Apply expertise, serve people's needs. Get video skills...
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Good for you. You're starting to make an income. You can celebrate but I wouldn't touch any of that income.

    Keep reinvesting your profit back into your business (or put away for later expenses).

    Now what ever you are doing...find out where your results are coming from and do more of that.

    Your business is starting to bear fruit because it seems you picked a business that you're 'already' knowledgeable about (and have an interest in).

    Good for you!

    Most people are looking for the most profitable niches to get into ONLY for monetary reasons.
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    • Profile picture of the author pawandave
      Celebrate and keep going, if you celebrate only that is bad...but celebrating with going ahead is good
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  • Profile picture of the author greenowl123
    Congrats !

    A lot of people give up long before they make $100 a month. A smaller percentage of us keep going until we start earning a decent income in IM.

    Keep learning and re-invest your earning in advertising, creating new videos for your YouTube channel, etc.

    I am drinking a shot of vodka at this moment in your honor
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Celebrate every penny B. Because what you celebrate, multiplies. And celebrate if you have a zero income month. Because the grateful person who focuses on giving, and honing their skills, and practicing their craft, soon becomes successful.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author davntt
    If it's passively, then yes. To scale it, I would suggest you try some ppc marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author clairelynn23
    If a few years have gotten you to this point, think about where you will be in another few years. Keep going!
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  • Profile picture of the author ma247
    Great earning from your site. You can do SEO and get some organic traffic and fulfil your target.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
    Thanks for all the replies and tips everyone! These replies are very inspiring, and inspiration to keep moving forward and creating more content is often my lowest resource.

    Next goal, $1000/month
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  • Profile picture of the author GrowthforLife
    Yes, celebrate! That is a huge milestone my friend.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    Definitely celebrate!

    The overwhelmingly vast majority of entrepreneurs fail dismally. (Many experts agree that over 90% of startups FAIL).

    So, if you're getting ANY results and are at all pleased with your progress, then mark this date on your calendar and celebrate like nuts.

    Don't go overboard though haha. Maybe try to make best of this celebratory situation by planning your next move?

    Wishing you much success.
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  • Profile picture of the author asiabd2016
    "Celebrating" its fully depends on you. if you want to celebrate, you can do, on the other hand if you don't want to celebrate. Its also okay. Thanks for celebrating.
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  • Profile picture of the author Okii Eli
    Great..I am at the same level like you.I now generate around $300 a month with average daily traffic of 4000 page views a day..I am stuck on how to scale and double the traffic so that I can make more.Any help
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  • Profile picture of the author fratt55
    hey there
    Great .. no celebration yet.. what ever you are doing is working
    you need 2500-3500 dollars per month before you can celebrate
    so hear's the deal
    go out there and scale up to get to your 2500-3500 dollars goal

    talk soon
    sam f
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    • Profile picture of the author Okii Eli
      how will he scale
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  • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
    Any suggestions on how I might scale this up?

    The income I'm getting right now is purely passive. My website just sits there, but I figure that if I just keep adding more and more free content (most people are finding me through YouTube and Google), I will gradually increase my steady daily traffic. However, I haven't added any new content in the last 2.5 months.

    I'm wondering if it's worth using ppc and pumping money into getting more traffic to the site in hopes that more people buy what I'm selling (or sign up to my mailing list, or bookmark my site and then buy the course I'm selling later).
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Bkelly301 View Post

    So I've been learning how to build/monetize websites for a few years now. After a few duds (that still made some money), I finally picked a niche that I'm very knowledgeable in...music theory!

    I've created a website that is monetized through 2 eBooks, a $47 course, and a donation button (for all the free content that I offer on my site). As a result, I'm making about $100 - $200 per month from the site.

    My traffic stats are:

    - About 60 visitors per day
    - Just over 2000 YouTube subscribers

    Is this worth celebrating over? My ultimate goal is $3000/month, but I'm finding it difficult to really get the kind of traffic necessary to achieve that.
    Sure, why not?
    If you're making progress, why not celebrate?
    Just don't get complacent and keep going!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    I don't know about scaling up using paid traffic would be a great idea right now.

    Maybe focus on more content that creates more value that creates more traffic and following.

    Are you collecting leads and building a list with the traffic that you're already getting?

    If not then that's something to look into as well.

    You could sell more higher profit Backend products.

    So scale up on more Free content and forget about paid traffic for now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ealiche1967
    Great to hear that you are making 100 to 200$ in a month but still you can make more if you can promote and get more traffic and money can be like 2500$ to 3000$ per month.
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  • off course you have to !

    Then you can scale up your business

    you have to be happy, because so many IMers that still not earn even just a penny out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adrianne_
    Originally Posted by Bkelly301 View Post

    ...As a result, I'm making about $100 - $200 per month from the site. Is this worth celebrating over?
    I'm trying to figure out why you would even ask? In order to reach your
    $3k goal monetizing a $47 product and donations, you can't expect to
    go from $0 to $3k from your first few sales.

    If you are consistently earning $100-$200 a month, this makes for
    a great story to people who are struggling to make a buck.You can
    talk about how you did it to a FB audience who are interested in
    making money.

    You can also talk about the benefits of the course to a music theory
    audience. Give them examples of what they would get in the course,
    how it will improve their understand of chords or whatever music theory
    people like. Build a relationship with them and your sales should increase.
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  • you make money from google adsense ??
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  • Profile picture of the author HowieP
    Yeah, why not celebrate man?, every extra dollar is an achievement in my humble opinion.

    You've got up to $200, so keep doing what you've been doing to get to that number and then re-invest the money back into your business.

    When you can afford it, start using paid traffic strategies to speed things up a bit.

    You've already got some momentum going, so like other people have mentioned, when you feel comfortable scale up what's already working for you.

    P.S I just joined the forum today and I'm looking forward to connecting with some of you guy's in the future

    Howie P
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  • Profile picture of the author steve1991
    is traffic that you are currently getting free? this is good result if your traffic is free. i think you have resort to paid ads to increase traffic on your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author TrafficQueen
    It's a nice little result that's for sure. I think to extend on this income, you will need to think about paid ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I figure that if I just keep adding more and more free content ..., I will gradually increase my steady daily traffic. However, I haven't added any new content in the last 2.5 months....
    Does that make any sense? You know you can increase by adding content - yet you aren't adding content?

    Should you celebrate? Don't know - what does $100-200 do for you a month? If it's extra income, maybe that's all you want. I'd be adding content and increasing traffic like crazy...because $200 wouldn't pay my grocery bill.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lui Bliss
    **** yeah, celebrate man. These are milestones. You went from nothing to this. But what do you mean by celebrate, anyway?

    Just get back to work and acknowledge every milestone you make until you reach your goal of $3,000.

    Everyone has a different way of celebrating and different milestones might call for different celebrations.

    Let us know how it goes...
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  • Profile picture of the author Eden A
    Okay first of all way to go!

    You made here a great achievement and
    it's one of many step stones
    you will make a long the way.

    Now music niche is a bit hard because it's
    very competitive, but with good marketing and
    SEO you can make a great progress.

    Keep on learning read the right books,
    find a good mentor in your field that can
    help go up the ladder and jump a few more step stones.

    And in my opinion you should focus on who is
    your target what do they want?
    and how you can help them?
    from there focus about copy writing
    that's for sure will give you a boost.

    Hope that helps in some way.
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  • Profile picture of the author The All Rounder
    Well Done! Thats an awesome achievement mate! Now grow grow grow.

    Imagine how good you will feel when your at 2-3K per month.

    And you can pack up your laptop and work from anywhere. Pretty neat.

    Well done!
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    • Profile picture of the author Pedro Campos
      Obviously making some money is better than not making, but look at your cost per lead to figure out how much did you spend to get to 200$. That will be a good indicator of your progress. The goal is always to lower this cost as much as possible.

      Moderator's Note: Affiliate Links are not allowed

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  • Profile picture of the author helisell
    So you're getting around 1800 visits per month

    and averaging about 3 sales of your $47 course?

    That gives you a conversion rate of let's see . . . . . . . . .0.0016%

    To get to $3000 a month with that conversion you'll need 20 times more traffic.

    How realistic is that number of visitors?

    This sales funnel doesn't look like it's doing a great job on those numbers does it?

    so....in conclusion...

    You need

    1. A dramatic increase in traffic [we're talking a huge increase]
    2. A much better sales process [10 times better]
    3. 10 times more traffic and a much better conversion [twice as good as now]

    You've done better than 90% of people who try this...so well done for that, but I suspect you'll need different tactics to get to the numbers you're thinking of.

    Remember the old saying..."What got you to where you are........ will not get you to where you want to be"

    Do not take this as negativity as it is not intended that way.
    You're going to need to get creative about traffic and it would be worth your while asking for ideas here [show us your website] on how to improve your conversion rate.

    Making Calls To Sell Something? What are you actually saying?
    Is there any room for improvement? Want to find out?

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  • Profile picture of the author jdjenkins
    It's always worth celebrating reaching a milestone. But it does sound like you could improve your sales funnel and therefore increase your conversions and income. Building an email list is an essential part of this, as well as being really active on social media. You don't want to spread yourself too thinly though, so it's best to stick to just a few traffic systems.

    Also, you could do with producing some high-priced products - maybe a video package you could add for $97. Better still, some personal coaching which you could charge several hundred dollars for! If you're not confident at selling at such high levels, I've seen musicians offering 30mins live Skype sessions for $25 upwards.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    As other have said put it right back in your business
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  • Profile picture of the author oussama
    OMG bro 60 visitors per day and you are making money already. Hell yeah, you should celebrate keep doing the good job and scale, scale, scale and re invest.

    By the way, i am learning music theory maybe I am one of your subscribers
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