What is the best way to make $100 a day with adsense with a brand new site with no traffic?

10 replies
What is the best way to make $100 a day with adsense instantly with a brand new site with no traffic?

I know this question might sound a bit weird to you, but I've heard there are some methods which are circulating in the market with which one can make this much of amount everyday with a brand new site!

But here's my main concern is how can one bring that much of traffic on a brand new site without using social media but gaining all the traffic from google?

How's the possible? How one can rank a brand new site on such high search volume keywords in this short time?

If it's possible then what are the methods to do so? How one can rank a brand new site on high search volume keywords within days?
#$100 #adsense #brand #day #make #site #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    In reality there is no such tricks. You have to drive huge traffic to your website in order to make money from AdSense. o, try to drive traffic to your website.
    Bloggershook.com- Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Write Quality content in the website and share to social media and track the visitors using google analytical tool, if you get minimum 1000 visitor per day, then you are in good shape,
    Then add you website in the google absence it will work, There is no trick to rank in the first page over night,
    Read few SEO books to optimize your website.

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  • Profile picture of the author RichardThessen
    If AdSense is not working for you, let it be. Try something else. Try something which no one else has dared to try. If there is an ad network out there, chances are it's working for someone.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well in adsense you get paid if you have traffic .If you dont have traffic how you can make monwy with adsense ? In my opinion you loose your time with adsense because you work for penies ,Try cpa or affiliate marketing and get the big bucks
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    • Profile picture of the author parthgalhotra
      I have approval from networks like maxbounty, peerfly and adworkmedia. But I really don't know how to promote the offers. I've tried my hands on bing ads and adwords too but got no success.

      If you know any working method with which one can promote cpa offers and earn good amount. I'd appreciate if you can share it here

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  • Profile picture of the author Adi Szasz
    Find low competition keywords that have a CPC > 1$ and try to rank for them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    The title of this thread is ridiculous. You can't earn money with adsense without traffic...not even a few cents, let along $100 a day.

    You ask about adsense - and then mention bing and adwords - and then CPA. There is nothing online where you can do something quickly or halfway - and collect the money.

    Choose one thing - CPA, for example - and LEARN how best to promote the offers before you buy ads....then focus on that one thing until you master it.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by parthgalhotra View Post

    What is the best way to make $100 a day with adsense instantly with a brand new site with no traffic?
    Roll another fattie, fire it up, and keep dreaming...
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    • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      Roll another fattie, fire it up, and keep dreaming...

      John McCabe, thanks I needed a good laugh.

      But OP...

      Forget about the $100 for now. If you have a website, make sure you have good value based original content.

      Then go read some more threads that are blogging / promotion based..

      In order to make $$$ online you need targeted traffic first.

      Then when you start seeing enough traffic, then start focusing on monetization.

      It will probably take the average person 6 months or so just to get things into motion.

      And this is working for at least 3 or 4 hours per day.

      It's a lot of work and there are no tricks that will shorten your learning curve.

      You will sharpen your skills though and learn some strategies on the way.

      If you are still stuck with the monetization method, then pick one and then go to work.
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  • Profile picture of the author ma247
    There are tons of spam methods to generate millions of traffic overnight and generate thousand of dollars per day but for a sustainable income, you must follow only legit ways. For a new site, you can generate traffic from the following methods below:

    1. Social media (FB groups, Google+ communities, Pinterest)
    2. Community sites (Quora, Yahoo answers etc)
    3. Forum sites
    4. YouTube (One of the best free targeted traffic method)
    5. Uploading slide and pdf to pdf/doc/slide sharing site
    6. Create n mobile app and upload it to Google store

    All these above methods are totally free. You can follow any one or multiple methods for free targeted traffic.
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