Which Type of Marketing Techniques Are Currently Working In The Market?

32 replies
Different types of marketing and advertising techniques are used in this time of market like SEO, digital Marketing, Affiliated Marketing, Telecom sector etc. Please suggest which type of marketing techniques are beneficial for this time.
#market #marketing #techniques #time #type
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    It would be helpful for you to spend some time on this forum and learn all about the different terms you've thrown out.

    SEO, for example, is not really a marketing technique. Digital marketing encompasses everything we do.

    Every Internet marketing technique can be profitable; but by the same token, every one can totally flop. The important variable is YOU. How do you apply and implement the marketing techniques you choose to use?

    Certainly techniques come and go, they ebb and wane in popularity. But any technique can be profitable given the right audience, application, and a compelling offer. Sometimes, it even pays to go against the crowd of other marketers and use techniques in your niche that your competitors are not using.

    Spend some time here so you understand the possibilities. Learn about the various techniques that successful marketers are using. Then choose one or two of them, study them, and implement them with fresh offers. Test and track everything you do. Keep the winners and dump the losers. Tweak and modify your way to profitability. Then ramp up once you have achieved profitability.

    The best to you,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author seodeveloping
    All of those methods are viable... It truly depends on the project, if you have a marketing budget, and what your ultimate goals are. You need to sit down and develop a solid roadmap for what you want and how fast you want it to be completed.
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  • It depends upon the skill set and the budget, however affiliate marketing is hot and easy to do.

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  • Profile picture of the author nickellis
    My personal favorite is email marketing because it has a nice return when done properly. Also once you snag their email you'll have that channel to market and it'll be free.

    It's kinda like the cherry on top because you can use paid ads to bring people to your site then capture their email with a discount or something free. After you do that if they don't buy anything you can hit them with some further emails to bring them back to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author 111ideas
    SEO with intelligence is the best form of marketing these days. If you can understand the algorithm of Google, you will be an winner. Remember, a human mind is always smarter than Google. You just need to practice to understand Google.
    Download Images for Social Media (Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram etc) 100% free.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    All forms of marketing...paid,SEO, video, etc IS relevant now and has been for a very long time.

    And will be for a very long time.

    But usually these kinds of questions are asked in order to find a surefire method.

    And there is a problem with this idea.

    It's not a specific method that you learn that rewards you with life long success.

    Ongoing success comes down to the marketer and how far your willing to go.

    If you did pick a method that stops working later (even if you worked your ass off to learn and implement), you will have to find another that will work for you...Again.

    Success is not any marketing strategy, product or even profit.

    Success is a State of Mind!

    This 'mindset' is the stuff that Entrepreneurs are made of!

    Hell...This kind of stuff is what Champions are made of!

    Change is constant.

    Any marketer who is not willing to 'adapt' to changes in the marketplace...become OBSOLETE.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Tutor
    In the current market the internet marketing is a very beneficial way of marketing as it is cost effective .
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  • Profile picture of the author Ambreen Kiran
    Here is a quick rundown of the four types of marketing strategies I plan to cover to give you a look at what's to come.

    1- Cause Marketing

    Cause marketing, also known as cause-related marketing, links a company and its products and services to a social cause or issue.

    2- Relationship Marketing

    Relationship marketing focuses on customer retention and satisfaction in order to enhance your relationships with existing customers to increase loyalty.

    3- Scarcity Marketing

    Scarcity marketing creates a perception of a shortage which aims to entice customers to purchase out of fear that they may not be able to get it in the future.

    4- Undercover Marketing

    Undercover marketing, also known as stealth marketing, involves marketing to consumers in a way that they do not realize they are being marketed to.

    The first two - cause and relationship marketing -- are what I consider "positive" marketing techniques that focus on the benefits to others. The second two - scarcity and undercover marketing - are more unconventional and potentially controversial techniques.
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  • Profile picture of the author AffPub
    i think promotion
    the more you promote likewise more people get aware of your company
    they come and visit
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  • In today's scenario peoples use different techniques to be popular like seo digital marketing by which peoples can make use it
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    Investement Traffic is the most often used.

    And in particular, we are all in love now with Video Ads.

    In fact Video is the new uptrend: it's stimated that 15 second video is enough for lead generation purpose.

    Of course, with 4 BILLION of EMAILS, list building and email marketing traffic is evergreen.

    More deeply, Facebook Video Ads is more recent than Youtube Ads.

    A facebook video with a strong CTA would be far better for lead generation purpose and email marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author honestgroup
    I am pretty sure, those terms are relevant irrespective of time. I would say that it pretty much depends on your interest.

    If you are interested in blogging or vlogging, why not try building up some amazing articles or videos and rank them using SEO. Of course, you can include affiliate marketing, especially if you are into review blogging or vlogging.

    While doing so, try building a list using newsletter signups or maybe info products.

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  • Profile picture of the author Shinda8437
    All of those method are good but depend on you are skills and budget, goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author hsahadath
    Marketing or promoting is one of the most important tactics for successful online business. Only quality products are not enough, you must display your services in front of the people.
    There are different marketing techniques and you have to apply most of these techniques until you will get success.
    Some marketing techniques may not work for you but may work for others.
    The marketing strategies depend on your skill, products, niche, your audience and more.
    In this time, email marketing, video marketing, forum marketing and most importantly SEO work best.
    Thanks. Munna Hossain, Mytechgoal.
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  • Profile picture of the author ma247
    All methods are good. Different persons use different methods. But now, Blogging, Video marketing, and affiliate marketing are most popular and profitable money making techniques. Blogging is a long time process. You can start with Amazon micro niche site. It's very much easy way to make money online.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by ma247 View Post

      All methods are good. Different persons use different methods. But now, Blogging, Video marketing, and affiliate marketing are most popular and profitable money making techniques. Blogging is a long time process. You can start with Amazon micro niche site. It's very much easy way to make money online.
      Getting back into Blogging more and more. It was my main concentration 7 and 8 years ago.

      I think the inclination these days ( and the smartest) is to use it as a compliment to your whole Marketing Strategy.
      i.e. combining it with list building, social Media including FB and Twitter, YT video channels, other things such Webinars, and just not making it your sole strategy like many have done in the past
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  • Profile picture of the author st0nec0ld
    It depends on the business. Let's just say that a certain strategy for business 1 is not effective to business 2, vice versa. So the best thing to do is to experiment on marketing strategies and see what works best for your business.

    12BET | Live Casino Malaysia

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  • Profile picture of the author onlinesmsshop
    I also using different types of marketing on my website for promoting like SEO, SEM, digital marketing, PPC and i also used different offline marketing used like bulk voice SMS and email marketing, but i don't get it the exact solutions for advertising the business, because in this time market is very high and competition is very high, so what can i do?
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Hunt
    There indeed a lot of SEO marketing techniques been used. I would also suggest SMS marekting. As a result of its superb efficiency, SMS marketing has recently evolved as one of the most trust-able ways of getting in touch with your target audience. It is particularly very useful for the businesspersons who want to promote their business services and products.
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  • Profile picture of the author GosuCommerce
    Originally Posted by onlinesmsshop View Post

    Different types of marketing and advertising techniques are used in this time of market like SEO, digital Marketing, Affiliated Marketing, Telecom sector etc. Please suggest which type of marketing techniques are beneficial for this time.
    SEO+digital marketing + affiliate (in complex) can make you wow sales.
    In this article from AliDropship blog you can read about the most popular promotion methods https://alidropship.com/aliexpress-d...-marketing-qa/ (I found this article pretty interesting)
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  • Profile picture of the author Veronica Dsouza
    People need to know which are the most efficient and effective ways to market the product. Online lead generation is an easy and cost effective way to get new leads. Online lead generation methods are,
    Content Marketing
    Customer referral
    SEO, SEM and PPC
    Cross Promotion
    Social media
    Direct Mailing
    These are free medium you can go through which can be very complicated and tedious, instead, you can go through some paid tools that provide you the leads and are also reliable such as, LeadLake or SalesLoft.
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  • Profile picture of the author eluminousva
    There are number of marketing techniques out there today. Now a days every uses Digital Marketing which is umbrella term for SEO, Socialmedia marketing, search engine marketing etc. In social media videos and stories are trending these days. But before you choose any marketing strtegy you need to understand your business and where your target audience lies.
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  • Profile picture of the author seocmfa
    Present days we have lot of marketing techniques to marketing i.e DIGITAL MARKETING, EMAIL MARKETING, SMS MARKETING, AD MARKETING these are the present using methods of successfull business plans.
    and we have traditional marketing like news add and paper brouchers , TV addings these are using from so many days
    Now a days people are using Internet, mobiles and computers. people are spent more time in browsing in his day, So these online marketing are useful now a days.
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    • Profile picture of the author Pedro Campos
      The marketing strategy that will work is the one specifically suited for your budget and goals.
      Do you want to blog or run Facebook ads?
      Do you have a marketing budget or you just don`t want to spend money?
      Asking yourself this is the best way to figure out the best strategy for you.

      Moderator's Note: Affiliate Links are not allowed

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  • Profile picture of the author SiteNameSales
    Try not to get caught up in bouncing from one strategy to the next, particularly if you get discouraged easily. Half-assed efforts with any technique will likely result in frustration. Choose one of the recommendations above that align with your skills or interests and then master it. You can move on to additional methods when you start to get results from your original choice.
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  • Profile picture of the author 111ideas
    An innovative technique is working in the market currently. I also tried this and it worked.
    Buy a Facebook page with 20K+ genuine likes.
    Change the page name.
    Post your products or services.
    Earn money
    Download Images for Social Media (Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram etc) 100% free.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by 111ideas View Post

      An innovative technique is working in the market currently. I also tried this and it worked.
      Buy a Facebook page with 20K+ genuine likes.
      Change the page name.
      Post your products or services.
      Earn money
      Not saying this won't work but be careful. Similar to a Blog you are taking over someone else's work and there was a reason they got so many Likes. You may not have the Content or Uniqueness to keep those 20K genuine Likes engaged as the previous owner did.
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  • Digital Marketing strategies are much in trend now a days. Under digital marketing now programmatic digital marketing is in trend which involves artificial intelligence in it.

    Basically marketing strategy changes according to your business, now a days very minute details of target audience are considered for marketing. Like diffrent ads are designed according to diffrent personas.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bernard Meyer
    To get a good overview of ONE area of ONE of the things you're talking about: https://www.soundest.com/blog/5-cust...ies-ecommerce/

    It isn't long enough to go deep into each point, but it's a good jumping off point if you have a decent email list or are working on growing one
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  • Profile picture of the author singhgeeta
    Content Marketing
    Customer referral
    SEO, SEM and PPC
    Cross Promotion
    Social media
    Direct Mailing
    These marketing techniques are currently working in market..
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