How should I market an eBook on confidence building with the end goal to do in person coaching?
I've always been drawn to the self improvement community, and have actually improved my own confidence quite a bit over the last few years. I wrote an eBook outlining what I think are the keys to improving confidence, but I really would like to work with people one on one. I wanted to know how I should utilize the eBook to get geotargeted clients who I would meet face to face for coaching.
Should I use it as a free offer and use FB ads or Google ads to promote it? And then set up the website for "Call now for in person coaching in NY"
Or should I sell the eBook and start there (it's a lot of good content to give away for free). The goal though is to use it to build a business. I'm not going to get rich selling eBooks for $20.
What mode of marketing would be best?
Nick Walsh The Online Lifestyle Coach - Add Income.
Work Less. Enjoy Yourself! Let Me Help You.nickwalshblog.com