Would you get value from a white label lead magnet service?

24 replies
Lead magnets can be kind of a pain to create..

But at the same time, they're very effective for driving opt-ins and establishing authority for clients.

Combined with email marketing, they can drive massive ROIs.

So how about this: Lead magnet with 2,500+ words of great content and exceptional design to fit the clients brand, for $300-400ish.

If you're an agency or consultant, is this something you'd get value from?
#label #lead #magnet #service #white
  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    If it would give me good conversions then yea totaly worthing
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    • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
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        • Profile picture of the author Jasonsc
          Hey Mark,

          I should have described this better - these would be totally original and unique lead magnets. Looking at the client and researching their niche, then suggesting and agreeing on a topic.

          Then building the lead magnet around that topic with custom content.. and importantly, also custom design which will fit the clients branding.

          Hopefully that answers the other question above also.
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          • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
            Originally Posted by Jasonsc View Post

            Hey Mark,

            I should have described this better - these would be totally original and unique lead magnets. Looking at the client and researching their niche, then suggesting and agreeing on a topic.

            Then building the lead magnet around that topic with custom content.. and importantly, also custom design which will fit the clients branding.

            Hopefully that answers the other question above also.
            Thank for the info. I think there could be some value in this. Again, there are a lot of factors that come into play but mostly how good is the content at reaching its goals - an optin.

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            • Profile picture of the author Jasonsc
              Hey Mark, I missed your comment before, sorry.

              You're absolutely right, the value comes from driving optins.

              That's made up of more than just a lead magnet itself, but also the optin forms, landing pages, etc.

              So maybe for a service like this to be truly valuable, it should also have implementation on the clients site using best conversion practices - because that's what will really drive the optins, which as you said is one of the main factors to creating a valuable service.
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        • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
          Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

          So, if I have a digital marketing agency specializing in the insurance industry and specifically agents that sell car insurance (niche), I would need to know if the white label lead magnets were available for the car insurance niche.

          Nothing wrong with Sheldon's question.

          Yup missed that one cheers Mark removed
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    It all depends upon the quality of the writing, how focused it is for the business or service that is trying to get the opt-in, and how well it converts.

    Are you talking about a unique and original magnet with research done for every client? or does everyone get the same product?


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author Jasonsc
      Hey Steve,

      My description was bad - I did mean to say an original and unique magnet for each and every client, with research for each.

      What I meant by "white label" was that we'd deliver a lead magnet with custom content and design to fit your clients brand, but you take all the credit for it and charge the client whatever you want.

      So as far as the client knows, you built the lead magnet.

      I want to do this the right way, and I'm thinking I could deliver a pretty great totally custom lead magnet for the $300-400ish range.

      What do you think of that?
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  • Profile picture of the author robinaraoz
    Hi Jason,

    Yes, maybe, as Steve mentions, would this be a custom made offer or a DFY type of package?

    I think it would make a hugh difference. If it is a DFY package, would the amount distributed be restricted
    to prevent oversaturation?

    Anyhow, would love to hear your thoughts

    Thank you,
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    • Profile picture of the author Jasonsc
      Yo Robin,

      Please see my reply to Steve above - I wasn't clear enough with my description in the OP.

      Lead magnets that are well researched, and have top notch content and design, all custom and unique for each client and matching their branding.

      Are you an agency or consultant? I'd love to know your thoughts on the idea now that I've explained it more clearly

      Happy to take any other questions too of course!
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  • Profile picture of the author robinaraoz
    Thanks Jason,

    That sounds like an interesting idea, maybe that could lead to create a full fledged custom made product creation service as well.

    I mean something others can put their name on and sell as their own

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    • Profile picture of the author Jasonsc
      Thanks Robin, I like your idea too - it's a natural extension of the lead magnet idea.

      I can see two other extensions too, that are a little more closely related. One is landing pages and optin forms to go with the lead magnet - popups, sidebar widgets, inline CTA's and so on, and then the landing page too. All those with copy, design, and also installed on site.

      The second extension I see is having a 5 part email follow up series to push a "main offer" for the client. So for an insurance client, they get a lead magnet about tips to reduce auto insurance cost - and then also an email follow up series to generate new insurance leads for the client.

      The lead magnet will get optins, and then the follow up series will monetise them.

      Maybe 3 tiers to the product - tier 1 is just lead magnet, tier 2 is magnet + LP + optin forms, tier 3 is all what's in tiers 1 and 2, plus 5 part email followup series.

      Could be pretty valuable!
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  • Profile picture of the author robinaraoz
    Thanks Jason,

    No, I'm currently an affiliate marketer but I have always been interested in product creation services.

    I do offer my graphic designer services from time to time..., anyhow that is another story...

    And I have created some products in the past, so this is a recurrent topic for me.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jasonsc
      Good stuff Robin - I was an affiliate marketer for a long time too.

      Content marketing, lead magnets, and infoproducts are hot topics right now! I find the whole area pretty fascinating and think we can expect to see continued development over the next few years.
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    If I understand what you propose correctly, I think I'd get more value if the 2500 content was set up differently.

    Well researched parts that I could mix and match the way I want... Which means you'd probably have to provide 5000 words in several self-sufficient blocks...

    Because owners of the same type of business in the same city want to feel the lead magnet is made specifically for them (and re-writing 2500 words only takes you so far) but, more importantly, they feel they're business is different because they're focus is different.

    Conversely, you can do your version A, for the generalist; version B for the 203k specialist, version C for the first-time home buyer specialist... And you'd sell version A for 2000 and I can get version B for an additional $100 and version C for another $100... Imagined numbers meant only to show you that the main product costs a lot and the versions cost little (by comparison).

    Example: there's no mortgage broker that's going to turn away first-time home buyers who qualify for a loan, but some of them specialize in first-time home buyers while others specialize in jumbo loans or 203k loans.

    All of them would benefit from the 2500 words, however, none of them would feel the words are specific to them.... And, if the content can be easily arranged to reflect their specialty, I can charge them more...

    Yes, I can do that with your 2500 words, I can rewrite, add to it... But, then, the value of your product is lower than if I only have to delete a chunk of words and paste another chunk of words in its place.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jasonsc
      Thanks for your reply!

      You make a good point, although I would argue that content could be created to be very relevant to any client.

      In the research process, there would be a few short questions for the client that should give a pretty clear indication of who their ideal customer is, and some of the finer subtleties about how they operate.

      Then, that information could be used to inspire the choice of topic and make a really unique resource that's very relevant to the client in question and their audience.

      I also have some other thoughts about your suggestions.. I'm about to make another post in response to my OP where I'll talk about that more, watch out for it in a few mins.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jasonsc
    Thanks for all the feedback and thoughts so far!

    I have also been speaking to some other people about this idea, and have come up with a few ideas based on all the conversation.

    Two things seem desirable to people I've spoken with:

    1 - content upgrades - these are like mini lead magnets that are relevant to a specific post, rather than displayed sitewide.

    2 - implementation of lead magnet or content upgrade. As in adding the resource to the website.. making landing page, thank you page, optin forms, and perhaps email followup series too.

    So all of this brings me to version 2 of this idea...

    $xxx/m for x "tokens" which can be used to purchase content upgrades or lead magnets. Lead magnets being more expensive, since they're larger and take a lot more work.

    Content upgrades would be the main product in this case. They seem to get a higher email optin rate (because they're specifically relevant to each post), so almost any piece of content could benefit from one.

    So that's the reason for the monthly recurring fee - to get new content upgrades continuously as more content is produced.

    I think this would also make the offer appealing to more than just agencies. Pretty much anyone who's producing a lot of content could benefit from this on an ongoing basis.

    Very interested to hear any further thoughts or questions you guys may have!
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Why would I, your client, need more content?

      Will your content reflect changes in my clients' businesses (when you sell to marketers), my business (when you sell me directly)?

      The business owner who wants a lead magnet wants leads. If you can produce something that they (or their marketing agency) can install easily that produces leads, you're doing great.

      If you can update your lead magnet so it keeps producing leads, it's awesome. But new content isn't going to get me to buy.

      Unless your new content keeps up with the changes in my/my client's industry.

      Which means, for many businesses, that's a no. Because there are not enough relevant changes to warrant monthly or quarterly, often not even yearly, updates.

      On the other hand, if you say, here's my lead magnet. If you tell me each month how many people saw it and how many bought and what you think of the leads, in general, I'll tweak it (i.e., create new content) so you keep getting the leads you're getting and get some more (or to get better, more qualified) leads, then I'm in across board.

      Though, $340 is a lot for some businesses... with others too low.

      Sending 100 brides-to-be to a brides wedding gowns store that converts 10% and sells at 2,000 is different than sending 100 mortgage leads to a mortgage lender that converts at 10% but makes $4725 a pop, then sending 100 to a shoe store that converts at 10% and sells at 87.77 a pop.

      Originally Posted by Jasonsc View Post

      Thanks for all the feedback and thoughts so far!

      I have also been speaking to some other people about this idea, and have come up with a few ideas based on all the conversation.

      Two things seem desirable to people I've spoken with:

      1 - content upgrades - these are like mini lead magnets that are relevant to a specific post, rather than displayed sitewide.

      2 - implementation of lead magnet or content upgrade. As in adding the resource to the website.. making landing page, thank you page, optin forms, and perhaps email followup series too.

      So all of this brings me to version 2 of this idea...

      /m for x "tokens" which can be used to purchase content upgrades or lead magnets. Lead magnets being more expensive, since they're larger and take a lot more work.

      Content upgrades would be the main product in this case. They seem to get a higher email optin rate (because they're specifically relevant to each post), so almost any piece of content could benefit from one.

      So that's the reason for the monthly recurring fee - to get new content upgrades continuously as more content is produced.

      I think this would also make the offer appealing to more than just agencies. Pretty much anyone who's producing a lot of content could benefit from this on an ongoing basis.

      Very interested to hear any further thoughts or questions you guys may have!
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  • Profile picture of the author bestAd
    I know someone who has been doing this for years. Both my students and I get our lead magnets from her. It is well written to give actual value and in line with the offer you are promoting down the funnel. She charges around $350 for one and it is always more than 3000+ words but not too long so the lead can consume the lead magnet and get into the next phase of your funnel ASAP
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    • Profile picture of the author Jasonsc
      Awesome! That sounds very similar to what I have in mind.

      What information does she want from you before making the lead magnets?

      Do you find $350 for a lead magnet to be around the right price? If she increased her price to $450 and everything else stays the same, would you still buy?
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      • Profile picture of the author bestAd
        I and my students get even a lower price. If it was $450, I would not purchase. She will need an outline of the information you want in the lead magnets and the offer you plan on promoting.
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  • Profile picture of the author robinaraoz
    Hi Jason,

    Thanks for posting those questions, I think we all can benefit from the ideas and experience of others. While reading your post I was thinking about one of the ideas you mentioned:

    "2 - implementation of lead magnet or content upgrade. As in adding the resource to the website.. making landing page, thank you page, optin forms, and perhaps email followup series too."

    I think many affiliates starting out have issues with the followup, and if they do, they struggle with follow up series that convert.

    Also, I believe that if the email autoresponder series are customized to the need of the client it might help in getting a higher open rate vs. DFY emails that sometimes end up in spam folder, especially when DFY emails are overused by many, many users....just some food for thought

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Do you find $350 for a lead magnet to be around the right price?
    If you are just starting out than $350 for an ebook is a heavy hit.

    If outsourced, a high-quality e-book would cost me about $30 per thousand words and $10 for e-book design.

    Would you get value from a white label lead magnet service?
    Maybe, for around $149.
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