Serious question about getting affiliates through Clickbank
anyway I have a SERIOUS clickbank question... I just activated a product through clickbank as a vendor for the first time yesterday..I assumed that if I just made the offer good enough (meaning the commission level high enough, I set it at 70%) that it would, based on that metric, generate affiliates really quickly based on the sheer volume of affiliates within clickbank....
Granted it's only been about 24hours so far lol but no bites that I'm aware of from affiliates (although one sale on my own) but anyway, BEFORE you had a network of affiliates that are familiar with your products that you could notify of a new release - back when you launched your first - how did you go about attracting CB affiliates? What worked for you?
Also, the commission level I set, do I have the right idea, or does the high commission level cheapen the overall offer in the mind of the affiliate somehow?
I wanted to post a link to my vendor spotlight to give you a frame of reference, but I'm sure that would be a prime excuse to accuse me of self promotion (which this clearly IS NOT btw) - but any input would be greatly appreciated
Regional Warrior -
[ 2 ] Thanks
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robinaraoz -
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Kay King -
[ 5 ] Thanks
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JohnMcCabe -
[ 5 ] Thanks
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