Need help monetizing my travel website

20 replies

I have purchased a 6 year old travel website. What do you think are the best ways to possibly monetize it?

Any help would be appreciated!
#monitize #site #travelling
  • Profile picture of the author Tommy7
    Selling direct ad space, affiliate links, asking for donations through paypal or bitcoin for example, google adsense, make advertiser pay for guest post or sponsored article.

    Good luck
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    • Thanks Tommy7 , but the first problem that i have is that i can not find a guid step by step to how to build a good travelling website , do you have any idea about how to do to get one like this ?
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      • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
        I'd say Rachid that following top bloggers in the travel blogging niche - Mapping Megan or Goats on the Road - clues you in on ways to monetize your travel blog.

        As for guides I am not sure, but the process is simple: create value, build friendships by promoting top travel bloggers, and lay the foundation for effective monetization through these 2 steps.

        Until you have those 2 steps down it matters not what income streams you open; you won't earn money.

        People need to see value through your blog and having a bunch of travel blogging buddies you help expands your presence, as many blogging buddies will promote you in return.

        Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author chenbui
    Hello, you can use Agoda affiliate to earn money from a travel website.
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  • is there any guid step by step how to build all thing in the travel website from A to Z ?
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  • Profile picture of the author GrowthforLife
    There are several ways that you can monetize the site, the most important thing is that you are getting a good amount of traffic. You could start by selling ad space on the site, that's one of the most straight forward ways to go.

    All that matters is that you are getting a good and constant traffic traffic flow because that is all that matters, regardless of the monetization strategy which you choose.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Rachid, in your first post you say you've just bought a six year old travel website, then you go on to ask for a guide to building travel websites. What was it that made you buy the site?

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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  • Profile picture of the author matteomatt
    Another option to look at which would require a decent amount of work would be creating an e-commerce store that sells travel related products.

    It would probably be easier to do affiliate marketing and promote someone else's CPA offer related to travel.

    If you would like some basic tutorials and useful info, please visit my site at

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  • Profile picture of the author fratt55
    hey there

    go to and look around .. they have all kind niches then

    use your passion to pick and choose

    Personally you can monetize your site with affiliate links from amazon, adsense google ads

    clickbank ads, adsadvertising just to name a few

    its no good monetizing your site if you don't have traffic....


    as soon as you start monetizing your site make sure that you devote half of your time

    sending traffic to the site because without traffic nothing will work

    talk soon
    sam f
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  • Profile picture of the author megamind22
    Well from my personal experience one of the best way you can monetize news site because of its generic nature is through adsense.

    Take for example "BUZZFEED, UPWORTHY just to mention a few. A large percentage of their revenue and profits comes from adsense and selling advertisements to third parties.

    Hope that helps
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    • Profile picture of the author anaybose
      Originally Posted by megamind22 View Post

      Well from my personal experience one of the best way you can monetize news site because of its generic nature is through adsense.

      Take for example "BUZZFEED, UPWORTHY just to mention a few. A large percentage of their revenue and profits comes from adsense and selling advertisements to third parties.

      Hope that helps
      You're wrong; if adsense was their main source of revenue, they would have shut down in no time; what they do is native advertising, sponsored stories and guest positing. Native adverts could be immensely profitable if done correctly, but you need equally immense brand value, otherwise big companies (means big dough) aren't going to sign a contract with you. For example, Upworthy got Bill Gates Foundation as one of their sponsors.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chloe Ember
    6 years for the website is a good term to start working with affiliate programs. You can get stable income from selling flight and hotel bookings. Travelpayouts - - works with a travel niche. This service helps your visitors to book flights, hotels etc. You`ll get to 80% from revenue for each sale.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vesto4ka
    In the same boat. Looking for ways to monetize my site Could you please advice some good affiliate programs with tours bookings?
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  • Profile picture of the author TMacD
    Hey Rachid are you still monitoring this thread? Were you able to successfully implement any strategies? Can we see your website?

    I feel like if you have a travel-oriented website or business then you should take advantage of YouTube to build up an audience. I would go traveling and make a bunch of videos to show how passionate you are about it, and/or bring someone on your team to do this. It would be easy to find travellers at your local hostel to work with.
    Daily videos from a successful, handsome entrepreneur.
    Daily TMacD
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Rachid Specialiist View Post


    I have purchased a 6 year old travel website. What do you think are the best ways to possibly monetize it?

    Any help would be appreciated!
    There's a ton of great travel related affiliate programs out there (, and many more)

    Why not promote them with ads on your site?
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Still haven't seen an answer to why you need to build a site if you just bought one. How was the previous owner monetizing? If they were successfully doing so, what changed to make them want to sell?

    Something smells fishy here (and it's not me for a change)

    Good advice for anyone else out there...

    Don't put money down for a site unless you already have a plan to make money on it.
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    • i buy the domain + script but the owner as i see he never use this domain and when i talk about 6 years for the age of this domain that will help in ranking , but i think that start to be hard to find your place on the market
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  • Profile picture of the author lissa06
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    • instagram will need a lot of money to get a traffic from it as i think is not ?
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    The OP hasn't returned to this thread since July 19th.

    Must be off on his travels.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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