Tips for Marketing a legal book written by one of our Lawyers

5 replies
I am looking for tips as per the above Book. The book is on Litigation, hence mostly will appeal to other Lawyers.
Ideas for using this book to either increase audience or increase brand awareness or lead generation.
The main way I can think of is to have a competition to win a few signed copies of the book> this would give us some potential leads. As well as some survey answers we could use in an infographic.
Please let me know your suggestions.
#book #lawyers #legal #marketing #tips #written
  • Profile picture of the author TrafficFlow
    Give away one of the best chapters of the book sort of as a sneak preview.
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    • Profile picture of the author Matt1515
      Thanks trafficflow. Got any advice about the type of channels that would work well on. Eg social media vs specialist industry magazines. Also I like the idea of using it for lead generation, getting people to fill out a form to get access. Any other ideas on lead gen?
      Thanks in advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    A book on 'litigation' is going to be specific to a certain country or, in some cases, an area of a country.

    Everything (ads, competition, etc) would need to be geo-targeted accordingly...right?
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt1515
    Yeah I think you are right , that we should geotarget the campaigns. There might be some interest from overseas, but it is probably too small to make it economical. Thanks. Any other ideas would be much appreciated.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShayB
    Originally Posted by Matt1515 View Post

    I am looking for tips as per the above Book. The book is on Litigation, hence mostly will appeal to other Lawyers.
    Ideas for using this book to either increase audience or increase brand awareness or lead generation.
    The main way I can think of is to have a competition to win a few signed copies of the book> this would give us some potential leads. As well as some survey answers we could use in an infographic.
    Please let me know your suggestions.
    What is your end goal?

    Is the book a stepping stone to a larger product/service for lawyers, or do you just want other lawyers to think you're cool?

    Are you looking to become a big fish in a small pond (local), or go nationwide for a small slice of a bigger audience? (As Kay mentioned, there might be limitations on a larger audience because of the difference in laws across state lines, but general principles could/might still hold true.)

    I've worked with clients who became published authors for lots of reasons, but a different approach is needed for marketing, depending on your audience. Details can help you get better advice.
    "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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