What are the most profitable niches for beginners in affiliate marketing?

22 replies
Hi Guys,
I am not a newbie but I do visit Warrior Forum and have a look at some of their threads
which I find very interesting. However, can some one out there tell me what are the most
profitable niches for beginners in affiliate marketing? I want to join Amazon FBA when I
could afford to do so or find a partner with more knowledge in this field.
Any advice welcome.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    This question is asked every day here. The most profitable one (for you) is the one you already have a lot of genuine interest in.

    You will also need some know how and lots of passion regarding this niche.

    Passion for your first 6 months or so of taking action (consistently) during that time or longer while not getting paid.

    Know how so that you can offer people value in return for the profit that you are asking for.

    Most people will pick a niche that they could care less about...just to make money.

    And this idea creates a large gap between them and the money.
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    • Profile picture of the author meetbryce
      Totally agree with Rory here.

      I'd suggest picking an area where you'd spend a lot of time for free anyway so that the $$$ are a bonus instead of a requirement.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kate H Smith
    Well, Amazon is packed with niches. In fact, more than 90% of my clients are promoting different Amazon products. And, almost all of them use 'Review' strategy. I write product reviews for them.

    It doesn't matter which product you are using, just make sure that product has at least 20-30 different models/brands, with different specifications.

    The key purpose is to pack your website with 'that' product reviews. The more reviews you have, the more it's easy to rank high on the search engines. Besides, customers trust you more as well.

    Furthermore, I have high paying clients, like who pay around $1000 or $2000 for multiple projects. And, almost all of them are promoting expensive products. No product is less than $500. In fact, in some cases, it exceeds $2000 and more too.

    So, if they are paying me that much, I'm 100% sure they must be earning more than $10,000.

    All I can say, according to my experience, don't be afraid to promote expensive products/niches. And, people have money. They pay if they want something. Even if it's a $5,000 product on Amazon, promote it.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Ianthe Stevens View Post

    Hi Guys,
    I am not a newbie but I do visit Warrior Forum and have a look at some of their threads
    which I find very interesting. However, can some one out there tell me "What are the most
    profitable niche for beginners in affiliate marketing? I want to join Amazon FBA when I
    could afford to do so or find a partner with more knowledge in this field.
    Any advice welcome.
    I don't really believe in the whole "most profitable.." anything..

    What's more important is just pick a niche and get started and learn along the way, the sooner you take action towards this the better off you'll be.

    Too many people waste too much time looking for the perfect angle, perfect niche, perfect offer, perfect traffic source, etc and normally don't take any action (or at least not enough), get out there and get doing and you'll start to figure out these questions
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Keep in mind that there is a big world outside of selling products and services.

    I've been promoting affiliate / CPA offers for almost 17 years.

    I heavily promote PPL (pay per lead...lead generation) offers. This is because there is no credit card / purchase required to complete an offer. All a user has to do is fill out a form, so conversion rates are typically much higher compared to offers that require a sale to be made.

    I favor offers that have a make, get or save money benefit to them, as they have overall worked the best. They also tend to have the greatest mass appeal (will be of interest to a large general audience), so the potential exists to produce high volume and they are fairly easy to cross promote on the back-end.

    Some of the verticals (niches) I have done extremely well with are: education, insurance, loans, debt, credit, mortgage, assistance, discount offers, homeowner offers, etc...

    The bulk of the PPL offers that I promote pay $20-$40 per lead, but I also promote offers that pay more and less. You don't want to get too caught up on what an offer pays because how well it converts is just as important. For example, if you have an offer that pays $9, but if it converts at 2X or more of a $20 offer, then it will perform about the same or possibly better. At the same time, if you have an offer that pays $90 and it converts poorly, it may not even be worth promoting.

    I have also done just as good with dating website sign ups and pretty good with free trial + S/H offers. I also promote a very limited number of offers that are straight up purchase offers. However, mass appeal needs to exist and I look for one of the following to also exists:

    1) The product is New and/or novel-unique and you can't purchase it locally or even something similar. I don't waste my time with it once something similar shows up in Walmart.

    2) The buyer can truly get what is being offered at a decent discount.

    3) Solves a house is on fire type problem.

    However, most of the above I will promote on the back-end. Which is why the first thing I look for is mass appeal.

    Bottom line, it's far easier to get someone fill out a short form than to get them to pull out their credit card and make a purchase. So why struggle with trying to sell this or that, when you can provide free information that users want/need and get paid well doing it.

    Something to think about
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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    • Profile picture of the author naresh025
      Thanks! DIABLO. I will try this. Very interesting.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Clowney
    It is hard to say... I guess you should find something that is low cost with fairly high gains, but I will say that whatever you're marketing should be a quality product. One you can stand behind. Or would not mind buying yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author Maxxx333
    Hi, really this is not easy to reply, first of all,i hope you have some basics knowledge in affiliate marketing? if now you could read about mobile app, cause it's a business that i could recommend for newbies, first because it's the future, and also cause the mobile campaigns are not expensive, and also the audience is very diversify, also, there are a lot of tools that help people running campaigns and reducing risks, i think it's good for newbies!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Thei5
    Choose a evergreen market and find a niche / keywords in it.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    MMO is profitable but it's a catch 22. If you a beginner you can't really go around teaching IM unless you have some experience.

    So always good to start out in non- mmo niche to get your feet wet
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  • Profile picture of the author redbui
    Cricket, Football, Yoga, Photography, Photoshop, Curling, Wrestling, Cruises,....and more niche
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Sounds kind of vague, but it's the truth - the most profitable niche for you is the one that works for you.

    For example, I know people who are killing it in the scrapbooking and quilting niches. I would be mediocre at best because both topics bore the crap out of me. I say "mediocre" instead of "failure" because a) I know and like marketing and b) I've absorbed enough knowledge through osmosis to pass myself off as not-quite-a-total-newbie even though to closest thing to scrapbooking I've done is lick a stamp and the closest to quilting was sewing on a button.

    Go back and read ChrisBa's answer again.
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    How would knowing that help you?

    If you make $2000 a month in the 77th most profitable niche, are you better off than if you made $1000 a month in the most profitable one? Or, how about this: you lose $300 a month in the most profitable niche vs you could make 2000 in one that's less profitable?

    As Ba said, you're focusing on the wrong thing.

    Where people go wrong, they think an industry is a niche, say, they think weight loss is a niche. It's not. A niche in the weight loss industry would be:
    lose weight after giving birth or
    lose weight with exercising if you're 55 and male.

    In other words, narrow.

    Find a group of people that want something, give them that something. If it's easier, and it sounds like it might be, do it a bit backwards:

    Go to amazon.com or homedepot.com (or any such entity) and look at their categories and go till they stop giving you subcategories. That's a good place to start. Add a twist. So, if you go to homedepot, kitchen, cabinets, assembled you have a good starting point. Now you need to add a twist: add something that some people attach value to, say, Amish... but it could be Made in the USA, or French.

    If you go to amazon.com, sports, exercise, cardio, elliptical. Ellipticals can be broken down some more... compact, for instance. But it's still large, so you narrow it down: you could be the one with cheap ones (though cheap is not a great way) or the one with fun colors (just a distinction, I don't know anyone who wants fun color elliptical... though maybe such people exist), or you target a particular group: women (men) over a certain age who have o characteristic in common.

    Men 50+ with bad knees who want to stay in shape and don't have much space.

    Now, you need to find something that satisfies them... A compact horizon elliptical might be just the thing.

    Now, you promote that thing while positioning yourself as trustworthy.

    The problem with doing it a bit backwards, you might end up picking something not desirable enough... That's why I gave you amazon.com as starting point: they have done the finding the hungry crowd part search for you to a large degree...
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  • Profile picture of the author Akula78
    i'm a newbie, and i do work with mobile offers, installs antivirus
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  • Profile picture of the author chrisniel
    Nobody is going to give you perfect list here.
    Just go to Nichehacks.com. There are 100's of niches posted and choose one as per your interest simple.

    Originally Posted by Ianthe Stevens View Post

    Hi Guys,
    I am not a newbie but I do visit Warrior Forum and have a look at some of their threads
    which I find very interesting. However, can some one out there tell me what are the most
    profitable niches for beginners in affiliate marketing? I want to join Amazon FBA when I
    could afford to do so or find a partner with more knowledge in this field.
    Any advice welcome.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Henry01
    According to me Affiliate marketing not profitable nowadays. Just learn more things and try to setup their business
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      And, yet, many other people make lots of money with affiliate marketing.

      What gives?

      PS When you give this kind of opinion, why not explain how you came to it? It would be useful to a lot of people to understand you and, maybe, make decisions for themselves based on your opinions.

      As is, it's meaningless.

      Originally Posted by Steven Henry01 View Post

      According to me Affiliate marketing not profitable nowadays. Just learn more things and try to setup their business
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  • Ianthe, what kind of marketing experience do you have?

    An approach you can start with if you are interested in Affiliate Marketing is:

    1) Identify a niche you are passionate about (promoting products in a niche you are not interested in is a real pain...and it won't last. I started promoting a diet program, I got few sales and got bored after few days)
    2) Find a product on Clickbank in that niche (with good gravity)
    3) Build an opt-in page in front of it
    4) Choose a traffic method (free or paid depending on your budget vs time)
    5) Send traffic to your funnel (build your list + earn for sales).

    Don't be surprised if only a very small percentage of people buy when they see your funnel for the first time. But don't give up...keep marketing to them using your autoresponder sequence.

    I hope it makes sense

    Are you an affiliate marketer? Would you like to learn how to receive high affiliate commissions? I have something that might help you...

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  • Profile picture of the author dfarhan
    Choose the niche what you desired into. Or else you will get bored on some time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    When it comes to building a successful online business, you need to choose 1 niche and you must be prepared to put all your focus into that one niche.

    Once you've created enough success in that niche for it to thrive with little maintenance, then you can branch out into other niches.

    In the beginning, the key to success is focus on one thing and giving it your all.


    From my experience, success is much more achievable when you choose a niche that you're personally interested in or passionate about. Understand that building a successful online business will require commitment.

    So, knowing this it would be wise to commit to a niche that you will actually be able tolerate in the times when you're aren't making as much money as you would like to.

    For me, I knew that the one of my main passions was basketball. So, I decided to build my first online business around the basketball niche, knowing that I would commit to it as I've already committed to practicing the game of basketball for the majority of my life.


    Once you've figured out which niche you're passionate about you need to figure out whether or not your passion-based niche is profitable.

    There are many things people are passionate about, but if your passion is not profitable then it's very difficult to build a business around it.

    So, my recommendation is to find out whether or not other businesses and/or entrepreneurs are profiting off of selling products and services in your niche.

    Before jumping into a niche, I like to reverse-engineer the creation of the businesses that are already in that particular niche. It's important to know how you're going to monetize your efforts.

    Building an online business from scratch is going to require either a lot of time or a lot of money, so you need to know that your time and money invested will lead to profits.

    You will find that there are some niches that are extremely profitable but if you're not passionate about those niches you might have a hard-time staying committed throughout the tough times. I can tell you that if you're starting an online business on your own, there will be a learning curve and obstacles you will have to overcome, but if you enjoy the process and keep your eyes on the prize, you will find yourself living a lifestyle that most people can only dream about.

    Passion + Profitability = Success

    If you can find a niche that is profitable while at the same time something you're passionate about, you're definitely on the right track to success.

    It's possible to build a successful online business by simply going into a niche that is very profitable but if you don't like it, you will either give up before you see any success, or you will find yourself in a position where you're making money but you hate your business.

    I know some people will say that they don't care what niche they go into as long as it is profitable, and that may be the case in the moment, but once you achieve financial success, you won't be motivated by money anymore and you will find yourself in a miserable state.

    So, be wise when choosing your niche, and don't try to jump into multiple niches at once unless you've already proven to yourself that you can build a successful online business with one niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny

    Other "type of business" can't compete with a solid email list.

    Adsense can ban you, fb can ban you, amazon too, but once you have a list...it's YOURS!

    So stop dabbing around and focus all your effort in building a solid email list, nurture your leads, around a topic-niche.

    What are the most profitable? Health, Wealth, Love.

    Yes, but these are macro-niche, you have to go deep and search a micro-niche, studying how to build a list and market those leads, treat them good as they're your children!

    And you can profit even more than with amazon or etc. You can use amazon, youtube, etc, once you create a list you can sell anything related!
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Wonder what you'd say if you selling email marketing coaching was influencing you in any way!

      Originally Posted by Connann View Post


      Other "type of business" can't compete with a solid email list.

      Adsense can ban you, fb can ban you, amazon too, but once you have a list...it's YOURS!

      So stop dabbing around and focus all your effort in building a solid email list, nurture your leads, around a topic-niche.

      What are the most profitable? Health, Wealth, Love.

      Yes, but these are macro-niche, you have to go deep and search a micro-niche, studying how to build a list and market those leads, treat them good as they're your children!

      And you can profit even more than with amazon or etc. You can use amazon, youtube, etc, once you create a list you can sell anything related!
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