Q: Do you self promote or use affiliates (scenario)?

3 replies
Lets say you personally created a digital diet/weight-loss info product (one off membership site) that delivers massive value for the price point, have a complete funnel from start to finish, front end, back end, upsells, cross-sells.

- You have 15 years fitness experience, certifications, qualifications, knowledge and a Facebook page with 30k followers so product is based on you and your "authority"

- 70% of those followers are not exactly your target audience as they were built up over the last 5 years with a different non overlapping fitness product so promoting to them isn't going to work.

- However you also don't have millions to invest in PPC campaigns, but also no networking connections or know anyone to have big affiliates promote your product.

- Front end product seems seasonal and converts best from October to May

==== If you have to pick one and only one option, how are you attempting to sell the product?

- On your own using Facebook PPC yourself or small ad agency?

- Join a marketplace like ClickBank/SoftwareProjects and hopefully get noticed by affiliates?

- Use a 3rd party affiliate software platform, go to networking conferences and cross your fingers you meet some affiliates who know what they are doing?
#affiliates #promote #scenario
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    I'm not sure I get the point of your question. In real life, nobody has to pick just one option. And if you've gone to the trouble of creating a comprehensive product with several upsells, you'd already have a target market in mind - either your own subscriber list and/or those of a few carefully selected affiliate partners.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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  • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
    The question is not realistic.

    If I had to pick one and only one, I would self promote as most affiliates do diddly.

    But, in reality I self promote and run my own affiliate program. It's right at about 80/20. 80% if sales from my efforts and 20% from affiliates with around 3% of affiliates generating 70% of the affiliate sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    I use affiliates and have a certain handful who are reliable and run launch contests. But as the above Poster said most do squat.

    In the end , I really like controlling my own destiny
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