Making Sense of Cents Blog earns $100K a Month for this 27 yr.old Woman

18 replies
She was featured in Forbes at and she is only 27 yrs. old

She says " In the beginning, in May of 2012, I earned $500. And by December 2012, I was up to $5,700 that month. The month I paid off my student loans, July of 2013, I earned $11,000 that month."

She says over $50K month is earned from Affiliate Marketing.

And to those bloggers struggling out there take heed that it took her 6 months with her blog to earn her first $100

Her blog
#$100k #blog #cents #earns #making #month #sense #woman #yrold
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Here's the best statement in that article:

    I was always so competitive, determined, and independent.
    competitive - I know I can do it better than everyone else.

    determined - I know I won't give up when the going gets tough.

    independent - I know I can do it mostly by my lonesome.

    It's not arrogance if it's true.

    I believe a lot of people fail because they lack the above qualities. That's why I often say, "You either have what it takes or you don't." And, if you have what it takes, you may very well be unaware of it because it's just who you are.

    I've had numerous people tell me, "You're so creative." I never once thought of myself as creative until enough other people told me they thought I was. I often hear people say, "Get your creative juices flowing." Naturally creative people often find it challenging to keep their "creative juices" in check.

    It would be interesting to see an Internet marketer aptitude test. I wonder how many people who fail it miserably would still try their hand at it?

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    • Profile picture of the author holbizmetrics
      The thing is success is not like media shows it. I bought her course about affiliate marketing. (site link removed by moderator) Which helped me to earn at least a little bit money even in the first month I've applied what she told.

      What I learned:

      Her facebook group has so much value like I've barely seen on another group. It's very active.
      Sure, because more than 2000 people now - when I got into the group there were about 1753 or something - all asking about the same challenges, obstacles and how to overcome these
      and even between these floods of messages and contributions she's still there to answer questions and to help. That's incredible.

      And forbes magazine states those statements you mention even more thoroughly.

      I invited a friend of mine to join the group.
      He tried to enter the one you'd have to pay for,
      by just applying without having bought her course.
      She was answering him in a matter of minutes.

      So I agree she IS definitely very determined, competitive (in sense of business) and very collaborative in the group.

      Heck, I even didn't expect that I would have to chances to grow my blog more and more automatically. Even the facebook group alone would be worth money.

      But to see everything behind those doors (all the work she puts in) you have to look very closely and thoroughly.

      And for sure, it's not like the media often states:

      Overnight breakthrough.

      I still remember the words of Will Smith:

      You were suddenly famous. Overnight. So to say.

      He looked at the host thoroughly. Nodded. Silently.
      Then shaking slowly his head. Like he could not believe it.
      Yes, Ma'am. This had been a damn long 10 year long hard night...

      Which left the host speechless..
      Business meets Emotion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan S
    That's very true. I hope this may serve as motivation to all of us aspiring internet millionaires. Goodluck everyone!
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Jonathan S View Post

      That's very true. I hope this may serve as motivation to all of us aspiring internet millionaires. Goodluck everyone!
      Of course there is nothing wrong with aspiring and being motivated but for most people being an internet millionaire is an unrealistic goal.

      Before anyone jumps on me saying I'm a dream killer, lets just be honest.

      The women above in no way, shape, or form had any inspirations to be a internet millionaire.

      Read the Forbes article. She started a blog as a hobby and did not realize she could even earn money at first.

      Things just took off and she worked very hard.

      Anyway, sometimes the "internet millionaire" phrase gets thrown around here a lot and and I kind of get a little sensitive, so sorry.

      But lets just take baby steps to start off
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  • Profile picture of the author drop box
    Don't believe it. These fake monthly income statements are a marketing gimmick to get people to the site. There is no way this site made just shy of $1m last year. Heck, I don't even believe the statements conjured up by Pat Flynn, but at least he's one is more reasonable.
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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by drop box View Post

      Don't believe it.
      Forbes would not post something on pure claims alone. Why trash a reputation to write about someone who is a phoney?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11189522].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by drop box View Post

      Don't believe it. These fake monthly income statements are a marketing gimmick to get people to the site. There is no way this site made just shy of $1m last year. Heck, I don't even believe the statements conjured up by Pat Flynn, but at least he's one is more reasonable.
      Of course they didn't earn 1 mil dollars. What's that mantra "If I can't do it then no one can do it " .
      Right ?? LOL

      Well the fact of it is she has done it. And trust me Forbes is professional enough to get it completely verified
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11189530].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
      Originally Posted by drop box View Post

      Don't believe it. These fake monthly income statements are a marketing gimmick to get people to the site. There is no way this site made just shy of $1m last year. Heck, I don't even believe the statements conjured up by Pat Flynn, but at least he's one is more reasonable.
      uhhh...Forbes??? Like, THE Forbes?
      Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11189540].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Personal finance can be a very lucrative niche but income reports are for suckers/dreamers.

    I also find it hard to believe someone making $100K a month is so frugal they frown on a $9 per month Netflix bill. Lets be real. - Dr Phil

    Her blog/site goes off in too many directions. The average person looking for personal finance info. could care less about living in an RV or income reports.

    Mentioning Bluehost makes me think Pat Flynn owns the site.

    For the guys with the Forbes comments, cmon, it's the media. Don't believe everything you read. No way in hell Forbes is looking at any verifiable tax records for income proof (Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own). Odds are it's a paid link/article.

    Bottom line, the site is cheesy.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11189545].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      I also find it hard to believe someone making $100K a month is so frugal they frown on a $9 per month Netflix bill. Lets be real. - Dr Phil
      I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt there are real people like this in our World. My Uncle is like this. Very, very wealthy but very frugal and still clips out haircut coupons for $5 and pays $1.75 for meals at local hospital.

      It may be hard for you to believe . But just because it does not match up with what you would do in similar circumstances , does not make it untrue !
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11190279].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt there are real people like this in our World. My Uncle is like this. Very, very wealthy but very frugal and still clips out haircut coupons for $5 and pays $1.75 for meals at local hospital.

        It may be hard for you to believe . But just because it does not match up with what you would do in similar circumstances , does not make it untrue !

        I agree there's people with a lot of money that are frugal but this lady says she watches free TV channels instead of spending money on Netfix. Nonsense.

        Making $100K a month and can't get past spending $9 a month,... but still watches TV.

        ...and she drives an RV that cost more than her house.

        Bullshit on being frugal.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11191485].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    great share, can stop reading her blog.

    nice one,
    Ike Paz
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    she probably failed 50 times, and then worked out you have to get up 51 times.

    That is the secret to becoming successful online. Test, test, test, test....

    and never GIVE UP...kudos to her.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    I've followed her blog for years. Always enjoyed it and found it useful.

    I don't doubt her income reports but then I am a dreamer. "But I'm not the only one..."

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  • Profile picture of the author jbuk
    I'm highly dubious about her age, she looks much older than 27 to me maybe early to mid 40's. No idea about her income claims but no way is she 27.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    Wow. I'm surprised at how so many people are so quick to come out and say it's not true.

    Just because YOU haven't or can't succeed does not mean that SHE hasn't.

    I believe the article 100%, and I, for one, am happy for her and glad she has realized her dream.

    Generally, naysayers and haters are usually just JEALOUS and don't want to believe it.

    I wish I had a dollar for every time somebody told me I was lying about how I make my living...

    I even had some drunk fool at a bar one night want to fight me because I told him I make my living online. He immediately called me a "con artist" and wanted to go out in the parking lot and have an actual fist fight so he could "teach me a lesson for lying to people."

    So it's no surprise that people doubt the article. If they spent half the time working on their own projects that they spend trying to disprove others they would probably be successful too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    I don't doubt she is making the money. Knowingly or not she tapped into a real pressure point with student loan debt. Everyone who has been to college feels that weight.

    Theres plenty of people making tens of thousands a month - not even close to being unbelievable

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  • Profile picture of the author DeanJames
    It's true, there are wealthy people out there that are VERY frugal indeed. I won't go into the reasons why in this reply but I know of a guy (I used to work with his niece) that won the equivalent of $2.5 million dollars on the lottery (I say equivalent because it was in sterling).

    He literally didn't spend any of the money to any significant degree apart from invest in a few pieces of art at auction.

    He bought a painting for less than £10,000 sterling which turned out to be worth over six figures. I asked his niece if he gave her anything from the lottery win and the answer was an emphatic, "No".

    Perhaps the greatest example of frugality in relation to monetary wealth is Warren Buffett. One of the richest men in the world, whom I believe still lives in the same house in Omaha that he bought decades ago.
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