1 Terribly Difficult Concept To Embrace But Which Will Help You Build A Thriving Business
The lean years, of course
I refused to help anyone for free because I believed that being a professional blogger, I needed to help only clients and customers persistently before I could bother with freebie seekers or tire kickers.
This idea was hellishly difficult for me to accept. But after living on the cyber dole I figured there may just be something to the concept of over delivering, and being incredibly generous, helping folks for free, for hours daily.
I finally got it; the more people you helped across a wide range of platforms, for free, the more you appear to be all over the place. Which makes you feel familiar to readers, and that familiar feeling plus generous service rendered inspires folks to hire you, buy your stuff and endorse you.
Of course, I had to open premium help streams. AKA, products, eBooks and services. I also had to learn the art of being super generous while minimizing my time spent helping individuals who were classic tire kickers, begging me repeatedly to spend hours of my time helping them build a blog from the ground up. I'd offer maybe a paragraph of helpful advice then a link to my consulting and courses page.
But then I'd get busy writing guest posts and lengthy blog comments and posts here on Warrior and on Quora, helping a bunch of folks for free, and I quickly began to generate income through different streams online, in addition to my established streams.
I recall seeing a self-help dynamo who was making serious coin through paid webinars. She always talked about being the Queen of Over Delivering and how the more she gave away free information while establishing premium service channels, the more money she made.
Please, have posture. Charge healthy rates. Charge healthy prices. But learn the art of being super generous and you will find that as money begins to flow your way more easily, the tire kickers will come and go fast but serious folks willing to spend money will gravitate to you more frequently.
I was thinking about my eBook sales and one profitable venture that popped up in my inbox today and note the direct correlation to being generous, by opening income streams but by also not allowing any 1 desperate individual to gobble up my attention and energy for too much time. Balancing act for sure, but you will build a thriving business when you are super helpful and spread your knowledge across multiple platforms.
All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources
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