Help marketing new ebook.

17 replies
I just finished writing my Ebook and setting it up on Shopify. I did a trial of Facebook/Instagram ads with no luck. How can I put my Ebook out there, regarding marketing.
#ebook #marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Symmetry Therapy
    Research organic search engine optimization. Make sure you have a website and optimize it so several keywords in your target market show up in the general public's or target market's web searches. Since you said you did a trial, I am thinking that maybe you want to keep your budget down. You might create banners for your book, try to get interviews on the many smaller interview programs, and do something local, like a hard copy of your book with a book signing.
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  • Profile picture of the author somenathsen1
    upload 1/3 of your e-book to kindle and link your main book at the end of the kindle book and then promote your kindle book via paid amazon ads.

    If your ebook is IM related then create a 1/3 of your ebook as wso and upload them in warriorplus/ JVzoo and sell your main ebook as OTO for your wso.

    convert your ebook some chapter in a video and upload them in youtube and then promote that video via youtube ads and sell your main book.
    Enroll 17000+ Video Courses For FREE Click Here
    How to Guides & Blogging Tutorials
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    Why don't you write a Short version with less content of the ebook, set it in a squeeze page and then use it to BUILD YOUR LIST?

    Then you can sell this ebook as an infoproduct to your list, continuing nurturing your subscribers with content and let them perceive you as a person to trust.

    Then when they purchase your ebook, they can also leave a testimonials (ask for it), so your ebook, which can be better sold in amazon or jvzoo, could improve its ranking
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    Drive traffic - produce content (videos, social, blog); get your ads to work - rarely do they work on the first (or even second) try -- combination of your ads, audience and landing pages; offer affiliate commission and seek out partners to offer it to their list for 40%+
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by gramunmasked View Post

    I just finished writing my Ebook and setting it up on Shopify. I did a trial of Facebook/Instagram ads with no luck. How can I put my Ebook out there, regarding marketing.
    Before you started writing your book, what target market did you have in mind, and where do they hang out?

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi G,

    I am big on building my authority through a blog - this takes time - growing my list, and emailing my new releases every 2 weeks to my list, and across all of my blogging tribes. That's a revenue generator.

    Whatever advice you follow above/below, definitely get that blog going so you can have sales on demand as you publish your new release and email it to your list.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author gramunmasked
      Ryan great idea, I was thinking of this. Theres so many platforms for a blog that I was so confused on who to host with. Any recommendations?
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Originally Posted by gramunmasked View Post

    I just finished writing my Ebook and setting it up on Shopify. I did a trial of Facebook/Instagram ads with no luck. How can I put my Ebook out there, regarding marketing.
    What is the subject? Without that information, no one can really help.

    Why Shopify to sell a single ebook? That's $30 month vs $5 - $10 for a simple website and payment processor.

    I stole this from Alex at Support Templines – Support Templines

    The quality of an answer depends significantly on the quality of the question. If you ask correct questions, you will help people to understand you immediately and get answers quickly!
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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    • Profile picture of the author gramunmasked
      Last time I posted a link or too much information about the book, my account got deleted. Thats why I didn't include to much information.

      The ebook is called Instagram Unmasked and the website is

      The following topics are covered in the Ebook

       Getting Started - Setting Up Your Instagram Profile

       Making the Most of Your Bio

       Your First Post

       Following and Unfollowing

       When to Post on Instagram

       How the Algorithm Changed the Game

       Developing a Content Strategy

       Writing Captions

       Engaging with Your Followers

       Hashtagging

       Influencer Marketing

       Monetization

       Instagram Analytics

       Get Local - Using Your Location to Your Advantage

       Do's and Don'ts of Automating Your Account
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    Originally Posted by gramunmasked View Post

    I just finished writing my Ebook and setting it up on Shopify. I did a trial of Facebook/Instagram ads with no luck. How can I put my Ebook out there, regarding marketing.
    Have you thought about creating a free 5-day ecourse or a another free gift that will allow you to at least capture the email address and follow-up? Most won't buy the first time around, that's why it's helpful to get them on a list for follow-up. How expensive is this ebook? Having a low cost offer at the top of the funnel can work too.
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  • Profile picture of the author gramunmasked
    I can make a shorter version of the Ebook and give it away for free to capture emails. Thats what I will do if my next campaign on Facebook doesn't go well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kate H Smith
    I have a few customers, but rather than counting on one eBook, they have 2000-3000 word short reports in different super specific niches. I just create videos for them, and they earn passively. Videos keep on sending traffic to their sales page, over and over again.

    However, at the same time, I have those customers too who focus on proper launches and marketing strategies. They are famous in their fields and have immense competition too. So, their strategies count on social media, video marketing, and other platforms.

    Lastly, you can focus on those specific platforms too that hand you the 'Viral' factor - Pinterest, YouTube, Reddit, and etc. On these platforms, if just one thing goes viral properly, which is highly possible, you can gets 1000s of customers overnight.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOptimization@1

    Start sharing innovative wallpapers on Google+, Facebook (Page, Groups), Linkedin Groups, Twitter and Pinterest on regular basis with # symbol and your target keywords.

    Soon, you will see great traffic on your website and start receiving inquiries.

    We have done it for lots of customers and helped them getting visibility in their niche market.

    PS: You could use to design innovative wallpapers / quotations / designs etc.

    If you are looking for SEO Tips, follow Diversified Links Strategy:
    1. Unique Descriptions for Bookmark and Tier 2 Submissions
    2. Unique Blogs Writing and Submissions
    3. Edu Links
    4. Tier 2 Submissions
    5. Profile Links
    6. High DA/TF Blogs Submissions (DA upto 99 and TF upto 28)
    7. Tier 2 Submissions of High DA Blogs
    8. Social Media Submissions of High DA Blogs
    SEO Implementation Strategy:
    1. 15% Main Keywords
    2. 40-45% LSI (8-10 Types of LSI)
    3. Rest - Naked URLs/Branded Names
    4. Drip Feed
    Hope that works for your EBook and improves google ranking.

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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    You should have NO trouble targeting people on Insta and Facebook looking to market via Instagram.

    What I would do is run your content and your ads to a webinar where you a) Introduce the results you have gotten for your clients or yourself b) Go through the steps to be successful c) Talk about pitfalls/common mistakes d) help them with 1 or 2 of the BEST tips and then close on sending them to your product for full details.

    This is a perfect topic for webinar - you can even test free versus low fee, I've had cases where charging $10 or $20 works better (in terms of eventual conversion) than running free events (simply because marketers are getting more suspicious about the value delivered via free webinars these days.
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  • Profile picture of the author webmarke
    Write a short report related to the subject of your ebook (Put a link to your ebook in the free report) and give it away via forums, giveaway events, fb groups, etc.

    If your free report really helps people, there is a good chance that they will buy what you are selling.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    without building a list you will not get very far with this.

    That would be the best way, or reaching out to other top blogs in your niche and asking them to blog about you and pay them a smaller or medium sized fee.
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