How to start a Content Curation Website for Passive Earning

26 replies
Hi Experts,

I am new in Digital Marketing working at home. I am just looking for passive income. Can anyone answer of the following questions?

- How to start a content curation business?
- Will Google not mark duplicate content in my site?
- Can Google give me some adsense ads? Not now but after 6 months?

Please share your real life examples and resources. I will appreciate your answers and time.
#content #curation #earning #passive #start #website
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  • Profile picture of the author korekuping
    1) Buy articles, dont scrape them, dont rewrite them, DONT USE TOOLS TO REWRITE the best way is to buy them, or translate them if you know anoter language
    2)it wont mark you but you can forget to shown any where on the top 10 pages of google search
    3) yes you can be approved but if your blog is full of duplicated shit it wont, and i wouldnt either
    its 2017 man, not 2007
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    • Profile picture of the author smithjohn2501
      Thanks for your reply. But you did not answer my questions. Kindly have a look below points and answer, please. I will highly appreciate your response.

      - How to start a content curation business?
      - Will Google not mark duplicate content in my site?
      - Can Google give me some adsense ads? Not now but after 6 months?
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    • Profile picture of the author marco005
      Where is the difference of buy articles and scrape articles and give backlink to the source? I mean when you buy an article do you have the right to use it as your own?

      And when it is so that you can use them as your own,thereare other people who buy this article too, so you have content that is maybe hundred fold over the web, so you can not rank with.

      The content curation work is the same, you have too add value, you must twist them, without that, I see no difference between buy an article and scrape an article.

      What do you mean?

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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
    Its my understanding that when you curate you reference the originator. Google would not penalize you then.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    You can buy articles or outsource them from sites like upwork, contentmart, Hirewriters etc. Content plays a great role in digital marketing. If your blog have quality and relevant content than you will get approved by Google AdSense team.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
    Just a heads up to the other two guys who responded he wants to curate not use original articles two different things
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    Here's an interesting read. You may disagree but he makes some good points.

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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Rose, one of the points made in that article you linked to:

    And if a company wants to focus on content curation and syndication from others, the only reason should be so they can add their opinion and further thoughts on the subject, making the outside content not the center piece, but rather a side element to the theme of the page.
    This is precisely what content curation means. It's certainly not a passive income business.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      This is precisely what content curation means. It's certainly not a passive income business.

      I'll put it more blanket.

      There is NO LEGITIMATE way of starting a business that is passive to begin with. You can put in the work (be it content, programming or service) and BECOME passive but if you intend from day one to be passive you are just looking to rip someone (or their work) off.

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      • Profile picture of the author marco005
        What you do, when most users click the article title, go to the original source to read the article, also left your website?

        And then? You lost your traffic and not make any money, you build a business for others, you bring them traffic and you work maybe for nothing.

        What do you mean?
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        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          Originally Posted by marco005 View Post

          What you do, when most users click the article title, go to the original source to read the article, also left your website?

          And then? You lost your traffic and not make any money, you build a business for others, you bring them traffic and you work maybe for nothing.

          What do you mean?
          Marco, that's a very easy fix. You just code your link to open the article in a new window or tab. When they're done reading, they close the window or tab and they're back on your site.
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          • Profile picture of the author marco005
            Hi John,

            I agree with that, does this works, also reduce high number of users who left my page?

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            • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
              Originally Posted by marco005 View Post

              Hi John,

              I agree with that, does this works, also reduce high number of users who left my page?

              People who are intent on leaving your page will find a way. Using the link to open a new window/tab will leave your site available when they finish with a link you've provided. What they do after they close the new window/tab is up to them. Your job is to provide content they want to stick around for.

              Some type of "related posts" content, either hand-curated or via a widget or plugin, can help a lot.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    If you read today's thread by the same OP - you'll see the goal is "free content" and nothing more.

    In today's thread he says:

    Recently I have setup a blog. And just copied 50-60 articles from different sites. Now, I want to get quality content for my blog to increase organic traffic. So I could submit my blog to Google for adsense.
    His question is only whether 'content curation' is the best way to post other people's articles on his site for 'passive income'...
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      If you read today's thread by the same OP - you'll see the goal is "free content" and nothing more.

      In today's thread he says:

      His question is only whether 'content curation' is the best way to post other people's articles on his site for 'passive income'...
      I'll post the same warning I did in the other thread.

      Since his aim is Adsense, even if he gets approved, all it will take is one complaint about stolen content to get him banned from Adsense. And when Google bans you, it's for life.
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      • Profile picture of the author marco005
        There are many big websites who use the content curation method with adsense, they have good page rank and are not banned by adsense.

        What is the difference here?

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    Originally Posted by smithjohn2501 View Post

    Hi Experts,

    I am new in Digital Marketing working at home. I am just looking for passive income. Can anyone answer of the following questions?

    - How to start a content curation business?
    - Will Google not mark duplicate content in my site?
    - Can Google give me some adsense ads? Not now but after 6 months?

    Please share your real life examples and resources. I will appreciate your answers and time.
    If you're just looking for some xtra spending cash try blogging on Steemit, you could be earning money from your first blog post.
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  • Profile picture of the author SiteNameSales
    I have a sideline selling domain names. In order to make them more attractive to a potential buyer I have built websites for them and use content curation for the posts. Google Ads help with some income. Some examples of sites that get the most traffic are and

    All the articles are referenced to the publication with the original author. I add my own images. I have been using this method for years and have never had a complaint of any kind. It would seem some publishers are happy with the links or the additional publicity to the extent that they care at all.

    I know there are some purists out there, outraged at the idea of using content from a source not one's own. Get over it. To each his own. The internet has upended some cherished norms of yesteryear. Publications like HuffingtonPost and Business Insider do this all the time and I have yet to run across any publication that does avail themselves of sources like the AP.

    In sum, do what you think is best for your business with the resources you have.
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    • Profile picture of the author TrafficFlow
      Actually, I looked at your memory loss site and it appears that you are not copying anything but are simply using a google news feed so if someone clicks on the excerpt of the article they are taken right to the source. In my opinion, this is not copyright infringement nor is it really curation. But do you really get much revenue from a site that is 100% RSS feeds? On the plus site, your site was very fast. However, your other site was very slow so I did not have the time to really look at it.

      QUOTE=SiteNameSales;11202976]I have a sideline selling domain names. In order to make them more attractive to a potential buyer I have built websites for them and use content curation for the posts. Google Ads help with some income. Some examples of sites that get the most traffic are and

      All the articles are referenced to the publication with the original author. I add my own images. I have been using this method for years and have never had a complaint of any kind. It would seem some publishers are happy with the links or the additional publicity to the extent that they care at all.

      I know there are some purists out there, outraged at the idea of using content from a source not one's own. Get over it. To each his own. The internet has upended some cherished norms of yesteryear. Publications like HuffingtonPost and Business Insider do this all the time and I have yet to run across any publication that does avail themselves of sources like the AP.

      In sum, do what you think is best for your business with the resources you have.[/QUOTE]
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    • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
      Originally Posted by SiteNameSales View Post

      I know there are some purists out there, outraged at the idea of using content from a source not one's own. Get over it.
      Has nothing to do with being a "purist". It's about theft. Using feeds that a site makes available are one thing. Copying and pasting content is theft.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Publications like HuffingtonPost and Business Insider do this all the time and I have yet to run across any publication that does avail themselves of sources like the AP.
    Did you mean "does not avail themselves"?

    The AP charges for the right. Syndication and curation are not the same as deliberate violation of copyright. Few people complain when their work (with credit) shows up on a huge site like HuffPost....but new marketers thinking they can take whatever they want from sites of others and use it can get shut down quickly if they steal from the wrong site owner. You know all that - but the OP doesn't.

    In his other thread he says he just 'copied 50-60 articles from different sites'....nothing about credit or sourcing, copyright or permission.

    At the least, new marketers should learn the differences in curation, syndication and copyright issues (and throw in a bit of trademark knowledge, too) just to protect themselves from making risky decisions....or cover themselves when they make those decisions anyway.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    If not stealing other people's intellectual property makes me a "purist" then so be it. I'll embrace the title.

    Again, cutting and pasting is not content curation and never has been.

    The one good thing about this kind of thread is it lets us all know who to never buy a product from.

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  • Profile picture of the author marco005
    I think this business model is at high risk.
    There is a FB marketer who has around 30.000 fans and do good content curation on FB.

    Problem is, he not make money.

    He say that most fans click the article title to go to the original source, to read the article. So he lost his visitors, they left his website /FB page.
    In this way he build a business for others /his competitors, but not for himself.

    The"others" the original source they make money of his work, he lost all the profits of his work.

    So in my eyes there is a high risk that with content curation you work for nothing, you build other people business grow up and bring traffic to them.

    What do you mean?

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  • Profile picture of the author marco005
    But one thing I wonder is, how Perez Hilton scrape his images and get the right to publish it?

    Do you have an answer on that?
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  • Profile picture of the author Hersh
    I would like to chime in here...

    I think that done correctly, that is, adding your own content and finding good quality content, you will keep visitors on your site and they will be interested.

    Generally, people want to save time and effort. They want to find what they're looking for in one place and not have to search for it.

    A good curated site with a combination of some unique content, embedded videos, quoted articles, infographics, etc can be a rich resource for people to visit and return to.
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