What I did wrong in your opinion? My first facebook campaign went bad.

2 replies
Hello guys.
Over the last months I made my first dropshipping store.
I choose to target action figures of videogames niche.
I setup 500 product on my store, and I choose competitive prices.

Then I take a look at a competitor for his best selling items. And I choose to promote on my first facebook campaign the most selled product of this competitor.
It was an action figure of Life is Strange. He sell the item in his shop at 20$ so I setup the price at 18$ (The original price is 7.50$)

I setup my facebook post like this: "How many likes for this wonderful action figure about LiS? You can purchase it here *Link*"
Then I spent 10$ for a 7 days campaign with this target
Target audience Male and female, 18-25 years old
Niche: Life is Strange and Action figures

After 7 days my post reach almost 4000 people. But I get 0 likes on my post. 100 people clicked on my link but 0 purchases.

What I did wrong in your opinion? Please help me to understand my mistakes... thank you!
#bad #campaign #facebook #opinion #wrong
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    What I did wrong in your opinion?
    You didn't necessarily do anything wrong. Sometimes (actually most times) it takes testing to make a campaign profitable.

    You tested one ad with one set of targeting. Test a different ad or targeting or product.

    Although there is a lot of hype to the contrary, (mostly from people selling FB ads courses) FB ads are tough, even for experienced marketers.

    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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