Thoughts on the word webmaster

7 replies
I'm looking to rebrand my online business and was thinking about using the word webmaster in the domain.

Is the word 'webmaster' outdated in your opinion?

Do you think it's better to use 'webdevloper', 'webarchitect' or something similar?

All feedback is greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
#thoughts #webmaster #word
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    If I were going to use 'webdevloper' - I'd put another 'e' in it.

    I doubt I'd use webmaster in a domain name but I think it's descriptive of a site owner. Use whatever suits your market - but keep the target audience in mind. What works for one audience might seem pretentious to another.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Is you web site going to target webmasters to provide them with some type of product, service, or training?

    Or are you referring to yourself as the webmaster in the domain?

    IMO, if you are targeting webmasters as your audience, that is probably the term that would arouse their attention the most.

    To me at least, web architect and web developer are narrower (more specific) titles than webmaster.

    In summary, I'm suggesting you focus on the term your audience will associate with the best; but also, be sure that the term fits what you plan to offer. Web architect, IMO, is a more finite and specific name. Webmaster covers more skills.

    Just my opinion,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    IMO webmaster is an archaic term.

    It's from a time when only a very few people had the skills necessary to build websites. Now anyone can build a site quickly and easily through the use of software.

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  • Profile picture of the author SantaMax
    It is better not to use the word "webmaster". There are many other more successful new words. What will help you on the move.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by imsolutionsgroup View Post

    I'm looking to rebrand my online business and was thinking about using the word webmaster in the domain.

    Is the word 'webmaster' outdated in your opinion?

    Do you think it's better to use 'webdevloper', 'webarchitect' or something similar?

    All feedback is greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!
    Depends on your target audience and what you are offering.

    To me, the term 'webmaster' connotes an administrative role, someone who is responsible for keeping the site running. If that's who you are targeting, use that term. It might seem outdated or archaic to outsiders, but to the people who do this job, it's a familiar term.

    'Web developer" or 'web architect' suggest much more technical roles, more of a one-time, start-up kind of thing.

    If you are targeting people who set up and adapt online technologies, like coders working with specific applications (i.e. Ruby on Rails), use web developer. Same if the role is integrating an API to a website.

    Web architect suggests someone who works on the high-level site design, much like the architect who designs a building. They seldom get their hands dirty with the nitty-gritty of building or maintaining the site.

    Pick the appropriate word for the audience you want to attract and don't worry what folks on a forum think.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bizopboost
    If it is Just for re-branding then Think of it from your audience point of vue,
    But if it is for SEO purposes I Think you ll need to do some research
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    Originally Posted by imsolutionsgroup View Post

    I'm looking to rebrand my online business and was thinking about using the word webmaster in the domain.

    Is the word 'webmaster' outdated in your opinion?

    Do you think it's better to use 'webdevloper', 'webarchitect' or something similar?

    All feedback is greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!
    I suggest rebranding as a business consultant to avoid commoditized pricing.
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