Canadian signed a Coaching agreement (US company) - Need Help!
I am new to the Internet Marketing game and I need some help.
So I was on Facebook and clicked on the ad, saw and automated webinar and signed up for a "Discovery Call".
On the discovery call, I was prompted to sign up for this coaching program. The person on the call claims to be the business partner of the coach I saw on the webinar. He somehow sold me on this $7,000 USD coaching package. I said I am new and don't have that kind of money to invest. He tapped into my emotions and somehow convinced me to sign up for the monthly instalment plan ($1,000 up front and 6 months x $1,250 after).
He had me sign an "Agreement" after which entails my agreement to the payment terms, my payment details, and there is another page which says Promissory Note which I am enforced to pay or there will be incurred interest, etc. The Agreement is governed in the State of California.
After I signed the Agreement, I was given access to the online course which I found the modules to be very mediocre and I didn't receive any coaching, contact whatsoever. I was told to go through the modules in the online course. I feel like I have been lied to and feel kind of lost right now.
My question is that as a Canadian, is this Agreement enforceable as the Agreement is governed in the State of California. Is there anyway I will get into legal issues if I refuse to pay the monthly instalment payments?
Please help!
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