14 replies

I just created my funnel and my follow up emails and everything is ready to go but I want to know what is the best ways to drive traffic as I'm on a budget and can't go with PPC.

#stuck #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author attan
    Free traffic takes time and isn't always free, just saying

    You're not mentioning what niche it is in, but few quick ideas is go to Facebook and go to your niche related groups and post there.

    Same goes with Twitter and other social media channels.

    Blog posts yes sure, but again it takes time to get rankings and results.

    And finally Youtube traffic. Create make video , with a good call to action so they visit your site.

    These should be some good options to get you started.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mohamad Nasr
      Originally Posted by attan View Post

      Free traffic takes time and isn't always free, just saying

      You're not mentioning what niche it is in, but few quick ideas is go to Facebook and go to your niche related groups and post there.

      Same goes with Twitter and other social media channels.

      Blog posts yes sure, but again it takes time to get rankings and results.

      And finally Youtube traffic. Create make video , with a good call to action so they visit your site.

      These should be some good options to get you started.
      This is the right method to do.
      I already using FB groups to drive traffic to my site.
      I am a WordPress website builder [autoblogs] and I always recommend this method to my clients.
      1- Find FB groups about your niche.
      Join as much group as you can but keep in mind.
      - Only join 5 to ten groups every 2 hours, and don't go fast with this or your account will be closed.
      Join the biggest groups that have more than 5K members bigger is better.
      Join about 100 groups first don't start posting yet,
      If you joined 10 groups every 2 hours and you make this on daily basis you will reach 100 groups in few days.
      Communicate with active members, comment, like, share.. just be active inside th community.
      Then it is time to post.
      My strategy for posting is using bookmarks!
      yes bookmarks, if you joined 100 groups sort them on 10 folders of bookmarks.
      Sort them by members numbers, for example
      folder for groups with 100k or above
      folder of bookmarks for groups with 50k and above .. and so o.

      Before you start posting, create templates, yes it is easy
      Just right down on txt file your ad format, so you only copy and paste to groups.
      Then go to your browser, right click on first bookmark folder and open the first 10 groups at once.
      When all 10 groups is open just copy, paste and hit the post.
      Post on 10 groups every 30 minutes, not less.
      And don't post clickable link on post, Facebook will not show your post to people if it includes link send people outside Facebook
      just make space between the domain and dot com and in between
      (mention to >> delete the space).

      You can do this while you are on a computer, doing something else.
      Just use alarm to ring every 30 minutes, then you open 10 groups and post, that's it
      This way I was able to post to 100s of groups every day.

      If you have more than one Facebook account use them to post more, you can use 2 browsers to open in the same computer in same time.

      Hope this can help
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by Abdelrhman View Post

    I want to know what is the best ways to drive traffic as I'm on a budget and can't go with PPC.

    First of all, driving traffic with a low or no budget can be difficult. You'll have to substitute your time and work for the money you'd spend to pay to get traffic. At the same time, it's very easy to waste your time doing things that you think will work, when in actuality, they are a huge time drain considering the trickle of traffic they bring - so be careful how you proceed. In many ways, getting free quality traffic is much more difficult that getting good paid traffic.

    Secondly, free traffic methods do not typically produce fast results. They take time to work. If all you have is time (and no money), so be it. Just be prepared to stay in this for the long haul and don't expect to make a lot of money quickly with free traffic methods.

    Rather than wait for answers from this thread, (obviously, not a lot of people are contributing) did you ever consider combing the archives for similar threads? The same question (about best free traffic sources) has been asked over and over and over again. Use the search function (especially the "advanced search" and you will find many, many threads with tons of answers. Here's just one such thread I just found in the archives to get you started:

    Best Free Traffic Sources

    It has 146 responses from members (was posted this past May).

    Use the search function - that's what it's for.

    Good luck . . .


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author lobo22
    I still believe that the best traffic are solo ads. It's worth more than spending days of trying to get free traffic which still needs to get educate. Honestly, safe some money and select wise a solo ad provider and spend your money. the investment will return in the followups.
    This system gave me my best PROFITS. Pays 100% commissions, shows how to get traffic for Pennies.The BEST the income grows on autopilote.

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  • Profile picture of the author RyanLima
    Originally Posted by Abdelrhman View Post


    I just created my funnel and my follow up emails and everything is ready to go but I want to know what is the best ways to drive traffic as I'm on a budget and can't go with PPC.

    Hae you tried Pinterest, Youtube videos, facebook pages or and Blog? Find out what traffic works best for your market/ niche. Then if you see some results create a small ad budget for that traffic source. $5 bucks a day is easy and low risk.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mabu Map
    Facebook groups!

    I used to got 10 to 30 leads per day! They all FREE and fast traffic

    You can also use forum like this to drive traffic into your offer.

    I'm trying Youtube as well but Youtube traffic is pretty slow at the beginning.

    I prefer paid traffic more because it's faster and on demand.

    With paid traffic: Traffic on demand - Money on demand.

    But you seems not interested about paid traffic at this time.

    So just try Facebook groups, forum and youtube for yourself.

    But i think that you should take one step at a time, should not do all methods at the same time.

    Not really effective

    Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author Alangile
    The motivated text and good offer are the key to the success of your product
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex July
    There is no universal answer. I believe that the easiest way to get free traffic to your affiliate offer is using the power of YouTube.
    But for you, it might not be the best choice.
    It depends on your offer, your skills, your knowledge.
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  • Profile picture of the author nickyz1
    you can check out safelists traffic, i have seen safelists with $5 traffic packages. but the best thing is to dive in with quality traffic sources if you want to get fast results for your funnel

    Make $100 to $500 a day by trading bitcoin free video. Watch a free video and start earning with your bitcoins today

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  • Well you can't drive traffic for free. Moreover you're on a budget. SO the best way is-
    • Create a blog about your site. Do post unique content regualrly in your blog.
    • And the most powerful option is promote your website on various social media like facebook, twitter, instagram etc.
    • Promote your site in other sites like Quora is the popular one to drive traffic to your site. Similarly reddit, yahoo, stack overflow etc.
    • Find related groups to post about your website or answer the questions relating to your service with your site link.
    • That will drive traffic to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Maxxx333
    hey buddy, there are several ways to generate traffic, freely, but let's be honest, it takes time, and generates low payout, but you could use it for the first time to gather some money to go for paid one. Try to focus first on sources like Social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedln, etc... But also it could be really good to focus on Blogs, forums, and try to share good contents over there, and links to your website, and make it that way!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamiwilos
    As far as free traffic goes try:

    FB/ facebook groups
    other social media platforms

    As for traffic on the cheap try this:

    instagram influencers - very cheap and you can easily get 500 clicks per day with between $5-20

    Youtube retargeting- simply retarget anybody that views your videos on YouTube - the ROI is much better than FB retargeting as the leads are familiar with you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    You can do media buys, solo ads/joint ventures, advertising on blogs, facebook ads, starting your own affiliate program, starting your own forum, or getting recurring hits back to your site (or main product) via opt-in email marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nerdygirl226
    my advise is to change the ads copy to be targeted also add price for your product / services to have more buyers instead of more leads who can't buy
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