11 replies
"Vanity Fair" Magazine has a regular feature, "My Desk," which highlights a personality's, well...desk. This month it is White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers. Her window looks toward the East Room. On her desk are fresh flowers, fine-point ink pens, a framed picture of her daughter, and a Secret Service pin she must wear when she's around the president.

My desk faces the slope of the ceiling, no window in sight. On my desk now are several bic pens, a book about Australia, a cup of cold coffee, my dime store magnifying glasses and a candy wrapper.

What's on your desk?
  • Profile picture of the author Brian Cook
    coffee cup, calculator, gum, sticky notes, cell phone,
    paper clips, calendar, and of course monitor and keyboard

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  • Profile picture of the author RGallowitz
    printer, external hard drive, loose papers, sunglasses, 2 pens, mondi rotatrim pack of paper and a verbatrim cd stack. Oh an my laptop. oh AND my desktop pc.

    Dang...I gotta clean up here ;-)
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    • Profile picture of the author Killer Joe
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      • Profile picture of the author LynnM
        Calculator, purse, tons of mail, paper receipts, batteries, 2 staplers, microphone, ink cartridges, mp3 player, sellotape, opened and unopened cd tutorials from about 3 years ago, several storage sticks, a socket thing for a phone line, lip salve, an old webcam, pens, pencils, labels, gift cards, scissors, sweetie wrappers, a crystal, one of those metal tape measures that pulls back in when you press a button, a magnifying glass, notebooks full of IM ideas, packs of photo paper and a phone card, a badge, headphones and a paper punch. And a screwdriver. A ruler, an emery board, an earpiece, a Tamagotchi (not mine), a mug, a glass, a gel thing for putting in your shoe, a bit of a remote control, needle, thread, cotton reel, brown packing tape.

        Good grief. I need help.

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  • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
    Monitor, keyboard, small plastic bowl containing paracetamol, chewing gum, nail file, broken microphone and half a bar of chocolate ('Kitchen Drawer Lite' ), a one pint coffee mug that's almost permanently on the go, a small bottle of water that's almost permanently ignored and a tiny basket containing two satsumas (wrinkled), one apple (wrinkled) and the other half of the bar of chocolate. I keep the snacky stuff on my desk to remind me to eat it, but it's usually just forgotten until it annoys me enough to throw it out three weeks later. Pet rock 'Hudson' watches with disgust from the top of a pile of notelets, together with a four inch high purple dragon that I got on holiday.

    This is not the kind of desk that will ever make it into the pages of a glossy magazine

    Plot short fiction, long fiction, even outline non-fiction * Edit the question prompts to suit your genre * Easily export text and image files for use with your word processor or Scrivener.
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  • Profile picture of the author FriendlyRob
    Coffee cup, pile of papers, two usb storage devices, one large 680gig storage device, cake of blank DVD's ( don't ask what those are for), and one well-used notebook

    See What I'm up to Now The New Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author Jake Trainor
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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Papers, my kids pictures, pens, a book, more papers, another book, some more pens.. and that's it.

    A perfect mess.

    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    Lynn, your's sounds about the closest to mine - I need help too

    Laptop, pack of blank dvd's, sons wallet, bag of felt, 3 piles of clothes folded, diary, my IM notebooks, Quantam of Solace DVD cover, camera, empty playstation controller box, hot glue gun, bills, sticky tape, scissors, usb flash drives and an empty coffee cup that is due for refilling.
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  • Profile picture of the author BenFranklin
    Laptop, history textbook, tissue box, pictures, files.

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    • Profile picture of the author Elmer Hurlstone
      This was a few days ago:

      It's worse, now.

      If I hadn't been operating like this for over 40 years I might be a bit embarrassed...


      PS. My wife's side of the office is the antithesis of my side. Proof that opposites attract?
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