Do JVZoo offers work with organic traffic?

13 replies
I have a review website and normally list JVZoo products. Do you think JVZoo affiliate offers work with organic traffic? How soon should I list a review on my website?
#jvzoo #offers #organic #traffic #work
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Sure the offers work with organic traffic - provided you have enough of the right type. Traffic is traffic in the sense that it's a person that comes from somewhere and clicks a link and pull out their credit card.

    I'm curious why you would you ask this sort of question?


    Originally Posted by nishagarg View Post

    I have a review website and normally list JVZoo products. Do you think JVZoo affiliate offers work with organic traffic? How soon should I list a review on my website?
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    • Profile picture of the author nishagarg
      Yes, I believe in what you say. The reason why it made me ask was that despite being on top 3 ranking positions for the review, it never makes my sales. Maybe the review is not upto the mark?

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      • Profile picture of the author pauloadaoag
        Sounds like you have a conversion problem, not a traffic problem then
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        • Profile picture of the author nishagarg
          Can say. But I get less traffic as compared to my other review websites when being on top 3 positions.

          Originally Posted by pauloadaoag View Post

          Sounds like you have a conversion problem, not a traffic problem then

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      • Profile picture of the author toydistrict
        Originally Posted by nishagarg View Post

        Yes, I believe in what you say. The reason why it made me ask was that despite being on top 3 ranking positions for the review, it never makes my sales. Maybe the review is not upto the mark?
        Do you offer bonuses?

        If you are all trying to sell the same product, you need to distinguish your offer from others by adding extra value.

        If I want to by software, I look at what extra value (in terms of bonuses) the seller can offer me.
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        • Profile picture of the author nishagarg
          Originally Posted by toydistrict View Post

          Do you offer bonuses?.
          umm. I do not think bonuses most of the affiliates offer are of any worth to buyers. Moreover, I am not in favor of them much.

          But, I can give limited (2-3) bonuses related to the product that is being reviewed. Adding it to my notes from now on. Thank you.

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  • Profile picture of the author Shaun Marrs
    I would imagine it would be fine provided it is target traffic to a relivant presale article to warm them up vefore pushing them to JVZoo.
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  • Profile picture of the author posinfo1
    I think that you are doing well to be ranked in the top 3.

    The issue could be the review itself. Many reviews that I have read give me the impression that the website owner is desperate to sell the product and not independently reviewing it. If you are critical of the product and highlight flaws in it you are more likely to gain the trust of the visitor.
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    • Profile picture of the author nishagarg
      Maybe Mark. Though I avoid putting sales pitch in my reviews. Will keep working on them to make them better.

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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Here is the problem you are having. Your traffic is mostly cold traffic -- people who are not pre-qualified to purchase what you are selling -- or a bunch of tire kickers trying to figure out how to get the product for free.

    If you want to sell affiliate offers through a website and your traffic is from Google or other search engines, then you are likely missing the most important ingredient to getting affiliate sales...

    The people finding your site do not yet Know, Like or Trust you.

    People buy from people they Know, Like and Trust.

    So you have a hill to climb. You have to earn people's trust, before they will trust what you are telling them about the products you are promoting.

    So, you will likely need to provide more on your website than a bunch of affiliate links. You should provide information posts as well, that help people understand your value to their lives and to understand that you are someone who is trustworthy.

    When people know, like and trust you, then you don't have to do much more than tell people why you think they would like a product and provide a link.

    Typically, someone needs to see and read one of your articles 7-9 times before they begin to trust the value of information you share with them.

    Most people hitting your site are there for one page, then they are gone, never to come back again. This is why your site is not generating any sales.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author nishagarg
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      So, you will likely need to provide more on your website than a bunch of affiliate links. You should provide information posts as well, that help people understand your value to their lives and to understand that you are someone who is trustworthy.
      Bill, I agree and just started adding general informative content to the website. Will be posting several articles related to the niche, internal link them, and then direct visitors into buyers.

      I hope this would also increase my leads. In coming days, I will be adding a detailed guide which will be a sticky widget with lead generation.

      Have noted your suggestions and will definitely be working on them now.

      BTW, I got my first sale after a year on JVZOO yesterday

      Need help with building an online business?
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