Who builds sales funnels for clients? (Client Acquisition)

3 replies
How do you know how much to charge a business for a sales funnel or landing page?
#acquisition #builds #client #clients #funnels #sales
  • Profile picture of the author nipongo
    hi there you can check the warriors special offers there are warriors that are selling that service and you can use their price as a reference

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan

    Is the client buying the Cadillac or the Ford Festiva?

    What does the product, audience, level of the sale merit?

    Who is doing the work? What's their experience level?

    A lot more factors at work here than you seem to be considering. I'm sure you could get something for $500. And people have invested well into 5 figures for something good.

    A funnel is not something that the designer just throws over the wall at you and then runs away to go in search of their next client. They need to stick around. The first version is probably not going to work. It certainly won't be optimal. Do people hit home runs? Sure. I have. But most of the time it requires a few iterations to get things right: the hook, the copy, the traffic source...maybe even the offer itself.

    If all a funnel creator is going to do is throw the first thing they come up with at the client and run, that's a recipe for failure. Both sides need more commitment to the process than that.
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    you charge what you are worth, it is that simple. I do not freelance, but if I did I would charge $100.00 per hour. but that is me. Many reading this would charge less, some much less and some much more.


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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