Great at Facebook Ads but how to convert to backlinks?

8 replies
As a business we have developed (thankfully) the knack of doing Facebook posts that are "in tune" with our
audience which gets us loads of likes.

However, this strategy is very lopsided because while these posts have generated loads of likes and shares on Facebook...we badly need more backlinks for our main website.

So how can I use this Facebook content to get more backlinks?
#ads #backlinks #convert #facebook #great
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Brindamour

    Interesting post.

    Facebook is a great place to get backlinks from, but don't over do it. Just share you content to your facebook fan page and it will create a backlink to your website.

    You can also share your content to other social media sites to get backlinks from there also.

    Hope this helps!


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    • Profile picture of the author PPG19
      Originally Posted by Chris Brindamour View Post


      Interesting post.

      Facebook is a great place to get backlinks from, but don't over do it. Just share you content to your facebook fan page and it will create a backlink to your website.

      You can also share your content to other social media sites to get backlinks from there also.

      Hope this helps!

      No, Facebook is not a great place to get backlinks from. Any link from Facebook or any other social media site will not help your rankings at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author sierracharlie
    Chris, thanks for your reply!
    The content is in Facebook. Are you saying there is a backlink created from Facebook with every FB post?
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I know I'm not the Chris you've asked but I would throw in the occasional link (not every post)
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Facebook is a great way to build your brand and get lots of exposure.

    It sounds like you are posting on your timeline or page.

    Now in regards to getting links back to your blog...

    I don't know how much this will help you in regards to SEO.

    I know some marketers who are on Facebook to build relationships, their brand and bottom line...

    To sell their products successfully.

    That you can do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sharpay
    Posting your content on Facebook is one backlink. If people like and share your content, that is social proof. Both of those are factors that Google weighs when ranking your website. So good job so far.

    If you want more backlinks you need to expand to more websites. Twitter, Google+, Instagram, and Pinterest are all good social media sites you can easily post your link on. Then there are niche blogs and authority sites you can guest post on, be featured on, or leave comments on.
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    • Profile picture of the author PPG19
      Originally Posted by Sharpay View Post

      Posting your content on Facebook is one backlink. If people like and share your content, that is social proof. Both of those are factors that Google weighs when ranking your website. So good job so far.

      If you want more backlinks you need to expand to more websites. Twitter, Google+, Instagram, and Pinterest are all good social media sites you can easily post your link on. Then there are niche blogs and authority sites you can guest post on, be featured on, or leave comments on.
      Links from Facebook or other social media sites don't carry value for search engine optimization because they are No-follow so trying to get backlinks on Facebook won't help your rankings.

      Social Signals are different.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    As PPG19 rightfully posted facebook is not much good for backlinking. FB should be used for traffic, brand building and reputation.

    When you have that then you can reach out to webmasters

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