Financial Services Affiliates

5 replies
Evening all, Can anyone recommend an affiliate network to join, in order to run a financial services product through it. The company is UK based and operates within the UK market, want to test the water in terms of putting the product out to a wider network and we would be happy to work alongside a trusted partner to develop more digital based solutions i.e. widgets etc.


#affiliates #financial #services
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Why not run your own?

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    I take it you have your own financial services by the way you worded your OP. That means you could get your own affiliate software or use a cloud service and completely control your own affiliates and setup.

    Normally over the other side of the pond here in the US financial services are references to insurance, investment, Real Estate etc(some licensing is usually involved as well).

    If you can;t find an appropriate affiliate network theres nothing stopping you from running your own and having complete control.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jay Stallard
      Sorry, Got you...

      Very good shout there and thanks for taking the time to respond.
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  • Profile picture of the author caitlynswanston
    I agree with Mike Anthony. You could get your own affiliate software or use a cloud service and completely control your own affiliates and setup.
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