When you feel like quitting, know this
This might help give you the motivation to push through, or move on.
Whenever we start a new project, like building a business, everyone goes through the same emotional rollercoaster sooner or later.
Here's a little graphic I made to explain the journey we all go on.

We start off with excitement... but that doesn't last too long before it slips into uncertainty, then confusion about why you're not getting the results you expect.
The lack of results can make you depressed, then you feel like quitting.
We all feel like quitting sometimes.
Seth Godin calls it the dip.
Even though it feels rough, if you carry on working, producing content, and push through that period - which can last a while, you eventually accept the fact that it's a difficult journey.
Then you start testing new things, and start having fun with it, and gain confidence.
This is why you need either passion or discipline for your niche.
So no matter what stage you're at right now, there's going to be a dip. So prepare for it, and use it to your advantage if you can.
Just knowing it exists can prevent you from giving up.
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Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources