Anyone elses YouTube views nose dived?

by amunt
9 replies
My YouTube views with established videos have been consistent for a few years now. I was also being rewarded for publishing regular quality content with immediate high ranking for new videos.

Over the last few weeks views have gone down massively on established videos and I'm not ranking anymore for new vids?

Feels like I've been punished for some reason, but my content is better and more regular than ever. Anyone experienced something similar?

#dived #drop #elses #nose #views #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    Look at how you're using your end cards - make sure you're linking related videos together.

    Some Youtubers I know are going through ALL their videos to make sure each card links to a logical next-step.

    Instead of just individual videos, look at how they all work together and try to create a chain that keeps people watching for longer.

    It might help.

    There are some Warriors around who are doing EPIC stuff on youtube. Maybe they'll offer some advice too.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    If you're using that tweak that's kind of an open secret for quick rankings, I suppose Youtube caught on
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Brindamour

    YouTube and most social media platform are constantly changing the rules. Which is one of the down falls of social media.

    However, all social media outlets, including YouTube are always looking for good content. So as long as you have good content, you should never have to worry.


    Subscribe to our Free Home Business Tips Newsletter and get insider tips on how to create wealth in an online business.

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    • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
      Originally Posted by Chris Brindamour View Post


      YouTube and most social media platform are constantly changing the rules. Which is one of the down falls of social media.

      However, all social media outlets, including YouTube are always looking for good content. So as long as you have good content, you should never have to worry.

      Sorry Chris

      But go back and read the thread again he wants help on why his views have gone south not some answer about all social media, Sometimes I think you just answer to get your sig seen as this post as no value to the thread

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  • Profile picture of the author Jamestt89
    I've experienced similar recently. It's just like Google though. They're always changing algorithms and rankings. It's a constant guessing game.

    Join us on 27th July. Participate in one of the largest launches of the year and win your share of $47,350 in prizes. WIN BIG
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  • Profile picture of the author nocashwealth
    My views have been deleted for some reason but having a massive amount of likea on my Karatbars best SCAM review video on youtube makes my video top 4 even if a month old and 61 views. The secret always been likes.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
      Originally Posted by nocashwealth View Post

      The secret always been likes.
      I've heard that too.

      Been told that likes and dislikes both carry the same weight on youtube, so even a bad video can rank because it's generating reactions.
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      • Profile picture of the author nocashwealth
        That sounds awesome, I didn't know.
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  • Profile picture of the author SiteNameSales
    Take a look at TubeBuddy. Lots of tips, tricks and handy features to improve rankings and organizing your channel for more efficiency and better use of your time. You connect to the platform with an extension on your browser. Free and paid versions, depending on your needs and/or budget.
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