Essay Marketing Is All The Rage! (Rant Warning)

12 replies
This morning Google alerted me that someone was talking about me, and this is what they said:

Jay Jennings has voiced a brand brand new podcast dedicated to essay marketing. Jay says, "Now we can attend to essay selling tips as well as tricks when you're driving, working, or whenever. Use which time when we can't review or watch videos to squeeze a small info we can make use of to expostulate pre-qualified, targeted trade to your web site regulating elementary small articles.
Someone took an IMNewswatch bit and spun it -- and posted that inane garbage on their blog for people to find.

Stupid people just suck. The idiots who do that kind of thing should be hunted down and literally flogged.

What selfish, inconsiderate pricks.

Every time I do a search for something and end up clicking into this kind of garbage it depresses me -- makes me wish those people would stick to watching Jerry Springer instead of thinking they're "spinning their way to riches."

Rant over. *sigh*

Jay Jennings
#essay #marketing #rage #rant #warning
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly

    I don't have time when I can't review or watch videos to squeeze a small info so I want to know how I can make use of to expostulate pre-qualified, targeted trade to my web site regulating elementary small articles. I understand that you know how I can attend to essay selling tips as well as tricks when I'm driving, working, or whenever.

    Let me know.
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  • Profile picture of the author Don Schenk
    Originally Posted by Jay Jennings View Post

    Every time I do a search for something and end up clicking into this kind of garbage it depresses me -- makes me wish those people would stick to watching Jerry Springer instead of thinking they're "spinning their way to riches."

    Rant over. *sigh*

    Jay Jennings
    Is Springer still on TV. I haven't watched one in a few years.

    He used to be the mayor here in Cincinnati, and got his start on radio - then TV - by doing a nightly "Commentary" bit on the news. This was all long before blogging.

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  • Profile picture of the author tomw
    LOL...I miss that. Never forget the days of owning my first agency and shutting down for an hour so everyone could sit in the boardroom with a few beers and watch all those crazy hicks b*tchslapping each other off the stage.

    Never forget the first time I saw the opera either!

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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
    So..this is SO WEIRD.

    I've never heard the word "expostulate" in conversation...polite or otherwise.

    Suddenly, it pops up 3 times in one thread.


    If I didn't know otherwise, I'd blame software. Software always picks the suckiest words...

    Stupid people wouldn't use a word like "expostulate"...they'd say "diss", "slate", "disrespec'", etc.

    Sucky software. Sucky people. Sucky people using sucky software. Whichever way...I agree. It sucks.


    Not promoting right now

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  • Profile picture of the author tomw
    Originally Posted by Marc Rodill View Post

    I like your sig, Tom. Very hard-hitting and 100% true.
    Thanks Marc,

    believe it or not it was recently told to me by a renowned "Nazi-Hunter" that I met in The Ukraine. He really does travel he world investigating and hunting down surviving Nazi war criminals, funded by a Jewish organisation.

    An amazing guy, full of fascinating stories. Particularly for me, as I'm a history nut - my Grandfather was heavily involved in all kinds of Top Secret (at the time) missions throughout the last century. Including being literally two hours away from rescuing the Russian Czar and his family during the Revolution. He did however, manage to evacuate some of the Czar's relatives from Sevastopol which is now in The Ukraine.

    Grandpa was a *real* James Bond character long before Fleming got his old Remington out.

    I just love all that stuff.

    Coincidentally, there was a TV show all about him here in the UK which I saw not too long after meeting him.

    Apparently, it's an old Jewish saying. I'm not Jewish, but it resonated with I thought I''d share it with the group.

    Help Us Rescue, Rehabilitate And Reunite Victims With Their Families

    STOP THE TRAFFIK is a growing global movement of individuals, communities and organisations fighting to PREVENT the sale of people,
    PROTECT the trafficked and PROSECUTE the traffickers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Flyingpig7
    It was'ent by any chance simon Wiesenthal was it?

    Oh and if you're still missing the Jeremy Springer show we in the UK have Jeremy Kyle very similar! I still can't believe these people exist. No I've not heard expostulate used in normal conversation either....I love the 3 first posts had to read them twice to get it. mmm it's late at night.


    Have a great day

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    • Profile picture of the author tomw
      Originally Posted by Flyingpig7 View Post

      It was'ent by any chance simon Wiesenthal was it?

      Oh and if you're still missing the Jeremy Springer show we in the UK have Jeremy Kyle very similar! I still can't believe these people exist. No I've not heard expostulate used in normal conversation either....I love the 3 first posts had to read them twice to get it. mmm it's late at night.

      No it was a guy called Efraim Zuroff.

      I'm from the UK. Kyle's just not the same and neither are the guests!

      Help Us Rescue, Rehabilitate And Reunite Victims With Their Families

      STOP THE TRAFFIK is a growing global movement of individuals, communities and organisations fighting to PREVENT the sale of people,
      PROTECT the trafficked and PROSECUTE the traffickers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Jennings
    I was pretty sure someone would expostulate with me in this thread so I'm pleasantly surprised that's not the case!

    Every once in a while I think about adding spinner technology to Article Architect because I *have* seen some impressive uses of it, but then I realize most people would just use it to create crap and I don't want to help with that.

    Jay Jennings

    PS - I think Springer is still on via syndication, according to his web site anyway. (Not that I hung around there longer than it took to find out! Really!)
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