Make money with Blog 2018!!!

by 13 replies
Blogging existed long time ago.
In your opinion,Could you make money with blogging in 2018???
#main internet marketing discussion forum #2018 #blog #make #money
  • Short answer: Yes.

    I've been thinking a great deal about starting a purely "blog" site. I estimate I have enough ideas to post every day for a year. Of course, it won't be for the faint at heart.

  • Banned
  • You can but you need a good angle now. It is just as important to build your social network following than it is writing blog content. Maybe more important as it is getting so much harder to rank in Google.
  • I would say as long as your putting up content that people are interested in and drive enough traffic, then yes it's possible.
  • Yes you can make money blogging . Create targeted content and be strategic .
  • You don't need that much traffic, it's just gotta be ultra-targeted and you have to run it through a funnel.

    The blog content is just the top of your funnel, so you encourage visitors to subscribe to your mailing list, so you deliver value and can promote offers.

    If they don't subscribe, you follow up with retargeting.

    So yes, you can, if you manage it properly.

    But if you just create a bunch of content and *hope* you get enough traffic to make money, with no strategy behind it, then it's gonna take you posting every single day, for a couple of years.

    I've done it both ways. The first way is a lot quicker.
    • [1] reply
    • My thoughts exactly. Back in the "blogging" days, I had many domains that I just punched full of content and waited.......some worked, others did not. The flip side is that I have some nice, aged domains.

      I have been thinking more about blogging with them again, but with your "funnel" style suggestion. We'll see how it goes.
  • Blogging has always worked and it seems to still be doing well.

    But it's more of a long term strategy.

    • The length of the average blog post is up 19%...about 1050 words
    • Shorties are on the decline: the percentage of posts that are 500 words or less is half what is was two years ago.
    • Big posts are on the rise: the percentage of posts that are 2000+ words long has doubled every year.
    • You'll need some proper writing skills in order to write easy-to-read articles of more than 1000 words. Also, large pieces of text could very well scare off your audience

    .You must hit certain benchmarks if you want to succeed at blogging.And that current mark is over 16 blog posts every single month.
    • First, generate topic ideas.
    • Schedule each post.

    Pro tip: Make sure to refresh old content with new data and tips rather than simply copying and pasting. year, we ask bloggers how they approach creating content. We discovered the percentage of visitors who are blogging daily is down by more than 50%.
  • Banned
    YES! I'm worried about the net neutrality though.
  • Many people attempt it but most fail, miserably. But you will never know unless you try and do testing
  • Lam,

    Yes blogging still works even today. Check out my buddy Jesse's blog, he is making multiple six figures from this:

  • I agree to the comments above. Yes, blogging still works and it will stay that way. Of course, this is not something that everyone can work on, especially if you hate doing your own content. Blogging, just like any other task you do, needs to be crafted. You need to know what your audience wants to be able to really become successful at blogging.
  • I use blogs for social proof, not really to make money.

    I remember a while back, Perry Belcher from Digital Marketer asked an audience how much they though an average blogger made per day and gave them a choice of dollar values to choose. They were all wrong and he went on to say that the average blogger makes about $3 per day.

    With that said, I think having a blog(s) can be useful, but I wouldn't want to be a blogger and have it as a sole means of income.

    Of course, there will always be those that make it as a blogger. However, I would rather put my money into building a list than getting traffic to a blog. However, I'm totally biased when it comes to email, as it is how I have become so successful marketing online.

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