What skills are needed to increase chances of success at affiliate marketing?

25 replies
Hi, I am new to this forum but have some background in making money online. I have been kindle publishing for the last 12 months with some success. Earning around $1000 per month consistently.
Now I am looking to try something new. I am seriously considering affiliate marketing and have been reading a lot. But before I dive in I wondered what skills (if any) are required to increase my chances of success?

I am in no real hurry (although I'd love to start making huge sums of cash asap lol) I have work ethic and not afraid of hard work. I'm just trying to determine if this is for me.

If anyone could highlight any of these skills that would be much appreciated.
#affiliate #chances #increase #marketing #needed #skills #success
  • Profile picture of the author CharleyForum
    The foundation for EVERYTHING you will ever do online is:
    • Wordpress
    • Clickfunnels
    • Email List (Aweber)

    The above three tools will cover Offline Businesses (brick & mortar), Affiliate Marketing, Physical Product Marketing and Online Network Marketing.

    Aweber is just my personal choice as is ClickFunnels. Wordpress is affordable and not as easily lost for non-payment or the whim of the provider service. Every affiliate marketer that preaches Marketing Funnels always has a website in his/her arsenal somewhere.

    HostGator.com will literally help you step by step (over the phone) build your Wordpress site. ClickFunnels is a great tool but DO NOT BITE on the upsales and remember it is a tool and not the holy grail. Aweber will bend over backwards to walk you through everything email.

    Website is your foundation so don't buy into ClickFunnels until you are a little more seasoned. If you must take a peek. . . go for the 14 day trial, look around, go through the steps to cancel and they will give you another 14 days

    But build the foundation with Wordpress and I suggest HostGator.com.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    The #1 skill required to make money in any medium is the
    ability to sell in print, video or audio. The rest... Wordpress,
    etc, are just tools to facilitate the sale.

    Let me ask you a serious question... Why?

    A thousand bucks a month isn't the Holy Grail but it's a great start.
    Why do you now want to divert your focus to something totally different?
    Why not continue to scale up the thing you're already having success

    All distractions are equal... diverting your focus to something else may
    very well cost you the income you currently earn from Kindle.
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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    • Profile picture of the author CharleyForum
      True and a good question.
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    • Thats a good question. Unfortunately with kindle I feel im at the mercy of Amazon. With algorithm changes my latest books aren't ranking as well as they were and therefore not selling. I have been writing all my books myself upto now, which has been challenging. I would love to have more diversity in my work.

      Also, I am not learning anything about how online business and marketing operates. You basically write a book, publish it and hope for the best. I would like to learn more about online marketing and how I can have more influence over how well my content performs. I don't like relying completely on Amazon to sell my books. Its not all about the money for me. I am trying to think more long-term.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I've been promoting affiliate / CPA offers for a little over 17 years.

    IMO, the most important skills you need to learn is driving targeted traffic and list building. Everything else can be improved.

    Statistically very few users will ever convert on the first visit. So you want to instead collect their email first and then you will have the ability to follow up as needed and promote other offers.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by How High Can You Fly View Post

    Hi, I am new to this forum but have some background in making money online. I have been kindle publishing for the last 12 months with some success. Earning around $1000 per month consistently.
    Now I am looking to try something new. I am seriously considering affiliate marketing and have been reading a lot. But before I dive in I wondered what skills (if any) are required to increase my chances of success?

    I am in no real hurry (although I'd love to start making huge sums of cash asap lol) I have work ethic and not afraid of hard work. I'm just trying to determine if this is for me.

    If anyone could highlight any of these skills that would be much appreciated.
    I think general marketing is one of the better skills to have. Most of the tech stuff is simplified these days and many services exist to help.
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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    the best skill is to realize that you need to get coaching o be successful. you are not going to make 6 figures a year from a $7 wso.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    The top on my list that i can suggest are:

    1) A recurring income affiliate product (monthly commissions)
    2) Follow-up email marketing
    3) List building
    4) Basic traffic generation
    5) Knowing your cost per sale and cost per lead
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  • Profile picture of the author megamind22
    The good thing is you're not new to the whole make money online thing and thats a plus. Personally if it were me I will concentrate on mastering List building and traffic generation cause if you can master those two skills you'll be able to make money on demand ofcourse with the right push and offers.

    Hope this helps too
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    If you get good at doing these, you'll be a good affiliate:
    1. Market research - so you can identify where there is specific demand for particular products and services. You will also be able to tell where that demand is coming from and where the buyers (with money) can be found online so your can put your offers in front of them.
    2. Driving paid traffic in a cost effective way - so you can send targeted prospects to your offers and still be profitable. Free traffic is an added bonus - but paid traffic will allow you to make money quickly and test your campaigns on a small scale before ramping.
    3. Knowing how to convert that traffic into a sale - so you can get a positive return on your time and money spent in setting up and promoting each campaign.
    4. List building - so you can cultivate an audience of prospects that can be returned to over and over again for different affiliate offers within the same marketplace.
    5. Networking - so you'll know when the best products and services are coming out, so you can develop relationships in various niches, and so product owners will begin contacting you to promote what they are selling.
    The very best to you in your new career,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Thanks so much for your advice Steve. That is exactly the type of information I was looking for
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Brindamour
    How High Can You Fly,

    I would find a successful mentor in your niche and model what they are doing. Find someone who has a proven track record and see if they would be willing to mentor you. In some cases they may have a fee to do this, but it will shave years off the learning curve.


    Subscribe to our Free Home Business Tips Newsletter and get insider tips on how to create wealth in an online business.

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    • Thanks for your reply Chris. Unfortunately mentorship is not something I can't afford atm. However I am interested in investing in a suitable course. If you have any recommendations I would love to hear them. Thanks!
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      • Profile picture of the author CharleyForum
        Look up Sarah Staar. She is a competent teacher that teaches the basics with a lot of patience for beginners. I would recommend "Replace My Day Job - The $200 A Day Blueprint" and you should be able to access it for under 20 bucks. DO NOT BUY UPSALES. Just get to the 4 videos and you will begin to get a grasp regarding your ORIGINAL question. Sarah Staar home page looks kind of hokey but she knows this business very well.
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        • Oh wow thanks. I was looking for an affordable course to start with. The other one I have seen was by Deadbeat Affiliate which is $17 I think. Do you know much about this course? Thanks again.
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          • Profile picture of the author CharleyForum
            No I do not. I had a different guru that created a huge unnecessary learning curve for me and that is why I recommended Sarah Staar to you. So you do not get sidetracked. She is really a trip. She's like the Brian Tracy of online marketing I have watched a few of her videos and she just keeps dropping these huge bombs of ah ha's and tripping me out. I am discovering I have big holes in my education. I wish I had known someone like her when I first started out. Good luck and stay in touch.
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            • Profile picture of the author CharleyForum
              PS: Some of her stuff looks a little old. She may recommend "Thrive Themes" while her sale page is using ClickFunnels. It's all one big learning curve. . . again good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyxie
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    • Hi Tyxie, thanks for your response. I wondered if you have any examples of some good 'influencer marketing' sites?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    For affiliate marketing learn traffic and email marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kumar Rahul 13
    Affiliate marketing profit hovers around how well you can promote your offers. Email marketing and running ads should be considered as top priority thing to learn first.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    But before I dive in I wondered what skills (if any) are required to increase my chances of success?
    The ability to write copy that sells.

    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author Neal01
    When it comes to affiliate marketing a good work ethic is a good start but the main thing for me if establishing trust with your list.

    When doing affiliate marketing your relationship with your list will determine your success online so as long as they are happy, you will do well online.

    If want to make a full time living using just your mobile phone, watch this video for details Watch the video here

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  • Hi,

    First of all, it is a good thing that you know how to write your own content- which is also one of the important keys to start your affiliate marketing journey. Like everyone suggested, getting a good course in affiliate marketing is a must. Once you have learned all that, you can use your skills in writing to create your content pages. Then eventually, you can also create your own digital products, which is better than promoting as an affiliate marketer. Good luck!
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