My FTC Review Site Loophole
Hey Warriors,
Like many others on this forum I own a lot of affiliate review sites and with the new FTC regulation it raises some concern for how review sites may be effected by all this.
So here's my strategy for staying on the up and up with my review sites...
I think the key to avoiding trouble with the FTC and review sites is to act as the middle man for information and simply report to your visitors what others are saying about the product around the web. This is even easier and can be more effective than writing reviews yourself.
Leverage reviews snippets from various sources and give proper attribution to the source the review came from. This way your not directly making any claims and it lets you off the hook since you're only relaying information found somewhere else.
" You can either give a man a fish and feed him for a day OR teach him how to catch a fish and it will feed him for a lifetime"
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