How Can FTC Affect Me If I am Outside United States?

4 replies
I have been thinking about this a lot lately...Does this mean my business won't be affected by it? But the main question here is all my hosting...Payment processors are U.S based. Any inputs here?
#affect #ftc #states #united
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
    It depends on factors OTHER than where you live, including where your money is taken, where your site is hosted, and so forth. So if your payment processor is US-based, you can be fairly confident that you will need to comply.

    Bear in mind, of course, that these laws aren't new, the guides have been updated.
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  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    They can go after your hosting, payment processor, or any assets you may have in the U.S.

    This is how They can go after your hosting, payment processor, or any assets you may have in the U.S. This is how Dik**** from India was arrested and fined $300M in the U.S.

    PartyGaming Executive Anurag Dik**** To Pay $300 Million to U.S. Authorities

    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

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    • Profile picture of the author ryanman
      Originally Posted by Steven Carl Kelly View Post

      It depends on factors OTHER than where you live, including where your money is taken, where your site is hosted, and so forth. So if your payment processor is US-based, you can be fairly confident that you will need to comply.

      Bear in mind, of course, that these laws aren't new, the guides have been updated.
      Well...I also heard that since it would be hard to target each and every single site...They would target networks with affiliate programs. Therefore in my case I feel clickbank would come up with some sort of a disclaimer or a TOS that all it's affiliate & vendors will have to follow.

      Originally Posted by derekwong28 View Post

      They can go after your hosting, payment processor, or any assets you may have in the U.S.

      This is how Dick**** from India was arrested and fined $300M in the U.S.

      PartyGaming Executive Anurag Dik**** To Pay $300 Million to U.S. Authorities
      All I have in the US right now is my hosting and I use clickbank for payment processing. So I guess I will have to comply.

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